After all, he was taken away suddenly by He Guang, and he had no time to explain to them at that time.

So they must be worried about this.

After all, so much time has passed.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng rushed back without stopping.

He also wanted to see what kind of expression Lu Chao would have when he saw that he had broken through to the primary war realm.

Not long after, Qin Feng returned to the hot spring hotel. At this time, the front of the hot spring hotel was a mess.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that there had been a big battle here.

However, in Qin Feng's opinion, He An was held back by him yesterday, and no one should be able to threaten Lu Chao and others.

As soon as Qin Feng stepped into the hot spring hotel, he felt a strong wind coming from behind.

He did a roundhouse kick without hesitation and kicked a person away.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

Qin Feng looked at the man who attacked him. He was only a mid-level warrior. He was dressed very ordinary. He didn't look like a cult member. Instead, he looked like a tourist.

" are not a member of the cult?"

The man covered his chest, looked at Qin Feng with some doubts, and asked.

Qin Feng:...

Qin Feng was speechless. You didn't even distinguish between the enemy and me, and just attacked me?

"Of course I'm not"

"If I were you, you would have been finished long ago."

Qin Feng said this, not to fool people. If he was a member of the cult, it would be easy for him to bloodbath the entire resort villa with He An's cooperation last night.

"Qin Feng!? You're back?"

At this time, Lu Chao and others probably heard the noise and hurried down.

When Lu Chao saw Qin Feng, he was excited for a moment.

"Yes, Lu Ge, I'm back, look at me……"

"Damn it! How did you break through to the War Marquis Realm! ?"

Qin Feng stared at Lu Chao with his eyes wide open. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but Lu Chao was still at the primary War Marquis Realm.

"The battle last night was too intense, and I broke through while fighting."

Lu Chao scratched his head embarrassedly after hearing what Qin Feng said. He broke through while fighting...

Qin Feng couldn't help but feel bitter when he heard this.

You know, he absorbed so much energy with the help of the system.

He broke through to the primary warlord realm.

But Lu Chao broke through after a battle.

Qin Feng said that he was so wronged that he wanted to cry.

"He’s cheating! This guy is definitely cheating!"

Qin Feng roared in his heart, but this time the system did not reply to him.

Qin Feng then remembered that the system had been upgraded.

"What's wrong? Qin Feng, are you okay?"

""Is he injured?"

Lu Chao saw that Qin Feng looked a little strange, and asked with concern.

He was still very worried when Qin Feng disappeared last night.

But later He Tian told him the truth, which made him feel relieved.

But it was not until he saw Qin Feng just now that he was completely relieved.

But now Qin Feng showed this appearance, which made him worried again.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry about me!"

Qin Feng held back his tears and said

"All right……"

Although Lu Chao didn't know why Qin Feng was like this, since Qin Feng said so, he couldn't say much.

At this time, Qu Ning'er came back from outside.

She saw Qin Feng at a glance, and in an instant, she showed a happy expression.

"Qin Feng, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I don't want to eat Liuliumei."

Qin Feng replied weakly.


Qu Ning'er was confused when she heard this.

But looking at Qin Feng, there should be no problem.

Moreover, this guy actually broke through to the primary war marquis realm. Are all the geniuses of the martial arts school so abnormal?

"The signal base station has been repaired. I have called the Zhan Mansion and someone will come to pick it up later."

Qu Ning'er looked at everyone and said.

With the help of Guangming Martial Arts Hall yesterday, they successfully eliminated the people of the Blood Cult.

Then they hurriedly found the professionals of the holiday villa and asked them to repair the signal base station.

In order to ensure their safety, Qu Ning'er has been guarding there.

"By the way, Qin Feng, where is my master?"

At this time, He Tian stepped forward, looked at Qin Feng, and asked.

Qin Feng's face darkened when he heard this. He naturally knew who the master He Tian was talking about was.

"Senior He... He was poisoned by the Blood God Son, and now he is afraid……"

When Qin Feng came back, he went to the place where he and He Guang had parted.

But He Guang was no longer there, so Qin Feng went back directly.

What surprised Qin Feng was that after He Tian heard what Qin Feng said, he did not do anything extreme. He just nodded sadly and walked aside.

Qin Feng sighed when he saw this.

He guessed that Senior He Guang had already decided to die and had already given them a shot of prevention.

So He Tian and others were already prepared in their hearts.

""By the way, what about He An? Was he killed by Senior He Guang?"

Qu Ning'er looked at Qin Feng and asked.

Now the only one who knows the cause and effect of the matter is probably Qin Feng.

"Here's what's going on……"

Qin Feng explained the whole story.

After listening to it, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Senior He Guang has done his best.

After a while, the people from the Zhan Mansion came over.

They are indeed a professional team. The speed of handling the aftermath made Qin Feng call them experts!

Qin Feng and others just cooperated, took a record and went back.

Qu Ning'er stayed to see the two off.

"It was really unexpected that so many things happened during a good trip."

Lu Chao looked at Qin Feng and smiled bitterly.

He originally wanted to call Qin Feng out to relax, but he didn't expect that he almost couldn't go back.

"No one wants to see this kind of thing, and there is nothing you can do if you encounter it."

Qin Feng shrugged. No one is a prophet who can predict everything.

If the future could really be predicted, there wouldn't be so many tragedies.

"What are your plans next?"

Lu Chao saw Qin Feng and asked

"There is nothing to do for now, and I have also broken through to the primary general realm, so I am going to take a break for a while."

"It's a good opportunity to go to Jiangnan Province."

Qin Feng thought for a while, then said

"Well! Combine work and rest, don't push yourself too hard."

Lu Chao nodded, then asked with some doubt:

"But what are you doing in Jiangnan Province? Your capital is quite far from Jiangnan Province."

Lu Chao asked, somewhat confused.

"Nothing, my sister is in Jiangnan Military Hospital, I haven't seen her for a long time, I'm going to see her."

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