Liang Guoan from Youzhou Wufu was also in the crowd. When he saw Lu Chao and the other two, he immediately rushed over and helped Lu Chao up:"Is he seriously injured?"

"I do not……"

Lu Chao responded in a low voice with some embarrassment.

Before he finished speaking, Qin Feng kicked his ankle.

Shut up!

It's a pity to miss such a good opportunity to blackmail someone!

Lu Chao had no choice but to shake his head.

Liang Guoan was immediately furious and gritted his teeth and said,"Damn cult, too rampant, too presumptuous!"

"Are the security guards of Modu Wufu just there to do their job?"

"These are the future of Blue Star. If one or two of them die, can you afford it?"

Liang Guoan cursed loudly, one sentence after another.

Qin Feng secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Teacher Liang, you know the outcome of the show!

Hurry up and scold his whole family!

When the Magic City Wufu saw this scene, he couldn't hold his face anymore, and hurriedly notified Wang Hou.

"It wasn't just them who were attacked tonight, there were also other students from the Wufu, the situation was very tragic."

"Tang Tao and the other two from Jinnan Wufu were also in danger. A director from the Kongfu was there at the time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"This is a well-planned conspiracy. I hope you can give Modu some more time."

Modu's mentors appeased the furious Minister Ziyang and the other two while informing them of the general situation.

Minister Ziyang and Liang Guoan's eyes changed.

Unexpectedly, the cult would go to such lengths to destroy the national warrior list.

Sniper killing is one.

Surprise killing is another.

This has never happened in previous years!

""Everyone, I'm so sorry!"

Finally, Wang Hou came in a hurry.

When he saw the mess in the restaurant and Qin Feng and four others lying on the ground, his face suddenly sank and he hurriedly apologized.

Huang Zhong didn't care about these because of his violent temper. He pointed at Qin Feng who was covered in blood and shouted,"It's no use to be sorry. If this leaves sequelae in the future, will you, Modu, be responsible?"

"Cough cough cough……"

Qin Feng started to cough violently at this time, his voice was extremely weak:"Deputy Palace Master Wang Hou, you... cough cough! You don't have to mind, it is the responsibility of our generation of warriors to kill the evil cult... cough cough!"

As he spoke, he coughed up blood.

It makes people feel sad no matter how you look at it!

Wang Hou looked at Huang Zhong and others, then at Qin Feng, his face became more and more embarrassed, and he said repeatedly:"For the students injured tonight, our Modu Wufu will give a second-grade pill as compensation"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Qin Feng coughed even more severely, gritted his teeth, and staggered to his feet:"As a warrior, I should destroy the evil cult and protect my homeland!"

"The Magic City Martial Arts Mansion is willing to give, even if it’s just one, it’s a favor!"

"We, the injured students, won’t say much!"

Every word was heard.

The people around were all touched and began to whisper.

"The Magic City Wu Mansion is really stingy"

"It's just one, and you still have the nerve to ask for compensation?"

"Some people are seriously injured, one pill is not enough!"

As he spoke, not to mention the crowd, even the instructor of the Magic City Martial Arts Academy felt that it was inappropriate and looked at Wang Hou with strange eyes.

【Without you at the Oscars this year, it would definitely be a loss for the entire film and television industry, Qin the Great Fraudster! 】

The system complained sharply.

Wang Hou's expression changed, and in the end, he had no choice but to sigh and said,"Then... three 2nd-grade pills for each person!"

Lu Chao and others had dumbfounded faces throughout the whole process.

Everyone admired Qin Feng from the bottom of their hearts.

With just a few words, the Magic City Wufu turned one 2nd-grade pill into three!

The key is that the other party was willing!


The scene is still being processed.

Qin Feng and the other five held a medicine bottle in their hands, with different expressions.

Qin Feng was very happy.

He got three 2nd grade pseudo dragon pills, so happy!

Lu Chao and the others were confused.

It turns out that pills can be obtained so easily!

"They say that the crying child gets the milk, but this is how you eat it!" Lu Chao felt that his worldview had collapsed.

In the past, he relied on himself, his own hands, and his integrity and determination to earn points in exchange for pills.

But the style of Qin Feng's side has completely changed!

Qin Feng smiled and said,"Basic operations, all basic operations."

After that, he muttered a few words:"If I had known that it would be more miserable, maybe I would have given you a few more pills.……"

"Enough, enough, if you keep pretending, they will find out." Lu Chao and his companions didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

They were not habitual offenders and didn't have such a big heart!

Afterwards, everyone went back to their rooms.

Baili Jian saw the blood on the two men and looked worried:"I heard that you were attacked?"

"It's nothing, just three little Karamis." Qin Feng looked indifferent.

Baili Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Feng added lightly:"It's just the general level, it's nothing!"

Baili Jian glared.

Damn, is it such a big deal?!

The little spirit boy put his hands together and smiled:"The wise monk is almost a demon, lead us to kill the enemy"

【Zhou Shuren's words were a compliment to Prime Minister Zhuge, but you used them on the host? The coffin lid can't hold it down! 】

A little flattery made Qin Feng feel extremely happy.

At this time, Huang Zhong knocked on the door and came in. Seeing that Qin Feng and the little spirit boy were fine, he said in a deep voice:"After consultation with the major martial arts houses, we will continue tomorrow."

"Still the same statement?"

"Simulating the oppressive feeling of a tomb?"

Qin Feng's expression was a little strange.

This was an ambush!

Wouldn't the major martial arts schools investigate it carefully?

However, he didn't care.

Anyway, there were relics, and as long as the person was not dead, he would recover by frantically extracting them.

After a pause, Qin Feng said:"Teacher Huang, besides us, there should be someone else who was attacked tonight?"

Huang Zhong was stunned for a moment, seeming a little surprised.

Then he nodded:"Indeed, there were attacks in various places in the hotel. Fortunately, they were all killed, and there were no student casualties."

"Initial judgment: The other party is from the Heavenly Demon Sect"

"They have recruited many awakened people who know how to change their appearance, and are best at arranging assassination plans."

Hearing this, Qin Feng sighed slightly:"Now it's not just the Blood Cult, even the Sky Demon Cult is targeting me.……"

Huang Zhong and the others were helpless.

Qin Feng's talent determined that……

"Then why are there only three of them? How can I exchange them for points with so few people?" Qin Feng sighed to the sky.

Huang Zhong and others almost stumbled and fell to the ground.


I thought you were worried about being hunted down.

It turns out that there are few people who hate the cult! If you talk like this, your family...

Oh, you have no family.

Huang Zhong stared at Qin Feng with unkind eyes:"Behave yourself these days, I will follow you when you go out, in case of any accidents"

"Yes, sir!"

Qin Feng quickly admitted his mistake.

He was not afraid of the cult.

Now was the period of the National Warrior Ranking.

If the cult continued to cause trouble, it would only affect the overall situation.


The door closed.

Qin Feng lay on the bed, took out the fake dragon pill and looked at it in a pretentious manner, then directly extracted

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 18 HP points】

【Gain: 20 HP points】

【Obtained: Qi and Health 20 points]

Qi and Health 3578 points!

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction.


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