The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 402: The most beautiful is not a rainy day 7

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Su Nian suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

She knew that it was Gu Zichen's umbrella on the car, so Gu Zichen said that because of her wayward words, she took the umbrella under the rain, and thoughtfully said that she would take her to a taxi, for fear of her accident.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Nuo Nuo noticed the subtle atmosphere of the two, and helped, "Yeah, every year, you two go together."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Niann carried her skirt and left with Gu Zichen.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Nuo Nuo touched his chin in the back and murmured: Hey, it's still a good match for both of you ... if only we can make up ...

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

It was raining outside and the temperature was falling. Su went out every year and took a nap. She wore a skirt and a thin coat. She couldn't help rubbing her hands when she was cold.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen frowned slightly, tilted the umbrella a little more towards her side, and by the way stood closer to her, trying to shield her as much as possible.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Just before the intersection, a Mercedes-Benz in the back drove over. Gu Zichen quickly pulled her back a few steps to avoid splashing water.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

There was a bakery next to them, and the two stood under the eaves without anyone speaking first.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen was also holding an umbrella, and the drops of rain ticked down and left along the edge of the umbrella. He looked picturesque and looked at Su Niannian seriously.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

At that moment, Su Nian only thought of one sentence: The most beautiful thing is not the rainy day, but the eaves that I avoided the rain with you.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, but Su Nian woke up first, pulling his sleeve and saying, "Let's go."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

The two waited for a long time at the intersection before they waited for a taxi. Gu Zichen pulled the car door for her and gave her the umbrella in her hand.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"You are neurotic, how do you go back without an umbrella?" Su Nian shouted.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"You hold it." A faint word stopped all her complaints.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Niannian murmured in his heart, knowing that Gu Zichen was afraid that he would not get an umbrella when he got out of the car.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Inexplicably began to feel irritable.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

The taxi driver said impatiently, "What's going on, can't you take a car?"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian forcefully closed the door, "don't sit!"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

The taxi driver rolled his eyes and drove away.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen was puzzled in place.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian fiercely said, "You see, he doesn't want to carry me! Can you send me back?"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Although her tone did not mean anything, Gu Zichen responded, and the corner of her lips raised an unobtrusive arc.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

At least the people he cared about didn't take him seriously.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

The two returned together side by side, Gu Zichen drove her back home, speechless all the way, but the atmosphere between the two was no longer tense.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

At the Chen's, Su Nian got out of the car first.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

The rain had stopped, but the ground was still a little slippery, and she dropped a dog and muddled without paying any attention.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"Ah!" She screamed, Gu Zichen on the car frowned, got out of the car quickly, and helped her in the past.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Niannian's skirt was too short. When she helped her, Gu Zichen touched her waist and legs. Su Niannian felt embarrassing.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Chen family.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Tang Yu waited for two hours at the Chen family, still did not wait until Su Nian returned, and when the rain stopped, he greeted Chu Suxin: "Auntie, let me go back first."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"Well ... then I will send you." Chu Su sent him out with a smile.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

As soon as she left the door, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Say her daughter broke up with Gu Zichen! Did n’t you say you ’re dead?

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Why is Gu Zichen touching her daughter's leg! The two pose so close!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Also stiff is Tang Yu.

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