Chapter 23: All the information from thirty years ago must be gathered!

As Li Gang dictated some basic information about Zhou Zhiwen.

Those watchmen who are 5 million light years away are no longer just a vague concept, but immediately become living people, engraved in everyone's minds!

However, some things still need to be further verified.

Only in this way can the heroes in these coffins in front of us be recorded in the history of mankind forever!

Let their names become a thick mark in human history that can never be erased!

When everyone listened to Li Gang's past telling about Zhou Zhiwen, Fang Wei immediately let people use the power of the state to thoroughly investigate everything about Zhou Zhiwen!

The power of the country is very terrifying, and it is easy to find a figure who existed thirty years ago!

After a while, a soldier ran to Fang Wei's side and excitedly reported the situation!

"General Fang!"

"The results of the investigation came out, through genetic comparison, the person in the coffin is indeed Zhou Zhiwen from the exploration team thirty years ago!"

When Fang Wei heard this result, his face showed a thick shock, his eyes widened, and his voice trembled a little!

"In this way, all the researchers of the Explorer have really guarded us for thirty years!!"

The successful verification of Zhou Zhiwen's identity has undoubtedly put a blow to all recent events!

This seemingly dispensable move is actually very significant behind it!

Not only can the glorious achievements of the watchmen of the Dragon Kingdom be confirmed, but more importantly, these heroes can be remembered by the world so that they can be passed down through the ages! !

Instead of becoming an unobtrusive record in some wild history in later generations!

At the same time, it can also completely block the smelly mouth of Western countries!

Because, at this time, the Dragon Kingdom has long been deeply trapped in the fishing boats of Western countries.

The content of the soldier's loud report naturally passed into the live broadcast room on the side!

This news immediately caused the audience in the live broadcast room to boil!

"Zhou Zhiwen! The one in the coffin is really someone from our Dragon Kingdom!

"That is to say, all the pictures seen in the battleship before are all true records of the starry sky battlefield?!"

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom have guarded the entire Blue Star!"

"These warships only belong to our Dragon Kingdom!"


was shocked in their hearts, looking at the young man in the coffin, they couldn't help but feel a strong sense of pride in their hearts!

This is an honor that belongs to the Dragon Kingdom alone, and no one can take it away!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, this is the conspiracy of the Dragon Kingdom, you just want to steal the alien fleet!!"

"Despicable and shameless Dragon Country, think that finding a few actors can fool us?!"

"How can you backward monkeys go 5 million light-years away?!"

"Only our free nation can protect mankind!"


order to get the battleship group, the Western countries tried to put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom with fishing boats!

So, the news that an alien fleet had landed in the Dragon Kingdom spread throughout the entire Blue Star for a while, making a fuss!

Many foreigners have poured into Su Youwei's live broadcast room, questioning and slandering everything!

However, in the face of angry jumping foreign netizens, Longguo netizens did not choose to spray, but sent a large number of barrages in the live broadcast room, covering up all doubts and slander!

"Welcome to Zhou Zhiwen, the watcher of the Dragon Country, and welcome the hero back to the Dragon Country!"

"Welcome all the heroes of the Dragon Kingdom who died in the starry sky battlefield to return to their hometowns and bury them, and return to their roots!"

"Qingshan buried loyal bones everywhere, why should the shroud of Mag be returned, you have guarded the blue star very well, fortunately, welcome home!!"


barrages welcoming the heroes back to China almost filled the entire screen, and each of them rose a strong sense of admiration and admiration in their hearts!

For a time,

the entire country of the Dragon Kingdom fell into a thick atmosphere of sadness!


, just when everyone was immersed in the shock brought about by Zhou Zhiwen's successful identity verification, the

crystal coffin in front of them inexplicably made a sound!

"365 Stormtrooper Captain Zhou Zhiwen!"

"Since the outbreak of the war between the Dragon Country Watcher and the Starry Sky Alien Race, you have gone through more than a hundred battles, large and small, and wiped out tens of thousands of Starry Sky Alien Race!"

"At one point, he even expelled the Starry Sky Alien Race to the depths of the universe!"

"In order to hold the defensive line, you have gone into the most dangerous area of the Starry Sky Battlefield alone several times!"

"Relying on your courage and the spirit of forgetting death, the Dragon Country Watcher has been able to turn the tide many times and hold the defense line on the verge of defeat!"

"In the thirty years outside, you have used your life to illuminate the vast starry sky and guide the watchmen of the Dragon Kingdom to continue to move forward!"

"Captain Zhou, you have worked hard, may you be able to sleep peacefully in the land of your hometown!"

The low and hoarse voice sounded leisurely in everyone's ears, full of sadness, slowly telling Zhou Zhiwen's glorious past in the starry sky battlefield!

Su Youwei, Chen Chuhe, Li Gang and others, as well as countless viewers in the live broadcast room, after hearing these words.


, one by one, their expressions were shocked, and their eyes couldn't help but show a look of horror, and they immediately turned all their eyes to Zhou Zhiwen's crystal coffin! ! !

"It's the human voice... Could it be that Commander Gu recorded it for

Captain Zhou..." "Unfortunately, the carrying capacity of the words is limited, and it can't contain Captain Zhou's magnificent life!!"

Su Youwei's eyes flashed with a strong light, and her face was full of admiration, and she couldn't help but sigh.

If it weren't for Gu Chen's words, it would be absolutely difficult for them to imagine that Zhou Zhiwen's life on the starry sky battlefield was so wonderful and brilliant!

Zhou Zhiwen in front of him was lying quietly in the crystal coffin, his face pale and lifeless!


, looking at a corpse without any breath of life, everyone at this moment did not feel the slightest fear, but there was a rich reverence in everyone's eyes!

Gu Chen's words continued to linger in everyone's hearts, and they all silently remembered all this in their hearts!

For a while

, sadness swept through the entire square where the coffins were placed, and everyone seemed to feel a sense of loneliness from 5 million light years away!

There, there are still many guardians of the Dragon Kingdom, who are continuing to do what Zhou Zhiwen has done and complete the cause he has accomplished!!

"The sons and daughters of the Dragon Kingdom will never forget the loyal deeds of the guardians of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Fang Wei's eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Zhou Zhiwen, as a soldier, he could better understand the determination and tragedy behind the watchmen of the Dragon Kingdom!

After half a ring,

everyone also recovered from the shock and began to continue to devote themselves to the corresponding work of exploring the battleship!

"Then let's continue, open all the battleships, carefully inspect every corner, and collect all the information related to the Dragon Kingdom Watchers!!"


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