It was a medal, beautifully crafted, with the word"Zhan" engraved on the front.

This indicated that the man was from the Yuancheng Zhanfu.

"The Zhanfu is hunting down the cult. So, that group of people is really a cult, but why did they enter the deserted mountain?"

Qin Feng was thinking, and suddenly he felt someone chasing him.

He immediately wiped the blood of the Zhanfu team members with his hands, followed the bloodstains on the ground, and deliberately led the bloodstains to the depths of the woods.

Finally, he climbed up the tree with the Zhanfu team members in his arms.

Not long after, a team of cult members chased after them.

They glanced around and rushed into the woods towards the bloodstains.

Seeing this, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He took out the hemostatic spray and bandages, gave the Zhanfu team members emergency treatment, and then continued to guard the tree.

About an hour later, the Zhanfu team member woke up.

The moment he opened his eyes, he subconsciously wanted to step back, but touched the wound, and grimaced in pain.

"Don't move, the wound has opened again."

A warning voice sounded.

The team member of the Zhanfu looked at the young boy opposite, then looked at the bandage on his body, and hurriedly said:"Thank you for saving my life, little brother."

"Get out of the mountain quickly to avoid excessive bleeding." Qin Feng did not even turn his head.

You know you are disturbing me while I am making money?

The members of the Zhanfu team took a deep breath and said firmly:"I can't leave. The [Blood Cult] is gathering here. There must be a conspiracy!"

"I followed them all the way and heard their conversation"

"Just as he was about to report back, he was discovered by a D-class superhuman and was nearly besieged to death."

"Now that I've alerted them, they will definitely move away!"

"Time waits for no one!"

Qin Feng remained unmoved after hearing this, and even looked innocent.

My family is poor, and I have a silly sister to take care of. I must not get involved in any strange events.

Making money is the kingly way!

""Little brother, can you give me a hand?"

The members of the Zhanfu team were a little embarrassed to speak, but in order to eliminate the cult, they still spoke.

Qin Feng said in a muffled voice:"If my family was not poor, I would not want to go into the mountains. Now you want me to get close to the cult. It's too difficult for me!"

After that, he turned around and was about to leave.

The Zhanfu team member whispered:"There is a bonus."

Qin Feng paused, and his ears stood up silently.

How much bonus, you fucking tell me!

"Killing a cult member who is a beginner warrior will get a reward of 5,000 yuan, a mid-level warrior will get 10,000 yuan, and a non-martial member will get 1,000 yuan."The members of the Zhanfu team saw that there was a chance and hurried to explain.

Qin Feng secretly estimated that there were at least a dozen people over there.

According to the beginner warriors, 10 people would get 50,000 yuan, and 20 people would get 100,000 yuan!

This is faster than hunting beasts to make money!

"Ahem, as a warrior, it is our duty to eradicate the evil cult, and we have no choice but to do it!" Qin Feng turned around with a righteous look on his face.

The members of the Zhanfu team were at a loss whether to laugh or cry:"Then I'll trouble you."

"Is there anything to add?"Qin Feng asked

"The Blood Cult members in the deserted mountain include 3 intermediate warriors and 20 to 30 beginner warriors."

"From what I understand, they seem to want to blow up the local government and then kill students from various universities!"

"The most troublesome thing is that it is too late to notify them now."

Qin Feng's expression condensed slightly.

Killing students from various universities?


He did not ask in detail.

Time waits for no one!


"Can you still act?"

Qin Feng said in a deep voice:"I suggest that the two of us wipe them out, saving time and effort."


The members of the Zhanfu team were stunned.

The two of us surrounded dozens of people on the opposite side?

Do you think you are a man?

His original intention was very simple. He asked Qin Feng to keep an eye on the members of the Blood Cult and leave tracking clues along the way.

He would risk his life to inform the Zhanfu.

As for the result, it depends on luck.

Qin Feng smiled mysteriously:"Don't worry, I have a secret weapon."

The secret weapon is the blasting jar!

With a fire, the primary warrior will be seriously injured if he doesn't die.

I never thought that it would be used at night just after it was made during the day!

The members of the Zhanfu team were still a little hesitant.

This approach is too risky.

Once it fails, then...

Qin Feng said in a low voice:"There will be no time to hesitate!"


"I, Zhao Jun, will go crazy with you!"

The member of the Zhanfu gritted his teeth, opened the medal, and took out a small pill.

"The secret medicine of Zhanfu, the first-grade blood-strengthening pill, can restore me to my peak in a short period of time, but I will be extremely weak afterwards."Zhao Jun swallowed the pill, and his originally pale face became ruddy.

Qin Feng was puzzled:"Why didn't you eat it just now?"

"I didn't have time to open it." Zhao Jun was slightly embarrassed.

Qin Feng:"……"

Well, he is quite talented!

After a little reorganization, the two jumped down from the tree and disappeared into the endless darkness.


Under a high mountain, there is an artificial cave.

Blood Cult members are moving things from inside.


A curse rang out.

In front of the cave entrance, three men full of energy and blood were arguing.

""Ke Zhen, keep your mouth shut. We don't want this to happen." A middle-level warrior said in a deep voice.

Ke Zhen's face was thin and he sneered,"If you can't even catch up with the people, what else are you but a waste? Can you afford to ruin the Blood Cult's cause?"

Cheng Huan and A Yi lowered their heads, speechless.

The pursuit was going smoothly.

But after entering the woods, the people disappeared.

Now they can only move their positions.

Otherwise, the plan will be exposed.

"Keep the guns and bullets separate, otherwise if something goes wrong, neither you nor I will be alive." Ke Zhen said coldly.

A Yi glanced at them and said,"You are really capable to get so many hot weapons. These are strictly controlled items."

"China is very strict in the Dragon Country, but it is very free abroad. As long as you have money, you can get a tank."Cheng Huan grinned.

These boxes are filled with guns and bullets.

It is obvious that they are going to do something big!

Ke Zhen looked at the night sky and arranged:"Leave quickly when the things are ready. Don't wait for me. Leave some marks along the way for easy tracking."

Cheng Huan and Ayi nodded to show that they understood

"Hurry up!"The two shouted

""Yes, sir!" The Blood Cult member responded quickly.

Not far away, in a shadow,

Zhao Jun and Qin Feng arrived here smoothly.

The former stared at the two middle-level warriors with cold eyes.

Qin Feng did not speak, and took out a blasting can from his backpack.

"This is……"Zhao Jun was a little confused.

Qin Feng replied,"Homemade Molotov cocktail."

Zhao Jun's mouth twitched.

Are you going to set the mountain on fire?

Hey, hey, hey, I'm a member of the Zhanfu after all, are you just making light of it?

"If we can't hit the boxes, we'll hit the cave entrance. The thick smoke will kill them. Even if we can't kill them, we'll kill them one by one if they come out." Qin Feng handed over the blasting can and briefly explained the battle plan.

Zhao Jun held the blasting can, and his heartbeat accelerated wildly.

The members of the Zhanfu set fire to the mountain.

The governor won't kill me, will he?

Wait... why am I still a little excited!


Qin Feng shouted in a low voice.

He and Zhao Jun waved their arms at the same time.

The burning canister drew a beautiful arc in the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The blasting canister hit the box or fell in front of the cave entrance.

A loud noise exploded instantly! A blazing fire burst out.

The dark night is no longer silent!

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