"I'm just strolling here. It's none of your business. Don't meddle in other people's business!"

Qu Ning'er was speechless.

She never thought that she was discovered when she was just out to perform a mission.

And this young man looked like an ordinary tourist. Normal people would not be so immature.

Recently, the intelligence department of the War Mansion discovered that there were cult members in this area.

But when they further investigated, they did not catch those cult members.

But through various clues, they inferred that those cult members were very likely hiding in this holiday villa.

So Qu Ning'er took the initiative to ask for an order to come to this holiday villa to investigate.

But what she never expected was that there were so many tourists in this holiday villa during the day.

She had no chance at all.

Now it was finally dark and there were no more tourists out, so she had the opportunity to come out to explore.

Unexpectedly, she was discovered by Qin Feng again not long after she came out.

When people are unlucky, even drinking cold water will get stuck in their teeth.

After Qu Ning'er finished speaking, she was ready to leave

"Humph! In the middle of the night, you are a woman, hiding here sneakily, can you be a good person?"

Qin Feng snorted coldly, and then stood in front of Qu Ning'er, not letting her leave.

She didn't believe what Qu Ning'er said at all.

A girl ran to this deep mountain forest in the middle of the night.

Are you bored?

【Host, have you ever thought that you also came here in the middle of the night! 】

The system spoke again at an inappropriate time, which made Qin Feng want to beat him to death

"Can I be the same? And I am a blue boy!"

Qin Feng said with a stiff face.

【Red card warning! You are being sexist! 】

After the system said this, two big red words appeared in front of Qin Feng's eyes.

That was"Warning"!

And a piercing alarm sounded in his ears!

"I’m not! I didn’t! Don’t talk nonsense!"

Qin Feng started to deny three things in a row without hesitation. He was afraid that if he continued to talk, the book would be censored.

"You stinky boy, you look down on me!"

After hearing what Qin Feng said, Qu Ning'er's face showed a trace of anger.

She clenched her fist, quickly approached Qin Feng, and then punched him.

Qin Feng was shocked when he saw Qu Ning'er suddenly in front of him. He quickly stepped back a few steps and avoided Qu Ning'er's attack.

"She is actually a War Marquis!"

Qin Feng never expected that Qu Ning'er was actually a War Marquis master.

But now, Qin Feng felt that something was wrong with her.

What was a War Marquis doing here? There must be some conspiracy.

"I didn't expect you to have some skills!"

Qu Ning'er's attack failed, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

You know, she is at the high-level war marquis realm. Although it was just a random punch just now, it is not so easy to dodge it.

And with her eyesight, she naturally saw that Qin Feng was only at the high-level war general realm.

There is a big realm difference between the two.

""Don't underestimate me!"

Qin Feng showed a serious expression. If this guy is really a member of the cult.

The most important thing now is to pass the news and let everyone know that there is such a thing.

In Qin Feng's opinion, these cult members should not act alone, at least they will have an accomplice.

And there are quite a few ordinary people in this holiday villa.

If these cult members start killing, I don't know how many people will die.

Xiao Ding and others are only at the warrior level, and they have no power to fight against the war marquis level.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng instantly took out his fine steel thunder shovel and looked at Qu Ning'er with a covetous look.

Qu Ning'er was confused. He didn't know why Qin Feng was suddenly full of fighting spirit.

But she couldn't care too much. This guy didn't listen to her at all.

Then she could only subdue him first and then talk about other things.

Qu Ning'er rushed over quickly, and Qin Feng pointed his toes and retreated backwards.

"Can you escape?"

Qu Ning'er increased her speed again, and was about to catch up with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng swung the fine steel thunder shovel in his hand without hesitation.

The blood and energy in Qin Feng's body, after passing through the fine steel thunder shovel, turned into a thunder and lightning force, rushing towards Qu Ning'er.


Qu Ning'er shouted softly, and then threw a punch, directly shattering the lightning force.

With a fierce fist, she blasted towards Qin Feng again with a devastating attitude.

"Damn it!"

Qin Feng saw this scene and raised the fine steel thunder shovel in his hand without hesitation, directly blocking the attack.


A crisp metal collision sounded, and then Qin Feng was blown away like a kite with a broken string, and crashed into a tree not far away.

Qin Feng suddenly felt a strong pain in every bone in his body.

""Damn! This guy is quite powerful!"

Qin Feng endured the pain and stood up from the ground.

He felt that he could not sit there and wait for death any longer, and he must think of a way.

At this time, Qu Ning'er couldn't help but frowned.

Because she found that the fight between her and Qin Feng was a bit loud, and it might attract people from the holiday villa.

By then, she might not only fail to complete the reconnaissance mission, but also alert the enemy, which would be troublesome.

Qu Ning'er wanted to leave, but she saw Qin Feng stood up again.

She felt that if she didn't block Qin Feng's mouth, the matter would be known to everyone as soon as she left.

It would still be the same trouble at that time.

Thinking of this, Qu Ning'er couldn't help but walk towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was thinking about whether to use the bright stone directly to attract The huge commotion alerted the people in the holiday villa.

But he was afraid that if he was really exposed, these cult members would be angry and take action directly.

At this time, Qin Feng saw Qu Ning'er coming over, and he used his stored power without hesitation.

No matter what, he couldn't just sit there and wait for death!

When Qu Ning'er was only one meter away from Qin Feng, Qin Feng swung out with a shovel at lightning speed.

But Qu Ning'er was also quick-eyed and quick-handed, and directly grabbed Qin Feng's shovel. No matter how Qin Feng moved, he was still motionless.

Before, when facing the demon tribe in the war realm, Qin Feng not only had the strength to fight, but also could win the battle.

But today when facing Qu Ning'er, Qin Feng suddenly felt suppressed.

"Stop it, stop hitting me, I'm not an enemy!"

At this time, Qu Ning'er said slowly.

After she finished speaking, she let go of Qin Feng's shovel and was about to reach out for her ID.

But how could Qin Feng give up such a good opportunity, and he swung the shovel directly.

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