On the other side, after Qin Feng left, he couldn't help but pat his chest when he appeared again.

"It seems that my luck is not bad. This guy was fooled by me."

Qin Feng said with lingering fear. After all, that was a strong man in the War King Realm, and he was not someone he could deal with.

Not to mention him, even if Lu Chao and Guan Changsheng were added.

Even though the three of them could compete with the strong man in the War Hou Jin, the three of them together were not enough to beat the War King with one hand.

After all, this is the gap in realm. According to the current situation of the three of them, it is difficult to cross two realms to fight.

However, Qin Feng still has a trump card, which is the origin jade stone that Guan Changsheng just gave him.

That piece of origin jade stone was carved by the Lord of Daozun Palace himself, and its power is comparable to that of a strong man in the War Zun realm.

If this warrior in the War King Realm doesn’t have any trump cards, he will basically die after being hit by this blow. But

Qin Feng is reluctant to use it here, after all, there is only one piece of this origin jade.

If it is used up, then it will be gone.

Now the Lord of the Sword Palace is unconscious, and it is almost impossible to get his origin jade.

Qin Feng couldn’t help smacking his lips when he thought about this. He thought that if the Lord of the Sword Palace was still awake, then he would definitely have the origin jade.

After all, he had shed blood for the Imperial Capital Martial Palace and fought for the Imperial Capital Martial Palace. He felt that the Lord of the Sword Palace would definitely not... It chilled his heart, but unfortunately the current lord of the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion is Ananda, and that fake monk is a little difficult to talk to.

And his realm is only the War Demon Realm, and he has not yet reached the War Honor Realm.

Qin Feng didn't think much about it, and he hurriedly buried a large number of flame gems.

Only a few were left to extract the flame essence.

After this explosion, his inventory of flame gems was completely emptied.

He felt that he needed to go somewhere to get some more of these flame gems, because he thought that these flame gems were very useful.

Otherwise, there would be nothing to use when he wanted to bomb other people's cities in the future.

Speaking of this, Qin Feng remembered that when he was on the National Warrior List before.

The cult member with the talent of breaking through the air took so much explosives with him.

Qin Feng thought that if he went back, he could suggest that he also carry some hot weapons with him, such as hydrogen bombs and nuclear bombs.

Whoever makes him unhappy at that time, just give him a shot.

Although these hot weapons can't hurt the real strong, they can deal with the War General Realm and the War Waiting Realm.

While thinking about these things in front, he had buried all the flame gems.

Then, he used the flame essence he extracted and put it there to burn the flame gems

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing!"

After doing all this, Qin Feng snapped his fingers to express his inner joy.

Then he hurried out of the city. It would explode soon, and he didn't want to perish with the city.

Qin Feng escaped all the way to the gate of the Crazy Lion City. Just when he was about to leave, dozens of roots shot at him like spears.

For a moment, he had no way to avoid it, so he could only break out of the ground to resist these attacks.

""Who is it?!"

Qin Feng's sudden appearance immediately attracted the attention of the guards at the city gate.

They all yelled and ran forward to surround Lin Fan.

""I'm so young!"

Qin Feng didn't know that he was discovered by the spirits and forced to come up.

He was also very troubled by the spirits, after all, they were in the earth. They were much stronger than him.

The black steel bone shovel appeared in Qin Feng's hand in an instant, and then he chopped forward fiercely.

The powerful blood and qi power, after being transformed by the black steel bone shovel, instantly turned into sharp qi.

The guards didn't expect that Qin Feng would dare to take action in this situation.

They were caught off guard and were hit.

""Pooh! You rubbish! You dare to block my way?"

Qin Feng said pooh, and was about to leave!

"Where are you going!"

At this moment, a big tree blocked Qin Feng's way.

This tree looked like a camphor tree.

When Qin Feng saw this camphor tree, he knew that it was this guy who found him before and forced him out. Otherwise, how could he be in this situation now?

"Since you don't know your own limits, let me give you a taste of this!"

The camphor tree in front of him was only a general, and Qin Feng didn't take it seriously at all.

But at this moment, he didn't want to continue to tangle with the camphor tree. He was not worried about these people. He was worried about the strong men in the Mad Lion City. If the strong man in the War King Realm just now found him,

Qin Feng felt that he would be in trouble.

Qin Feng took out the last flame essence from his attack-breaking space, and threw it at the camphor tree without hesitation.

The flame essence touched the camphor tree, and it burned with raging flames in an instant. The camphor tree immediately let out a shrill scream, and he frantically beat the flames on his body.

But how could the flames of this flame essence be so easily extinguished?

"Hehe, you take your time, I'll go first!"

Qin Fenglang laughed. Now that the spirits were gone, he used the ability of earth fusion without hesitation and escaped directly.

He felt that it would not be long before this place would be discovered by the strong men of the Mad Lion City. If he hid and ran away, he would be in danger.

【Host, why are you so scared?】

【I still like your rebellious look back then! 】Just when Qin Feng had just left, the system's voice rang again. When Qin Feng heard this, he was immediately furious.

I am rebellious, but I also have my AC number in my heart.

In front of people I can beat, I can be rebellious, but in front of people I can't beat, then if I am rebellious, wouldn't I be courting death?

After all, I am just rebellious, not mentally ill.

At this time, the movement at the city gate attracted the attention of the War King who was enjoying the singing and dancing.

He moved and soon came to the city gate.

"Meet Master Mei Shuang!"

The wounded guards, seeing Mei Shuang coming, knelt on one knee without hesitation and saluted.

"What happened here!?"

Mei Shuang saw the camphor tree turned into a pile of debris and asked coldly

"My Lord, this is what happened.……"

Everyone told Mei Shuang the whole story.

When Mei Shuang heard that the man was holding a black shovel, his face suddenly darkened.

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