"However, Jinquanshen Iron Mine, you go and take pictures, and the battle will be settled quickly."

Su Yun said lightly, and put away the god and demon pendant casually.

In this half of the God and Demon Pendant, there is only an incomplete God and Demon Scripture, and it is still the second half of the God and Demon Sutra. Before getting the God and Demon Pendant in Ye Ling's hand, it will not be able to exert any power.

But for the time being, he didn't plan to get rid of Ye Ling.

The reason why this half of the god and demon pendant was photographed was because even if Ye Ling wasn't killed, the way for him to grow rapidly was to be prevented, so as not to make it more troublesome to deal with in the future.

As for the 100 million catties of origin stone, he just yelled it out.

For the origin stone, he basically has no idea, because it is a number.

Not to mention how huge the entire Su family's assets are, I'm afraid even his father, Su Heng, doesn't know, because it is an astronomical figure.

He learned from his memory that during the Chinese New Year alone, the red envelopes given to him by his parents and the powerful members of the Su family seemed to contain hundreds of billions of jin of source stones, and Qin Junhua helped him store them in the Federal Bank.

This is just the origin stone, without counting a lot of miscellaneous treasures and rare sundries.

But even though he has a huge net worth, Su Yun also knows that he has so many assets in his hands, but he has never used them.

It's not that I don't want to use it, but I really can't use it.

All his cultivation resources were clearly arranged by his mother Qin Junhua. Whatever he wanted, he said a word, even without saying a word, a lot of people who wanted to curry favor with him would scramble to send it to him.

For eating, playing with women, shopping, and a series of expenses, people are rushing to pay him.

In a word, ordinary origin stones are basically just numbers to him. If Su Yun only wanted to pursue a flat life, he has now successfully realized his dream.

There is really no difference between a piece of origin stone and a hundred million catties of origin stone.

What he is pursuing now is supreme strength and supreme power. With a wave of his hand, he can change the sun and the moon into the sky, and with a single word, he can control the lives and deaths of millions of people. That is his dream.

But at this time, all the big shots and aristocrats in the auction house all looked solemn and their eyes were burning.

Jinquanshen Iron Mine is the real purpose of their arrival, the task given to them by the family.

You know, the Liu family is a big family that has stood in the imperial capital for hundreds of thousands of years, and has produced several saints.

And this Jinquanshen Iron Mine is the greatest support for the Liu family to stand upright and the strong to continue to emerge.

It is the precipitation of the efforts of generations of saints.

Energy is constantly digging out pure metallic iron, Supplying the Federation's front-line army and the huge demand for weaponry can bring at least tens of millions of catties of origin stones to the Liu family in a year. This is a real cash flow, not a valued asset, and it has lasted for hundreds of years. With continuous output, the Jinquanshen Iron Mine shows no sign of being exhausted.

This is the biggest reliance that can truly pass on from generation to generation and keep the family standing for thousands of years.

This is also when he learned that the Jinquanshen Iron Mine was confiscated by the Federal Law Enforcement Office, the old man of the Liu family, as a strong man at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, was directly collapsed by Qi's Dao Heart, dying, and on the verge of falling.

Without the Jinquanshen Iron Mine, even if the Liu family could move out of the imperial capital and go to the states below, they would lose their foundation, and the family would decline or even die sooner or later.

"Jinquan Iron Mine." Liu Ting murmured to herself with ruddy eyes. This is the lifeblood of the Liu family, which was obtained through the hard work of generations of ancestors.

But it was lost because of her willfulness.

"Sister Ting, it's okay, we can definitely take pictures." Xuanyuanjian comforted softly, then turned to look at Ye Ling again.

At this time, Ye Ling, who was almost crazy, came back to his senses a little bit, took a deep breath, and then remembered that the real purpose of coming this time was to take pictures of Jinquanshen Iron Mine for Liu Ting.

Shenmopei must get it back from Su Yun, but he needs to find an opportunity.

As for Jinquanshen Iron Mine, whether he can restore Liu Ting and Xuanyuanjian's perception of him is the most urgent task.

Wang Yi got up slowly, his eyes were firm: "This Jinquanshen Iron Mine, my Wang family is bound to get it."

"Hehe, let's see who has prepared the most Origin Stones!" You Tianjiao sneered.

A certain high-ranking figure in the Heavenly Spirit Realm's eyes were indifferent, without saying a word, he called out a price lightly: "Thirty million catties of origin stones."

When the price came out, the audience was shocked.

You must know that the old man did not give a reserve price for the auction.

And in this auction, apart from the young master of the Su family calling out 100 million origin stones, the highest auction transaction price was only 30 million origin stones.

Almost subconsciously, they excluded Su Yun's asking price of 100 million origin stones, and they were no longer on the same level as them.

The starting price is 30 million source stones, which shows that this big man is determined to win the Jinquanshen Iron Mine.

"The annual income of Jinquanshen Iron Mine is only a little over 10 million Origin Stones!"

"It will take at least three years to recover the 30 million origin stones, and that is without any accidents."

"Forty million origin stones."

"Forty-five million."

"Forty-eight million."

"Fifty million."

Prices continue to climb, leaving many bystanders dumbfounded.

One must know that even a family like the royal family of the imperial capital with holy-level powerhouses only possesses assets of at most two to three hundred million catties of origin stones. Among them, most of them are fixed assets. If they are asked to take out 50 million catties of origin stones at once, the entire huge family will stop operating, and there is even the possibility of bankruptcy.

A family that can produce 50 million source stones in one go is a first-class family in the imperial capital, at least at the level of Meng Wudao's Meng family.

At this time, Ye Ling walked out of Huangzihao's box, and called out a price with a calm expression: "Sixty million origin stones."

He had expected the price to soar to this level.

According to his calculation, 50 million origin stones should be capped.

Sure enough, as he expected, after he shouted out the price, many Tianjiao and Patriarchs who were competing to bid fell into silence.

The price of 60 million source stones has already broken through their psychological bottom line.

Immediately, they looked sideways at Ye Ling, and they were able to take out 60 million origin stones at once, which already surpassed many big families in the imperial capital.

Ye Ling enjoyed their eyes very much, but under his indifferent face, he was also extremely heartbroken.

Such a large sum of origin stones is about to disappear.

But he also understands that these origin stones are not all his.

Thirty million source stones belonged to Xuanyuanjian, ten million belonged to Liu Ting, and more than ten million belonged to Su Meng.

The remaining less than ten million is his.

He just took the lead because he wanted to win back Liu Ting's heart. The one who really helped Liu Ting was Xuanyuan Sword, and the Origin Stones of the others were only temporarily placed in his hands.

That's why Xuanyuanjian's reaction was so intense when he wanted to take out part of the origin stone to auction off the animal skin scroll.

Seeing that no one made a sound for a long time, Ye Ling turned his head and smiled at Liu Ting and Xuanyuanjian, and he was done.

But at this moment, an indifferent female voice suddenly rang out: "My young master gave out 100 million catties of origin stones."

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