Qin Feng ignored the system.

With Guan Changsheng defeating his opponent, the second round was over.

Under Xia Huan's instructions, everyone rested for half an hour and then went to the third round.

As long as you win the third round, you will get a place in the national war general list.

Unexpectedly, Guan Changsheng played in the first snow of the third round.

And Qin Feng played in the last game of the third round.

Guan Changsheng's luck this time was not the same as before. His opponent was at the peak of the high-level war general realm.

It can be said that if there is a list of war generals in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion.

This person's strength can definitely occupy the top five.

It's just a pity that the two sides collided in the last round.

The strength of both people is enough to represent the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion in the national war general list.

This gave Xia Huan a headache, but there was no way. The rules had been made clear long ago, and it was impossible to make an exception because of one person.

""Senior Qiao!"

Guan Changsheng looked at Qiao Nian and greeted him slowly.

It was obvious that the two knew each other.

And according to Qin Feng's understanding of Guan Changsheng,

Qiao Nian and Guan Changsheng should have a good relationship, otherwise, Guan Changsheng would not take the initiative to say hello.

"I never thought that we would meet each other."

Qiao Nian smiled casually, then looked at Guan Changsheng and said slowly:

"I know you have been preparing for this national ranking for a long time."

"I even gave up on the national fighter list, so I hope you will give it your all and don’t hold back!"

"Of course, I won't hold back either!"

Guan Changsheng was stunned when he heard this, but after a while, he nodded.

Qiao Nian obviously saw his hesitation.

Guan Changsheng knew that Qiao Nian had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

But fate is sometimes so cruel, and they happened to meet.


After Guan Changsheng finished speaking, a dragon roar suddenly sounded on the field.

Then a dragon colt appeared on the field, and Guan Changsheng immediately jumped on the horse.

Qiao Nian nodded, and a black light flashed in front of him, and then two knives appeared in his hands.

"SS-level Monster: Ice and Fire Dual Blades!"

Qiao Nian held a knife in his hand, one emitting blazing flames, the other condensing cold frost.

"It's worthy of being a double S-level talent!"

It was the first time Qin Feng saw this talent, and he thought it was quite awesome.

The two people on the field moved instantly.

Guan Changsheng drove the dragon horse and quickly came in front of Qiao Nian, then swung the cold saw in his hand directly.


Qiao Nian raised his two swords to block, and after the two collided, there was a crisp sound of metal collision.

Guan Changsheng saw this scene and did not hesitate to increase the strength in his hands.

At this time, Guan Changsheng's dragon horse also let out a long roar.

Qiao Nian immediately realized that if he fought with strength, how could he be a match for this man and horse.

So he slid his two swords without hesitation and came to the other side.

He came directly behind Guan Changsheng and slashed with a knife.

Guan Changsheng's reaction was not slow. When he found that Qiao Nian dodged.

He slashed behind him without hesitation.

The cold knife light hit Qiao Nian's hot blade directly.

Qiao Nian suddenly felt numb in the palm of his hand and almost threw the knife in his hand.

""So strong!"

Everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

The strength of these two people seemed to have surpassed the ordinary warrior level.

"In that case, let's decide the winner with one move!"

Qiao Nian said slowly.

He knew that if the two of them continued to fight like this, it would probably take some time before they could tell who was the winner.

So he decided to decide the winner with one move.


Guan Changsheng naturally agreed without hesitation.

""Ice and fire!"

Qiao Nian shouted, and the two swords in his hands seemed to merge into one.

Half of the sword energy was orange and the other half was blue. It rushed directly towards Guan Changsheng.

""Dragon roars in the sky!"

Guan Changsheng and his horse merged into one, his whole body emitting a faint golden light, and then he slashed out with his sword.


The two attacks met in mid-air, and a huge explosion occurred.

The shock wave generated by the explosion directly knocked over some of the onlookers who were at the primary level of warriors.

Only those who reached the intermediate level of warriors could be safe and sound.

Xia Huan was a little unsteady at once, but at this time Xia Ming put a hand on her shoulder, allowing her to barely stand steady.

"It was so terrifying! The aftermath alone made it hard for us to stand!"

"Are these two people really just at the level of generals?"

"I thought I was very powerful, but I didn't expect that there are always people better than you."

Qin Feng was also serious at this time. The strength of these two people was indeed extraordinary.

"I lost."

After the aftermath, Qiao Nian smiled bitterly, and then slowly spoke.

Although everyone saw that the two sides were evenly matched.

But he could clearly feel that Guan Changsheng stopped at the last moment.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have been slapped away.

Guan Changsheng didn't say anything, he did hold back.

"Changsheng, I hope you can lead our Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy to regain its glory."

"I believe you can do it!"

Qiao Nian looked at Guan Changsheng and said slowly.

Guan Changsheng nodded solemnly and said:

"Don't worry, Senior Qiao, I will!"

Qiao Nian nodded when he heard this, and then walked off the stage in a chic manner.

Guan Changsheng also returned to the stage.

After Qin Feng saw Guan Changsheng, he couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

""Brother Guan, awesome!"

Guan Changsheng shook his head.

"There's nothing to brag about. Senior Qiao is actually as strong as me, but he didn't intend to fight a war of attrition with me."

"Brother Guan, why don't we find a chance to arrange for him to join?"

Qin Feng thought for a while, and then said. Anyway, one of them is the president of the student union, and the other is the vice president. It's still possible to arrange for one person.

"No, rules are rules, and we cannot break them because of our personal emotions."

"Otherwise, what is the difference between us and Duan Nian, Cheng Ying and the like?"

Qin Feng touched his nose awkwardly when he heard this.

He had good intentions, but now he has become Duan Nian, Cheng Ying and the like.

"I understand your good intentions, but I think even Senior Qiao wouldn't want to get a spot this way."

Qin Feng nodded and said nothing. The one who said this was Guan Changsheng. If it were someone else, Qin Feng would definitely let them know how powerful his iron fist is.

"You are noble! You are amazing!"


Soon, the last match of the third round began.

Qin Feng stepped onto the stage without hesitation.

But he never expected that his opponent would be the last president of the Student Union, Fang Tian!

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