"The genius of the Imperial Capital Wu Mansion was attacked in the abandoned city area? He has been admitted to Youzhou People's Hospital!》

《A genius named Qin in the Abandoned City Area was seriously injured and has been observed in the intensive care unit. His life is in danger at any time!》

《Outrageous! Lied about being a genius? Seriously injured and dying? Please follow us to observe the local situation!》


For a time, the news of Qin Feng's serious injury spread throughout the streets and alleys, attracting the attention of countless people.

In fact, Qin Feng is a very small figure, and no one would pay attention to him.

These are the news deliberately released by the Governor of Youzhou.

Don't ask why!

It's a fishing enforcement!

In the afternoon.

A heavy news came out!

《The genius named Qin who was injured in the abandoned city area may have to be transferred to another hospital! 》

Because someone is secretly operating.

The popularity of this news is high


Inside the hospital,

Qin Feng stared at the screen of his mobile phone with wide eyes.

What hatred, what resentment?

The governor of Youzhou wanted him to die?!

"this this this……"

He widened his eyes:"This is too deliberate, who will be fooled?"

In addition to Qin Feng, there were Lu Chao, Liang Guoan, and the local government governor's secretary, Secretary Chen.

Secretary Chen wore gold-rimmed glasses, capable and energetic, and smiled lightly:"There are some things you don't understand. There are many twists and turns here."

"Tell me, I can learn something."

Qin Feng quickly sat up from the bed and asked for advice humbly.

Secretary Chen stood by the window, looking at the strange flow of people outside, and sneered:"The identities of the Blood Cult members are very complicated. They may come from a certain company, a certain family, or even a certain martial arts house. Once caught, do you think the governor will let them go easily?"

"Do you want to blackmail me?" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes.

Lu Chao and Liang Guoan rolled their eyes.

Seeing through it but not saying it.

This Qin Feng is really ignorant! (Pure Beijing accent)

Secretary Chen did not hide it:"Yes, but not entirely. Youzhou is too poor. The Wu Mansion and the local government have to suppress the tombs and prevent foreign invasions. Resources are really scarce. It's just right to get some financial revenue from these people."

Qin Feng suddenly realized.

Blackmail can be said so clearly and unworldly!

I am really too green.

I must learn!


Secretary Chen pushed his glasses and said seriously,"The people who want to kill you should not only be from the cult."

Qin Feng sighed,"I've been so low-key, but they still want to target me. How abominable!"

Everyone: ???

Why does this sound a bit harsh?

Secretary Chen didn't respond and smiled,"If nothing unexpected happens, tonight should be very lively."

"Should I be prepared?" Qin Feng clenched the black knife on the bed, his eyes showing a fighting spirit.

Secretary Chen smiled as he walked out, confidently saying:"If we in Youzhou can't even protect a little guy like you, we might as well disband. You just watch the show."


"Qin Feng is going to transfer tonight, what should I do?"

"Kill! He is growing too fast!"

"He must be killed, this kid cannot be left alive!"

In a corner of the city, a group of people gathered and talked in low voices.

Then, they made a phone call and whispered,"What did your pharmaceutical company say?"

"Shut up!"

The other end of the phone shouted, and the voice revealed that there was no doubt:"We must raid the hospital tonight and take Qin Feng away at all costs. Remember, the body must be preserved. It will be of great use to me!"

"I'm afraid the war will come early……"

The followers of the Blood Cult are somewhat worried

"You must be prepared to sacrifice!"

"If Qin Feng died despite all the protection, it would mean that the local government was incompetent, and ordinary people would see that this so-called prosperous age was nothing but an illusion!"

After saying that, the call was hung up.

The believers looked at each other with fierce eyes.

The battle begins tonight!


Night fell.

The hospital was still brightly lit.

Suddenly, a large number of patients appeared at the hospital entrance. There were patients who had been in car accidents, injured, had colds and fevers, etc.

After they squeezed into the hospital, they immediately scattered.

"Qin Feng is in the intensive care unit on the third floor."

They passed this message to each other and quietly went up.

Soon, the group of people arrived on the third floor.

Several doctors and nurses came over and asked with a smile:"Hello, is there anything I can help you with?"

"I feel so bad, can the doctor help me?"Someone sent the doctor away, while others continued to search.

A doctor smiled enthusiastically:"No need to look, I will help you completely eradicate it!"

The next second, a head flew up.

Hot blood spurted out, staining the ground and ceiling red.

This scene was too sudden.

The group of people were stunned.

Then, they reacted and roared:

"Kill him!"

"These are all government lackeys!"

"Dedicated to the Doctrine……"

The blood was surging, and the roars continued.

The entire third floor was in chaos in an instant.

At the same time, more than a dozen figures appeared on the top floor of the hospital.

They fell from the high platform, ready to airdrop into the ward where Qin Feng was.

Whoosh— a gust of wind suddenly swept in!

The green whirlwind, sharp as a knife, instantly shredded their legs into pieces, as if a heavy bloody rain had fallen!

In the dark night, someone controlled the gust of wind and overlooked the hospital.

A fight broke out!

On the top floor in the distance, a man in a blood-red cloak took it all in.

He was the governor of Youzhou, very fat, smiling, and very friendly, but he exuded a terrifying murderous intent.

"Yuanyi Pharmaceutical Company, the Hao family, local thugs……"

"Has the Blood Cult's hand reached so far?"

"Don't kill them all, leave those members of the business family. There has been some movement in the Youzhou tomb recently, and I need to get some resources."

The Governor of Youzhou smiled faintly, like a Maitreya Buddha.

Suddenly, he sensed a familiar breath, his eyes suddenly looked to the east, and his voice gradually became cold:"Why did you old guys come out? Don't tell me that you have something to do with the Blood Cult"

"Answer my question, or...Kill!"


The noise outside was getting louder and louder. But the ward was very quiet.

Lu Chao was very calm.

Liang Guoan was even calmer.

Secretary Chen just sat there playing with his phone.

This made Qin Feng laugh and cry.

Judging from the fluctuations of qi and blood, anyone who came in from outside could probably flatten this floor!

Secretary Chen smiled and said,"Don't be nervous. Although Youzhou is poor, it has many talents. If you can't even stop this, how can you guard the Youzhou tomb pit?"

""Secretary, how dangerous is the tomb?" Qin Feng became interested.

Secretary Chen paused for a moment, raised his head, and said seriously,"Dangerous? Not dangerous at all. There are natural treasures and great adventures everywhere. As long as you are lucky, you can go down to the Warrior Realm and come back to the King of War."

Lu Chao and Liang Guoan held their foreheads in tacit agreement.

Well, this guy is starting to talk nonsense!

"Really?"Qin Feng was half-believing and half-doubting.

The version he knew was that the tomb pit was extremely dangerous.

The example of the Imperial Capital Wu Mansion.

The ten ancient stones were dead or missing.

Even the master of the mansion fell into a deep sleep.

【Maybe Blue Star OL has updated its version, and you haven't updated it yet]

The system complains in time

"Everything is possible in the tomb." Secretary Chen smiled mysteriously.

Qin Feng quickly asked:"Is there a treasure that can bring people back to life?""

"Yes, Jinyuan Healing Fruit, Chaos Water, etc. are all fine."Secretary Chen replied.

Qin Feng's eyes sparkled.

He secretly memorized these things in his heart.

Liang Guoan on the side couldn't stand it.

What Secretary Chen said was true.

But these two things are rare treasures!

Do you want Qin Feng to find them with his head?

At this moment. It suddenly became quiet outside.

Secretary Chen put down his phone and slowly stood up:"Let's go, it's time to settle the accounts."

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