The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 188: Satisfy you a wish 4

Biquge, the fastest update honey love 100%: the latest chapter of the school's exclusive sweetheart!

Su Nian turned his pen in his hand, "Yin Chuxia, please don't spray your blood without evidence. Since you can't afford to lose, don't bet with me at the beginning. What are you doing now?"

Someone in the class responded immediately: "Yes, Yin Chuxia, admitting to betting to lose, why are you framed Su Niannian? Everyone's efforts during this time are in the eyes."

Yin Chuxia smiled angrily: "Then tell me, why can you take the exam so well? Your progress is not normal at all! What else can you do if you cheat?"

This time it was Su Niannian's next silence. She couldn't say it was because Gu Zichen gave her make-up lessons. It was too hateful.

After thinking about it, she changed her word and bypassed the question. "I'm weird, why should I tell you this? Lu Yaozhi knows horsepower and sees people for a long time. I don't have to explain it to you. Is it cheating? Is it enough to make it clear with strength? "Su Nian was not afraid at all.

Yin Chuxia's body shivered, and more and more voices made her send tickets around, even Liu Yuner and Zhang Xiaojiu could not help her.

She didn't want to lose face in front of the class, so she had to say, "Okay, I'm willing to lose. Tickets will be given to everyone tomorrow. It's definitely not a bad account!" His eyes were full of resentment, as if all this was caused by Su Nian.

Su Niannian, the two of us will never end this way! Yin Chuxia thought resentfully in his heart.

I remembered that Gu Zichen had promised to himself. As soon as school was over, Su went to Gu's house every year.

She listened to the discussion of the girls in the class today. Gu Zichen's test was not only the first in the class, but also the first in the entire senior year. Basically, each subject was a perfect score, and it was a real school bully.

She cheered and said, "Gu Zichen, guess how many places did I take this time?"

"Huh?" Gu Zichen asked lazily. In fact, he had already checked Su Niannian's score in the school's educational system long ago. This would be purely in line with Su Niannian and wanted to see her happy.

Su Nian mysteriously plotted a number of "7", "Seventh place, not bad! Yin Chuxia only passed the ninth place!"

"Not bad." Gu Zichen nodded and said lightly.

But this is enough to make Su Nian excited every year. Where does Gu Zichen look like a person who can boast? Usually, a mouth is either a vomit or a poisonous tongue. Every time she is hurt by 10,000 points.

"Hey, Gu Zichen, you promised me that you can fulfill my wish ..."

Gu Zichen looked directly into her eyes and smiled wryly. For a moment, there was a shock of Qingjun.

"Su Niannian, what do you want me to do?" The voice was deep and dull, confused like a fairy whispering.

Su Nian gritted his teeth and summoned his courage: "I ... I want you ..."

"Huh? What do you want me to do?" Gu Zichen continued to tease her.

Su Niannian's head twitched, "Let me spend Christmas and buy Christmas gifts for me, that's it!"

Gu Zichen raised an eyebrow, only to hear Su Nian hurriedly saying, "This request is not excessive and reasonable, so ... Gu Zichen, would you like it?"

The little eyes she asked for were so irresistible that Gu Zichen said "um" gently, "Okay, I promise you."

"Then I'll go home first ... bye ..." said Su Nian ran out with his short legs, rushed back to his bedroom, lay on the bed, and fell weakly on the bed!

[Update time is not fixed in the future, you can come to brush at night, there will generally be updates]

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