"How can there be such a coincidence, is Su Yun specially sent by the heavens to fight against me?" Su Meng roared inwardly, his eyes became bloodshot and bloodshot.

Ling Yan was the woman he had been secretly in love with for many years, but he had never dared to express his feelings for her.

And Su Yayue is the most important girl to him, and everything is related to Uncle Zhong's loyalty to him.

But by such a coincidence, Su Yun suddenly came to this college that was not well-known in front of the Su family, and after arriving, he also provoked these two women at the same time.

In Su Meng's view, this is simply a one-in-a-million chance, but it just happened to him.

But except for Su Meng's resentment, everyone looked at Su Yayue with envy and jealousy, especially the top ten boys and girls standing beside her, their jealous eyes turned red.

They have tried their best to show their perfect side, but they still can't get the slightest glance from Young Master Su Yun.

Why, why Su Yayue, a woman of ordinary background, can get the attention of Young Master Su Yun.

"Su Yayue, a nice name."

At this time, Su Yun suddenly smiled slightly and said, "She is also a very beautiful and talented girl."

Su Yayue's expression was shocked, and a strong flash of light flashed in her eyes Feeling a sense of surprise, he forced himself to remain calm, and said, "Thank you, Young Master Su, for your compliment. This is also thanks to the academy and all the teachers, especially the dean's painstaking cultivation. Without their cultivation, Yayue would not be where she is now.

Yayue will definitely continue to work hard! "

Hearing this, Su Yun felt a flash of surprise in his heart, such beautiful words were hardly something a young girl who had just grown up could say.

After these words, even if she doesn't get his appreciation, Ling Yan and other college leaders will strengthen her training because of these words.

What makes Su Yun even more strange is that in the original novels he has read, Su Yayue, who is an innate Taoist body, is the most innocent heroine, and Ye Ling likes the most.

"Could it be that Su Yayue saw Ye Ling's talent, and also saw a strong and domineering hero like Ye Ling, and her favorite is a naive and romantic woman, so she deliberately showed her innocence. "

Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help being amazed.

Not only is it possible, but it is very likely.

After all, according to common sense, girls from poor families are already in charge of the family.

Su Yayue's adoptive parents' family is not rich, and it is extremely difficult to provide for her to go to Ling Yun Academy. She was able to get to the first place in the academy, and she must have made efforts that ordinary people can't understand to get to this point.

This is not just solved with talent.

After all, with his talent, the rare spirit of the gods and the blood of the gods, and the unlimited supply of resources from the huge family of the Su family, he has come to the present. If it is an ordinary family, it is a different situation.

Innocent and romantic, it should be used to describe the little princesses who come out of some big families. If the children of poor families are innocent and romantic, they can only be lost to everyone.

Down below, the leaders of many Ling Yun Academy heard this, their eyes lit up, they smiled at the corners of their eyes, they looked at each other and nodded.

It was not in vain to cultivate this little girl, knowing how to repay her kindness.

As long as they can get Su Yun's approval, they can be adjusted up, even if they can't enter Qingbei University, and they can enter some top 30 or even top 20 colleges, it's just a matter of saying.

As for Su Yayue's parents, seeing that Su Yayue was able to talk to Su Yun in an orderly manner, without getting carried away by the excitement, their faces flushed with excitement.

They are proud of their adopted daughter.

Su Yun smiled slightly and said: "Yes, yes, how about this, my bodyguard battalion is currently recruiting, Su Yayue, would you like to be my personal bodyguard."

Su Yun had a smile in his eyes, but his eyes were extremely deep, and he glanced at Su Meng indiscriminately.

The moment he said this, Su Meng's whole body trembled violently, his body swayed, as if he had endured a huge and incomparable impact, and he would faint to the ground at any time.

In an instant, thousands of people attended the entire awards ceremony, and the crowded scene was completely silent in an instant.

Everyone's pupils constricted deeply, and their whole body was stiff.

"The young master actually values ​​this little girl so much." Ling Yan's eyes were full of shock, even she, a strong man who was only one step away from the holy throne, was so shocked. It is conceivable that Su Yun asked Su Yayue to join The news of the guard camp is so important.

