The front half of the Qinggang alloy shovel has a blade, which is very sharp and can easily cut the skin and flesh of the steel-haired wild boar.

Take out the valuable parts and put them in the backpack.

The backpack has the function of isolating the smell of blood, which can avoid the pursuit of ferocious beasts.

Then, Qin Feng cut off the flesh and blood of the steel-haired wild boar and threw it to various places to attract other ferocious beasts.


Continue to squat on the tree.

There is nothing else. Qin Feng has just stepped into the beginner warrior not long ago. If he wants to kill monsters, he must play to his strengths.

If he fights head-on, the steel-haired wild boar can smash him to pieces, the kind that even a vacuum cleaner can't put him together.

Therefore, sneak attack is the kingly way!

Qin Feng's patience is very good. The cat did not move on the tree, and there was almost no movement.

After 1 hour.

The subtle sound came again.

Qin Feng held his breath and hurriedly observed the surroundings.

In the woods, a snake-like beast slowly crawled out.

Its whole body was as red as jade, extremely exquisite, like a jade carving artwork, with a slightly raised head, and constantly spitting out snake tongue

"Blood-sucking snake."

Qin Feng's eyes narrowed.

The medicinal value of blood-sucking snake is very high.

Someone at the military base offered 10,000 yuan for one.

It is very cunning and difficult to find. Once bitten, it sucks blood and releases toxins that destroy blood cells.

The blood-sucking snake did not find Qin Feng.

It came in front of the steel-haired wild boar, opened its mouth, and sucked blood in big mouthfuls.

"No matter how cunning the beast is, it cannot match the wisdom of humans."

Qin Feng smiled, raised the shovel in his hand, and threw it with all his strength.


The sound of breaking wind was heard.

Before the blood-sucking snake could react, its entire head was cut off.

The snake head rolled down.

The snake body maintained its nerve connection and kept rolling left and right.

Qin Feng jumped down from the tree and directly extracted the blood-sucking snake's body.

【Extraction successful!】

【Obtain: 5 points of Qi and Health]

Qi and Health 123.55!

Qin Feng grinned.

He could earn money and increase his Qi and Health.

This was a win-win situation!

He threw the corpse of the blood-eating snake into his backpack. Although it was incomplete, it was worth at least 5,000 yuan, which was a considerable income.

He copied the same method.

He continued to squat on the tree!

【One person, one rod, one pack of cigarettes, one day fishing; you, you are alone, one pack of cigarettes, and you sit there all day! 】

Qin Feng curled his lips and muttered:"If you give me an ancient holy body, I will go down and fight them hard."

20 minutes later.

Qin Feng jumped and chopped off the second steel-haired wild boar.

Another hour later.

Qin Feng smashed the spine of a colorful roe deer


Time passed by.

Soon, the sun set.

Looking at the blood all over the ground and the bleeding shovel in his hand, Qin Feng showed a satisfied smile.

His backpack was bulging with materials of fierce beasts.

The blood value was as high as 164!

When entering the barren mountain, Qin Feng's blood value was 113.55.

In just half a day, the blood value increased by 51 points!

This is simply a miracle!

You know, the wolf blood pill that costs 20,000 yuan has a certain probability of increasing the blood value by 5 points, and it also needs to be combined with hard practice.

Qin Feng now only needs to kill fierce beasts to easily improve.

The difference here cannot be described in words!


Qin Feng looked at the bloody sunset and laughed softly,"Everything is getting better."

Then, he returned to the military base along the same route.

A few minutes later, the steel fence came into view.

This was normal.

He had not gone deep into the barren mountains at all, but had been hunting on the periphery.

One word can sum it up.

That is: Go!


Military base.

Everyone was stunned to see Qin Feng return safely.

This guy actually came back alive?

Not only alive, but also brought back a backpack of beast materials!

Qin Feng found the vendor who gave him the atlas before, and said straight to the point:"I want to sell these materials, name a price."

The vendor's name is Chen Hai.

He was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said:"Little brother, wait a moment." He opened the backpack.

The whole table was filled with beast materials.

Chen Hai was counting while he was shocked:"The stomach and heart of the steel-haired wild boar, it was still killed in one blow, little brother has great skills!"

"Not only that, there is also a headless blood-sucking snake!"

"The horns and fur of the colorful roe deer are so complete!"

Others were attracted and exclaimed.

Qin Feng went into the mountains for the first time, and not only was he alive, but he also had such a harvest.

The key is that there are some very cunning beasts in it.

How did he do it?

In response, Qin Feng just smiled.

Compared with everyone's praise, he was more looking forward to how much money he could make this time.

A few minutes later.

Chen Hai finally finished the inventory and said with a smile:"Little brother, the statistics are ready, about 99,000. I'll give you an integer, 100,000, just think of it as making a friend"

"How much?"

Qin Feng stood there in a daze.


The sudden sense of happiness hit Qin Feng's dark heart.

It turns out that making money can be so simple!

He used to make 80 to 100 a day in the slaughterhouse, and 110 if he was lucky.

But this money can't be saved at all.

My sister's medicine is a big expense, and she has to buy it once every half a month, and several thousand yuan will be spent quickly.

So Qin Feng had to work two jobs, or even three.

But even so, life is still very tight.

In contrast, now.

In just half a day, he made 100,000!

Such a gap made him a little dizzy!

"100,000, make friends."

Chen Hai thought Qin Feng didn't hear clearly, so he repeated it again and said with a smile:"You are about the same age as my son. He goes to No. 1 High School. I don't know if you know him."

"Oh, oh, oh… I’m from No. 1 High School too." Qin Feng came back to his senses and answered casually.

Ding Dong!

The phone vibrated slightly.

A message reflected in Qin Feng’s eyes made him smile.

100,000 RMB in the account!

"This is my business card. If you have any materials in the future, you can sell them to me." Chen Hai handed over his business card.

Qin Feng took it and smiled,"No problem."

When he walked out of the military base, the setting sun still had a little tail left, but Qin Feng felt unreal.


Finally, he laughed out loud.

Life was so difficult and bitter before!

But now, everything will be fine!


Yuancheng People's Hospital.

Qin Feng came to the pharmacy with ease.

""Xiaofeng, how is your sister doing recently?" the doctor asked.

Qin Feng replied:"It's still the same, but this time I want to buy her some better medicine."

"Looks like you made money?"

The doctor laughed and said,"Hufei Guxin Pills are very effective, but they are quite expensive. One bottle costs 2,000.……"

""Give me 10 bottles!" Qin Feng said proudly.

After a moment, the doctor looked at Qin Feng who was leaving with a stiff expression and murmured,"You are not making money, you are robbing money, right?!"

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