The colorful double-tailed tiger was killed, and the blood value was taken.

Hey, this little life is so comfortable!

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtain: 10 points of Qi and Health]

Qi and Health instantly increased from 315 to 325.

Simple, direct, and rough.

This is what Qin Feng feels most comfortable with.

Everything can deceive you, except the value!

"I have to go to school tomorrow to see what I can gain from these ten hours.

Qin Feng did not forget this.

After dissecting the tiger, he returned to the ground.


Today is the most exciting moment for senior high school students across the country.

If the Qi and Health value exceeds 100, plus a good awakening ability, you can successfully pass the selection and enter the major martial arts schools!

A banner has been hung on the iron gate of No. 1 High School: Welcome all major martial arts schools to come and give guidance!

Luxury cars drove in one after another.

There were so many that they filled the entire school gate for a while.

Not only the senior high school students, but even the first and second high school students were stunned.

What a grand show!

"Why are there so many martial arts masters coming to our place this year?"

"Forest���Didn't the senior sister help the Zhanfu kill the cult members a few days ago? She must be here for her."

"Senior Sister Lin Fei is too strong, and her future is limitless!"

All the students in the first and second grades showed envious expressions.

The same is true for the third-year students.

Lin Fei: Yuancheng's celebrity, a proud daughter of heaven, A-level awakened ice spirit guardian, plus assisting the local war palace to kill the enemy.

With all these buffs, it is no wonder that she was favored by the high-level martial arts palace!

How can I not envy her!

At this moment, Lin Fei stood at the front, with her chest and head held high, and her eyes were full of pride.

She enjoyed this feeling.

The attention of thousands of people, the pursuit of thousands of people.

All eyes were focused on her.

As for the fraud.

She didn't take it to heart at all.

It has been three days, and the person has not appeared yet.

This shows that the person doesn't care!

In this case, she can take it reasonably!

"I do this for the country."

"After all, I have the posture of a war king!"

Lin Fei raised her lips with a matter-of-fact expression.

At this time, the luxury car stopped.

The senior figures of the major martial arts schools got off the car one after another.

Although they had been mentally prepared, the principal, dean, and teachers of the First High School were still shocked.

These people were all rare big shots!

They came from high-level martial arts schools such as the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School, the Magic Capital Martial Arts School, and the Jinnan Martial Arts School!

Of course, there were also medium-level martial arts schools and key universities. It was a luxurious lineup!

"Lao Zhang, why did you come here in person?"

"I heard that there is a talented young man in Yuancheng, let's take a look"

"I heard the news too."

"Me too!"

Upon hearing this, the instructors of several high-level martial arts schools narrowed their eyes.

Niu Tiezhu (you read that right, this is the governor's name), this bastard, casts a wide net!

The principal was all smiles.

The genius must be talking about Concubine Lin!

Instructor Zhang is from the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School. Judging from his face, he is about 30 years old. His smile is very warm, like the sun shining into everyone's hearts.

He smiled and said,"I heard that your school has students assisting the War House in killing members of the cult. Is this true?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Concubine Lin.

Concubine Lin smiled and nodded without blushing or panting.

Instructor Zhang looked at Concubine Lin, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

The instructors of other martial arts schools frowned.

That's not right!

Niu Tiezhu clearly said that it was a boy named Qin Feng.

How come he became a girl here? Everyone present was an old man.

Soon, they smelled a smell of substitution.

This is why Instructor Zhang smiled more and more brightly.

"Lin Fei, tell me about the situation at that time."The principal said hurriedly.

Lin Fei immediately said:"On that day, I entered the barren mountain with the Demon Knife Squad and accidentally discovered the cult members. Then, we cooperated with the members of the War House to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. After a fierce battle, I killed several people. These members of the Demon Knife Squad can testify."

She had prepared this statement a long time ago.

While speaking, she raised her head, so proud.

Obviously, even she believed it.

The teachers nodded repeatedly.

It is God's blessing that the First High School has such a genius as Lin Fei!

Just as the school was receiving the senior leaders of the major martial arts schools, Qin Feng also stepped into the First High School.

He had just returned from the barren mountain and had no time to go home to wash. His clothes were stained with blood and looked a little embarrassed.

As soon as he entered the school gate, the head teacher and classmates saw Qin Feng.

They were quite excited and came over to ask about his well-being.

This scene was captured by Instructor Zhang.

Soon, the instructors of the major martial arts schools turned their heads and looked over

"That was Qin Feng, who was once the pride of our school. But later he couldn't continue to practice, so he chose to drop out of school and came back today to get his diploma."

The principal noticed the gazes of the instructors and explained in a low voice.

The expressions of Instructor Zhang and others were extremely wonderful.

Drop out of school?

Unable to practice?

Then why is the blood and qi fluctuation so strong!

What kind of joke are you guys playing!

Qin Feng also noticed the gazes of the crowd and was a little confused.

【Have you been discovered as the reincarnation of Qin Shi Huang? Hurry up and ask them to pay you! 】

Daily sharp complaints about the system

【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 355】

【Realm: Intermediate Warrior】

【Talent: Infinite Extraction (SSS), Earth Fusion (D-level Superhuman System)]

After a fire, the beasts in the barren mountain fled in all directions.

But even so, Qin Feng still reaped a lot.

The blood value is as high as 355 points!

At this time, Lin Fei also noticed Qin Feng.

A pair of beautiful eyes were full of contempt.

"Look at this, it probably just came out of the slaughterhouse."

"Useless thing, you can't catch up with me even if you flatter me." She sneered secretly.

Instructor Zhang ignored Lin Fei, walked towards Qin Feng and asked:"That night, you and Zhao Jun killed the members of the Blood Cult?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Qin Feng nodded generously.

As soon as these two sentences came out, the whole school was instantly silent.

Students, teachers, principals, and even the cleaning lady stared with their eyes wide open, wishing their eyes would pop out of their sockets!

That mysterious genius is Qin Feng?

Didn't he drop out of school to work?

Why did he go into the deserted mountains to kill cult members?

And... such a big thing, how could he say it lightly?

If it were them, they would have announced it to the world with drums and gongs!

The most shocked person was Lin Fei.

She only felt her throat dry and dizzy, staring blankly at Qin Feng the whole time.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"When he left school, his Qi and Health value was only 86. He worked hard every day, so how could he have time to practice!"

"I see, he also wants to impersonate someone else!"

Lin Fei was puzzled at first, then she was incredulous, and finally she was angry. She didn't want to give up the honor that she had obtained for nothing! Teacher Zhang and others had no doubts. They could feel that Qin Feng had murderous aura! This was a kind of momentum that required a lot of killing to accumulate, and it was impossible to fake it. On the other hand, Lin Fei. Teacher Zhang could only say one thing: Interesting, very interesting!

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