The personal guard camp of the young master of the Su family, personal guards, what is this concept?

As we all know, the Su family is a family of gods, one of the most powerful families in China, ruling a territory of hundreds of millions of miles, and the forces under it are all over the world. It's just an ordinary vassal force under his command.

I don't know how many are stronger than the Ling family.

And the core that governs so many powerful forces is the headquarters of the Su family, the imperial capital. Orders are issued from the headquarters, and it controls countless powerful branches and forces.

But to rule so many and powerful forces, it is far from enough to rely solely on giving benefits and a strong majesty. It also requires that each Patriarch be extremely powerful, and have the most powerful force under his command, which is enough to easily crush any rebellion and provocation. The majestic and powerful strength of the family headquarters.

The personal guard battalion is one of the most powerful forces under every Patriarch of the Su family.

After each generation of the Su family's successor is determined, the huge machine of the Su family will start to operate, search for the most talented and determined Tianjiao in the whole world, and only after going through many tests can they join the personal guard camp.

There are only fifty people in this quota, and it is not limited to China, but the human races all over the world, even the ancient races, fierce beasts with powerful bloodlines, etc., are all within the scope of selection.

It is conceivable that with such a huge selection range, to say that it is one in a billion is an understatement.

And once you join the personal guard camp and swear allegiance to Su Yun, you will receive an unlimited supply of Su family resources, full teaching from the Su family's heritage, and even the personal guidance of the contemporary Su family head, the god Su Heng.

Since the revival of spiritual energy, the head of the Su family has passed it down for several generations, and there have even been more than one powerful god in the guard camps from generation to generation.

This is also the reason for the instant silence in the audience.

Joining the personal guard camp and becoming Su Yun's personal guard, this is no longer flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix, but ascending to the sky in one step, surpassing hundreds of millions of people in an instant.

No one thought that Su Yun would ask Su Yayue to join the personal guard camp. After all, the Su family is too powerful, even if Su Yun fell in love with Su Yayue, there are countless ways to give her benefits.

In an instant, the eyes of thousands of students turned red with envy, and they even wanted to kill Su Yayue immediately and replace her by themselves.

"Pro-guard battalion!"

Several teachers in the academy were trembling with excitement, and their faces were flushed. They were all teachers who had taught Su Yayue before, and they had a mentor-student relationship, and they had a very close relationship with Su Yayue.

Su Yayue joined the personal guard camp. With this status, the benefits they can gain in the future are simply immeasurable, and will even benefit their descendants.

Because joining the Guards Battalion, power, resources, and strength are already certain.

Just waiting for the day when Su Yun becomes the Patriarch of the Su family, they will represent Su Yun and patrol the whole world as the law enforcement team of the Su family headquarters.

Below one person, above hundreds of millions of people.

But only Su Meng's eyes were blood red at this moment, and a strong sense of fear suddenly swept his whole body, which was several times more agitated than Ling Yan's emotion when he rejected him.

"Whether this was planned or a coincidence."

"No, absolutely not, Yayue must not join the guard camp, absolutely not." Su Meng kept talking to himself in a very low hoarse voice, as if she was insane.

The power, resources, and unlimited future of the Guards Battalion are one aspect.

It is undeniable that this has infinite benefits for Su Yayue, even if she has been following Uncle Zhong, it is impossible for her to have more benefits than joining the personal guard camp.

However, there is one thing about the personal guard camp that Su Meng absolutely cannot accept.

The pro-guard camp stipulates that everyone who joins must be absolutely loyal to the heir of the contemporary Su family, swear an oath of demons, and there will be many tests and brainwashing.

And the background must be absolutely innocent, not even the slightest blemish.

Once it is confirmed that you have joined the personal guard camp, the Su family's huge and terrifying intelligence system will be fully operational, and the eighteen generations of a person's ancestors, where the blood comes from, which forces the ancestors have joined, who they have known, etc. ...

All will be thoroughly investigated.

Because the personal guard camp is one of the most important reliance for the head of the Su family to control the huge Su family, and no accidents are allowed.

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