The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1444: Plunder Lu Youyou

  Chapter 1444 Plundering Lu Youyou

  "Are you sure there is such a person?"

   "The gate of Chaoxian almost turned upside down, and I didn't find what time you were talking about girl."

   "It's as if it's never appeared before. You're not suffering from a disease, are you?"

  After searching the mountains and plains for a day, there was no trace of the time.

  Even, there is no trace of it.

   "How is it possible? Obviously we went up the mountain together." Lu Youyou sweated on the tip of her nose, and she even wondered if she had a dream by herself?

  Why doesn't the little friend have the slightest trace of existence?

   "There are so many people who come to the pilgrimage today, maybe they are mixed in the crowd and go down the mountain. If there is a destiny, you will definitely see you again." Lu Gonggong comforted, fearing that she would cry again.

  Lu Youyou lightly frowned and sighed.

  I don’t know why, she always feels that it might be difficult to meet Jing Sa.

  After New Year’s Eve passed, Lu Youyou returned to the palace with Renwang.

  People all over the world also know that the only sister of your majesty returns to the palace, and there are still talks from the outside world from time to time.

   And your Majesty also began to pay attention to the young talents in Beijing.

  My sister is already sixteen, and she deserves to be seen.

   "Give me back? What do I have to admire. Brother, you are the ruler of the world. You should get married earlier."

   "My parents didn't worry about my marriage." Lu Youyou was not in a hurry.

  Ren Wang raised his eyelids: "The eldest brother is like a father, I will find the same for you."

  How can parents have this time.

   But Lu Youyou doesn’t object.

  It's only been half a year since he was in the world, and it was almost seventeen, and the king did not pick a good one.

Either    is too weak and has a face.

  Either five big three rough, do not understand Lianxiangxiyu.

  Anyway, he can find faults in every aspect.

  Lu Youyou sat in the Yuhuayuan and exclaimed, “Brother, tell me honestly, did you not plan to find it for me at all?” According to your choice, the Three Realms are not pleasing to the eye.

  Ren Wang looked down and said nothing. He was weaker than Yo Yo and couldn't protect her.

   is better than Yo-yo, and I am afraid that Yo-yo won’t be able to beat it.

  His heart...

  Cang loudly.

   There was a sudden shock, and the tea cups placed on the table slipped and fell to the ground.

  Only an instant, the shaking of the position came again.

   But this time it was much more violent than the last time.

  I saw the tables and chairs on the ground swaying unsteadily. The tea cups and fine porcelains on the table were shaking and falling to the ground.

  The maids and eunuchs were shaking even when they walked, and many had to hold on to barely stand firm.

   "Guardian, escort!"

   "Guardian!" Grandpa Lu shouted in a sharp voice.

  Many gods guarding behind the king of humans are present one after another.

  One by one, the panicked people saw the tall and mighty gods, which made them less panic.

  Lu Yoyo shivered again.

   "What's the matter?" Renwang had been protecting his sister, but when she saw her shivering suddenly, she seemed to have goose bumps on her body.

   "Brother, I seem to be stared at by a fierce beast." Here again, here again.

  The feeling of being coveted by people in Chaoxianmen came again.

  The originally clear sky and blue sky suddenly became gloomy.

  Suddenly a gust of wind blows, flying sand and rocks, everyone can see the hurricane in the sky with naked eyes.

  Wandering around in a whirlpool, wherever he went, he screamed again and again, and the roof was lifted.

  At this moment, Lu Youyou was inexplicably uneasy.

  A heart seems to jump out of the chest.

  (End of this chapter)

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