"It's okay. Since you are here at Youzhou Wufu, you are a guest."

"I will naturally not let you get hurt."

Huang An said a few words to Qin Feng and others, and then left.

After Qin Feng stayed in Youzhou Wufu for a day, he returned to Didu Wufu.

Before leaving, he divided the star crystal fruit into three parts, one for each of them.

As for the star crystal fruit tree, it was carried back by Qin Feng.

When Qin Feng returned to Didu Wufu, the news that he had blown up the Crazy Lion City in the 007 tomb pit was also passed back.

When Ananda learned the news, he was silent for a long time.

He didn't expect that after Qin Feng blew up the Ming Ancient City in the 003 tomb pit, he actually went to the 007 tomb pit to blow up the Crazy Lion City.

He didn't know how to evaluate Qin Feng's behavior.

But he also decided that after Qin Feng came back this time, he must let him stay in Didu Wufu.

This guy is really too wasteful. These two times, whenever there was a little accident, he was gone.

You know He is only at the middle level of the general realm, and there are too many people in the tomb who are stronger than him.

Qin Feng didn't know what Ananda was thinking. The first thing he did when he came back was to plant the star crystal fruit tree in his own yard. Since he became the president of the student union, he not only has his own office, but also his own single-family villa.

This is simply wonderful for him.

He has a small villa at such a young age, which he couldn't even imagine in his previous life.

The goal of life has been achieved ahead of schedule.

After doing all this, Qin Feng began to retreat.

All this shocked the Crazy Lion City, and the country issued a lot of rewards, a full 5,000 merit points.

This is unprecedented wealth for Qin Feng.

In addition, they also obtained the star crystal fruit in the tomb. With such a powerful wealth.

Qin Feng naturally wants to improve his strength.

【Extraction successful!】

【[Obtained: 400 points of Qi and Blood]

This Star Crystal Fruit is worthy of being a third-grade elixir. Each fruit can actually provide him with about 400 points of Qi and Blood.

However, this time, Qin Feng was not in a hurry to improve his strength.

Because the national warrior list is about to begin, he doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of the last time.

This time, no one will give up the championship.

In the secret room, Qin Feng's body was flashing with a layer of golden light, which was a sign of his golden bone.

But there was a hint of colored glaze on his chest, as more and more blood poured in.

He found that the colored glaze on his chest gradually expanded, and then directly covered his whole body.

If someone looked at it from a distance at this time, they would find that Qin Feng looked as transparent as a colored glaze.

Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes and felt his body.

There was an extra layer of colored glaze on his body, and his defense was stronger than before.

"In that case, let's call it the Glazed Body!"

Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.

Although all the Star Crystal Fruits were consumed, his strength was improved, which was naturally good.

Qin Feng felt that if he met the Rat Demon in the War Zone again, it would not be so difficult for him to deal with him.


After practicing for so long, although Qin Feng's strength has greatly improved, his stomach protested.

After all, practicing is also a matter of consuming physical strength, and Qin Feng has not yet reached the strength of fasting.

So he must rely on eating to replenish the energy he needs.

Qin Feng rubbed his stomach and rushed to the cafeteria.

Just as Qin Feng was feasting, Xia Huan came to Qin Feng angrily.

"What's wrong with you?"

Qin Feng looked at the royal sister in front of him and asked with some confusion.

"My president! You finally showed up."

Xia Huan put his hands on the table and looked down at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked up and turned his head away.

"Don't look at anything indecent, don't look at anything indecent!"

No way, this is not what he wants to see, mainly because Xia Huan is too generous.

And she has a lot of money.

Xia Huan naturally heard Qin Feng's whisper, then her pretty face blushed, and she stood up straight in a hurry.

"Hey, Senior Xia, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Qin Feng coughed and broke the deadlock.

"How dare you ask me something? How many times have you been here since you became the president of the Student Union?"

Xia Huan looked at Qin Feng with resentment after hearing what he said.

Qin Feng had hardly been to the entire student union, and was just a hands-off boss.

And Guan Changsheng was just a figurehead, and didn't care about anything.

So basically, Xia Huan was in charge of all matters, big and small, with Baili Jian assisting from the side.

But Qin Feng hadn't shown up for a long time, and Xia Huan couldn't help but feel a little resentful.

Qin Feng looked at Xia Huan like a resentful woman, and couldn't help but touch his nose.

He felt like a scumbag who had just gotten married and left his young wife at home.

"Ahem, isn’t Senior Xia here?"

"With you in charge, I don't have to worry about anything."

Qin Feng hurriedly complimented him. This was his trusted general, so he couldn't offend him.

If it weren't for Xia Huan, how could he have such a carefree life now ?

【Wow! Host, you are so abominable. You actually treat such a beautiful girl as a tool!】

"Ah! If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

Qin Feng curled his lips. What do you mean by treating her as a tool? This is clearly called"the more capable, the more work".

Didn't you see that he didn't say a word to other people, but only favored her?

【Wow! It turns out that all men are pigs, netizens are not lying to me!】

【You men are just liars! You can only use sweet words to deceive girls! 】

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly showed an expression of covering his mouth and crying.

That look was as if he had suffered a great injustice.

"I was wondering why the sky has been sunny recently, it turns out you are the one who made it rainless!"

Qin Feng hated���I’m so angry, this system is so cheap!

"You're talking as if you're not a man! If you scold me, you're scolding yourself!"

【"I am a male, but I am not a human~"

Qin Feng's eyes went dark when he heard this, and he almost fainted.

He felt that he needed to prepare some quick-acting heart-saving pills, otherwise, he would be pissed off by this dog system sooner or later.

"Humph! Stop saying these nice things to me!"

"If you have time, come and help me, it's better than anything else!"

Xia Huan heard Qin Feng's words, and the resentment in her heart disappeared immediately.

But she still said stubbornly

【Alas, silly woman, the only thing you have is your mouth! 】

The system sighed and spoke faintly.

Qin Feng ignored the system and looked at Xia Huan.

"Senior Xia, is there something you can't solve?"

Qin Feng felt that Xia Huan must have encountered some difficulties, otherwise, she would not have come to him.

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