Sun Jingde never expected that he would meet Qin Feng.

After hearing what Xie Jinhui said, he quickly turned around and looked at Qin Feng.

Then he smiled.

"It is really true that after searching for a long time, you can finally find it without any effort!"

"We have been looking for you for a long time, but we didn't expect you to show up by yourself!"

Sun Jingde looked at Qin Feng and said coldly


As soon as Sun Jingde finished speaking, Qin Feng slapped Sun Jingde in the face without hesitation.

"You dare to hit me! ?"

After being slapped, Sun Jingde was stunned for a moment.

Then he reacted and was immediately shocked and angry.

"I think you guys made a mistake."

"Now you two are my prisoners, and you still dare to threaten me?"

"Who gave you the courage?"

"If this wasn't in the competition, both of you would be dead now."

Qin Feng looked at the two people with disdain and said coldly.

This Sun Jingde is really funny. At this moment, his bracelet is in Qin Feng's hand.

As long as Qin Feng exerts a little force, Sun Jingde will be eliminated directly.

There is no room for maneuver.

When Sun Jingde thought of this, his face suddenly turned pale.

He had just subconsciously forgotten about this, and now that Qin Feng mentioned it, he remembered it.

"Qin...Qin Feng, we can talk about this. Please return the bracelet to us first!"

"We are all human beings, we should unite to deal with those monsters."

Xie Jinhui showed a flattering smile and looked at Qin Feng.

"Do you think it's possible? You are so shameless that you actually united to deal with our Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy."

"Now they say that we are all human beings, which is really disgusting!"

"You actually still think I will let you go?"

Qin Feng heard what Xie Jinhui said, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

If he didn't know about this, maybe Qin Feng wouldn't attack them directly.

But now that he knows, Qin Feng will naturally not be merciful.

"Tell me, what did you do?

Qin Feng's eyes were like sharp arrows, looking at the two of them.

They immediately felt a chill.


When Xie Jinhui heard this, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But at this time, Sun Jingde quickly reacted and glared at Xie Jinhui to stop him from continuing.

Xie Jinhui was glared at by Sun Jingde and didn't dare to say anything.


Qin Feng saw this scene, but he was not angry. He punched out directly.

Sun Jingde was caught off guard and was hit by the punch. He fainted.

"You, dig a hole, bury him, and leave his head outside.

Qin Feng looked at Xie Jinhui coldly, and then he held Xie Jinhui's bracelet in his hand.

"You don't want to be eliminated so quickly, do you?"

Xie Jinhui's face suddenly showed a hesitant expression. After all, he was a member of Jinnan Wufu.

It was okay to be eliminated, but not so quickly, otherwise, where would his face be.

The most important thing was that he was a little confused about Qin Feng now, and he didn't dare to fight him to the death.

"Or do you want to do the same as him, where I knock you out and then I do it myself?"

Qin Feng saw his hesitation and continued to threaten him.

People are like this. Once someone holds their hand, they will step into someone else's trap step by step.


Xie Jinhui finally gritted his teeth and agreed. After all, he felt that he could still accept what Qin Feng asked him to do now.

He thought that if he couldn't accept it later, it would be okay to perish together.

When Xie Jinhui had almost buried Sun Jingde, Sun Jingde woke up.

When he found that it was Xie Jinhui who was burying him, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

""Xie Jinhui, what are you doing!?"

Sun Jingde was shocked and angry. How dare this guy!

Or was it that this was originally a trap, and Jinnan Wufu secretly joined forces with Didu Wufu?

But this is impossible. After all, the gap between the enemy and us is huge, and the people of Jinnan Wufu should not be so stupid.

It seems that Xie Jinhui in front of him is a traitor! He secretly betrayed them.

Thinking of this, Sun Jingde looked at Xie Jinhui with a somewhat sinister look.

""Brother Sun, don't blame me, I have no other choice!"

Xie Jinhui said bitterly after seeing Sun Jingde's eyes.

If there were other ways, he would definitely not want to do this, but there was no other way, so he had to do this.

"You traitor, you actually betrayed us, you are finished, I tell you!"

Sun Jingde stared at Xie Jinhui angrily.

He knew that no matter what, the two people in front of him would not dare to kill him.

In this case, as long as he got out, he would definitely not let Xie Jinhui go. When

Xie Jinhui heard this, he immediately had a black question mark face.

How did he become a traitor? This is simply too much

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to be so energetic even after being buried in the soil."

Qin Feng squatted in front of Sun Jingde, then took a dogtail grass and scratched his face.

"Qin Feng, if you want to eliminate me, then eliminate me!"

"Don't even think about getting any information from me!"

Sun Jingde said with his neck stiff, with a determination to die rather than surrender.

"Good! Very good!"

Qin Feng couldn't help but clapped his hands.

"I just like people like you who are tough!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he took out the Big Yellow Water Plus version from the space that broke through the air!

"This is the essence of rhubarb water made from the essence of the snake and rat tongchang fruit."

Qin Feng shook the bottle of rhubarb water in front of Sun Jingde.

"Oh, by the way, you should know what the Snake Rat Tongchang Fruit is, right?"

Sun Jingde's face turned green when he heard this.

How could he not know about the Snake Rat Tongchang Fruit? It was a well-known laxative.

He didn't expect that Qin Feng would be so crazy and come up with this thing.

"Qin Feng, if you have the guts, just eliminate me. What's the point of doing these things! ?"

Sun Jingde looked at Qin Feng fiercely, and then said angrily

"Just do what you say. You are quite good at making arrangements!"

Qin Feng smiled disdainfully, then curled his lips.

This guy, he still wants to order him to do things, but he is really arrogant.

"Now you only have two choices"

"1. Drink this rhubarb water and pickle yourself here"

"2. Just answer my questions honestly and I will let you leave with dignity."

"Otherwise, when you are caught"

"You smell like excrement all over your body. What do you think will happen to you in the Magic City Wufu in the future?"

Qin Feng showed a devilish smile, then looked at Sun Jingde and spoke slowly.

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