[Host, you still have self-awareness】

【You didn't use your hobby to challenge other people's jobs! 】

The system began to complain mercilessly.

Qin Feng just rolled his eyes when he heard this and said nothing.

He knew that he couldn't compete with a mouse in digging holes.

"Human boy! I have known for a long time that you have ill intentions, but I didn't expect you to be fooled."

The rat demon stared with his small eyes, and then laughed mercilessly.

Qin Feng was immediately shocked. From what the rat demon said, he might have discovered it the last time Lu Chao came.

The reason why he didn't do anything was because he wanted to play a long game and catch a big fish.

Look, he brought Qin Feng and Guan Changsheng here stupidly.

Lu Chao also heard this on the side. His face suddenly changed. He never thought that this was a conspiracy. The rat demon was in a combat state. He felt that Qin Feng could not deal with it, so he was a little anxious.

He thought that this time was not dangerous and there was profit, so he called Qin Feng to join.

If something happened to Qin Feng here, he would definitely regret it.

""Damn it!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chao swung the Kirin Heaven Shaking Stick in his hand even harder.

The pangolin fighting with him kept complaining. If he didn't have a set of armor, he would have been finished long ago.

He was not Lu Chao's opponent in the first place, and now Lu Chao has entered a state of violence.

He is even less of an opponent.

Guan Changsheng on the other side was also a little anxious. He originally planned to delay time.

So he didn't use his real strength, but now it seems that he can't hold back.

At first, he thought that letting Qin Feng pick the star crystal fruit was the safest thing.

But now it has become the most dangerous.

The cold saw in his hand danced with great force, and the tiger monster was also defeated in the face of him.

Although Guan Changsheng had the upper hand, he didn't get rid of the tiger monster so quickly.

"Boy, let me deal with you first, then I will kill them all!"

The rat demon showed a cruel smile.

He was very bored guarding here all day, and today's incident was just a little fun in his ordinary life.

"Good fellow, it seems that you have me in your hands!"

Qin Feng chuckled when he heard this.

This guy is really arrogant and has already regarded him as a treasure in his pocket.

【Host, if you don't go up and give him a big fight this time, I will look down on you! 】

The system fanned the flames again.

But this time, Qin Feng was not speechless, because he really wanted to go up and give this guy a big fight.

Let him wake up and realize that he can't easily control everyone.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng kicked his feet on the spot, and the whole person rushed towards the rat demon like a cannonball.

Qin Feng's speed was extremely fast, and the rat demon didn't expect Qin Feng to take the initiative to attack him.

So when Qin Feng came in front of him, he didn't react.

Qin Feng slapped the rat demon in the face without hesitation.

【"Well done! Great fight! Great fight!"

Qin Feng saw a thumbs-up emoji in front of him.

【Host, you should have heard it long ago. Let those who bully you have a taste of your big fight! 】

Qin Feng's forehead was black when he heard this.

Who did this guy ask him to fight before?

Ananda! She Ming!

Either the War Demon Realm or the War Lord Realm!

And he is just a pitiful War General Realm, not even the advanced level.

Asking him to fight those two people is like lighting a light in the toilet - looking for shit (death)!

"Don't be so ridiculous!"

Qin Feng complained to the system.

The rat demon also came back to his senses. He couldn't believe that he was slapped by a guy he regarded as an ant.

"How dare you hit me!"

The rat demon's eyes instantly revealed a scarlet light, and it was obvious that he was very angry about being beaten.

"What's wrong with hitting you? I'll kick you!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he kicked out without hesitation.

However, this time the rat demon was prepared and dodged nimbly, so Qin Feng's kick missed.

"Good job! How dare you, a mere ant like you, hit me?"

"I will make you die ugly!"

After the rat demon finished speaking, his figure flashed and approached Qin Feng like a gust of wind.

Then he grabbed him fiercely with one claw.

Qin Feng stepped aside and dodged the claw. Then a black steel bone shovel suddenly appeared in his hand.

Qin Feng hit the rat demon's back with the shovel.


The rat demon screamed, and then twisted its body in mid-air.

Its sharp claws hit the black steel shovel directly.


A sharp collision sounded in the air, and Qin Feng felt a huge force pressing down on him, forcing him to step back several steps.

"As expected of a demon of the war general realm, this strength is a bit too great."

Qin Feng said to himself in his heart.

No matter how amazing Qin Feng's talent is, the gap in realm is still there.

So if it is just a competition of strength, he is naturally no match for this rat demon.

But fortunately, he is not a reckless man who only knows how to compete with strength.

A strong blood force instantly surged from Qin Feng's body to the black steel bone shovel.

Then Qin Feng raised his head and grinned at the rat demon.

"Blood Thunder Ninth Level! Fourth Level!"

In an instant, four blood-colored lightning bolts appeared out of thin air, and then quickly rushed towards the direction of the rat demon.

"What a trifle! How dare you show off in front of me!"

""Wind-breaking Claws!"

The rat demon shouted, and its sharp claws went straight to the four bloody thunders.


The blood thunder hit the rat demon, and in an instant, a burnt smell came out.

Qin Feng also stepped forward again and slapped the rat demon's chest with a shovel.

A layer of black light flashed on the rat demon's body, but when it received Qin Feng's shovel, it was still slapped away.

As soon as the rat demon landed, it flipped over.

But Qin Feng did not chase it out, just stood there. The rat demon looked at the charred black on his body, and was very angry, with unknown cries flashing in his mouth.

This scene was also seen by Guan Changsheng and Lu Chao, which made the two of them greatly relieved.

Originally, the two had been worried that Qin Feng was not the opponent of the rat demon, but now it seems that their worries are a bit redundant.

Qin Feng is still very powerful, at least so far, he still has the upper hand.

They did not ask Qin Feng to deal with the rat demon, just wait for the two of them to free up their hands.

This rat demon also has only one ending, and that is death

"You actually ruined my beautiful fur like this, I must eat you alive!"

The rat demon let out a long howl and rushed over again.

But what the rat demon didn't know was that Qin Feng had just knocked him away and didn't chase him out.

It wasn't that he didn't have this awareness, but he had been accumulating strength.

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