"After adding the Thunder Spirit Stone, it will have a hint of lightning properties, worth 1200 points."

"Red Flame Iron will give your shovel fire attributes, worth 1100 points"

"Mountain Steel, can cut iron like mud, indestructible, worth 1200 points"

"For now, there are only three materials. Do you like any of them?"

"If not, you can come back later."

Yu Hao briefly introduced the various materials, then looked at Qin Feng.

"Um...if I choose two, can I get a discount?"

Qin Feng thought that the Thunder Spirit Stone and the Mountain Steel were both very good, and he wanted both.

So he wanted to get them together. After all, only children make choices, and adults want both.

Yu Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he reacted.

"I almost forgot that you have something in your pocket."

As a mentor in the Resources Department, Yu Hao naturally knew what Qin Feng did and the rewards he gave out.

"Even if you want all of them, there will be no discount."

Yu Hao refused without hesitation. After all, these rare materials are not difficult to sell.

Besides, the things in Wufu are more of a benefit for students, not just for business.

"But the processing fee can only be charged to you"

"What!? You want processing fees?"

Qin Feng almost jumped up three feet high when he heard this!

This black-hearted capitalist! It's too much!

"Of course! You want to upgrade to level 4, so we need to find a professional to do it!"

"If we break it for you, you will have to ask us to compensate you!"

Qin Feng couldn't help curling his lips when he heard this. This was all a rhetoric.

But he obviously had no better way and could only let others do whatever they wanted.

A total of 2,500 points were spent, which made Qin Feng so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.

"Come and get it tomorrow! It won't delay your participation in the trials."

Obviously, Yu Hao also knew about the trials, which proved that the student union's notification work was still in place.

Qin Feng nodded and left.

Although he consumed 2,500 points, he still had 2,500 points left, so he was still a big dog owner.

"After all, I ended up living the life I hate the most."

Qin Feng sighed and returned to his own courtyard.

On the other side, Duan Nian and Fang Tian also received news from the Student Union.

They were both at the level of War Generals, so they were naturally eligible to participate.

"Brother Tian, this Qin Feng is too abominable. He doesn't give you any face and even wants you to participate in the selection competition!"

Duan Nian said viciously after seeing the message on his phone.

Fang Tian put away his phone and glanced at Duan Nian.

"Stop trying to sow discord here!"

"If you weren't such a loser and lost your position as the student union president, this wouldn't have happened."


Duan Nian was speechless for a moment, because what Fang Tian said was the truth.

If he hadn't lost the position of student union president, then the two of them would definitely have a place in the national warrior list this time, there is no doubt about it.

But unfortunately, he is no longer the student union president.

Fang Tian saw that Duan Nian was silent, and didn't say much.

He turned his eyes to the side, and from the cold light in his eyes, it was clear that his heart was not as calm as he appeared.

Everything was fine, and the day of the selection came in a blink of an eye.

Qin Feng took back his black steel bone shovel two days ago.

But now it can't be called a black steel bone shovel. The fine steel thunder shovel is more suitable for his current characteristics.

Qin Feng and Guan Changsheng came to the scene of the selection together. At this time, many people had gathered here.

"Welcome all seniors to participate in this selection competition."

When the agreed time came, Xia Huan quietly appeared on the stage.

She was not at all nervous, looked around, and said slowly

"I am the vice president of the student union, Xia Huan. I will host this selection."

Everyone curled their lips indifferently when they heard Xia Huan's words.

Because Xia Huan's strength is only at the advanced warrior level.

Any one of them is much stronger than Xia Huan, so they don't take Xia Huan seriously at all.

How can a weak person host a competition for a strong person? This is simply a fantasy.

Qin Feng also found that something was wrong and narrowed his eyes.

"It seems that these guys don't take our student union seriously."

Qin Feng said lightly.

If these guys really don't know what's good for them, Qin Feng doesn't mind teaching them a lesson.

"Why are you all standing there without saying anything? Are you dumb?"

Just when Qin Feng was about to speak, a figure appeared beside Xia Huan.

He looked at everyone and said coldly:

"It's Xia Ming, Senior Xia!"

Guan Changsheng said in surprise when he saw the figure on the stage.

""Brother Guan, do you know him?"

Qin Feng asked curiously.

He didn't know Xia Ming, but he could feel Xia Ming's strength, which was at the Battle Stage.

And when Xia Ming appeared, everyone on the field was silent and didn't dare to speak.

It was obvious that they knew Xia Ming.

"Don't you know Xia Ming, one of the four young masters of the imperial capital?"

At this time, Xiao Ding came over. He happened to hear Qin Feng's question and said in surprise

"Should I know him?"

Qin Feng was confused. What is the fourth young master of the imperial capital? The name sounds quite domineering, but he really doesn't know him.

"Wow! Good fellow! I don't even know what you did during the first month of school."

Xiao Ding showed a helpless expression, as if he was defeated by Qin Feng.

"He went to practice, otherwise he wouldn't have reached the middle level of the general realm."

Qin Feng glanced at Xiao Ding indifferently. How could he be the kind of person who would suffer a loss? If

Xiao Ding dared to mock him, he should be prepared to be hurt by him.

"You guy!"

Xiao Ding got angry instantly when he heard this.

If he couldn't beat Qin Feng, he would have beaten him up long ago.

When they first entered the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy, their strengths were similar.

But now, Qin Feng has reached the middle-level warrior realm, but he has just broken through to the high-level warrior realm.

It's really annoying to compare people.

When this guy participated in the national warrior list, he was only at the high-level warrior realm.

I thought I could catch up, but this guy has reached the middle-level warrior realm.

This makes them far behind.

Although they usually go to class together, they can hardly get together when they go out to do missions.

Because of the mismatch in strength, if they follow Qin Feng, they will not be able to waste their lives.

"Okay, stop making trouble, just talk about Xia Ming!"

Qin Feng said to Xiao Ding.

"The four young masters of the imperial capital are the top figures in our imperial capital martial arts school."

"It also represents the top strength among our Imperial Capital Martial Arts School students."

"All four of them, without exception, are at the Battle Candidate stage!"

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