The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 409: You are warm, coming back light 2

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He snorted, bumped into a table and a chair, and even brought a chain reaction, the dish and the water cup crackled and fell to the ground.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"I'm going, Gu Zichen, what do you mean?" Zuo Sihan cursed twice, screaming in pain while covering the face of Qing Qing.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian still kept the posture of pouring wine stiff, and looked at Gu Zichen like a soldier descending from the sky, shaking his hands, the red wine spilled himself.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen ignored him, picked up Zuo Sihan's collar, and gave him another punch without mercy!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

This time I hit the lower abdomen.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Zuo Sihan collapsed on the ground like a mess, and his painful body was slumped.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

The two people made such a big noise and caught the attention of the whole restaurant. The waiter stepped forward timidly and shouted, "Master Gu, are you ...?"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen is the platinum VIP of their restaurant. They don't dare to call the security guard without permission. They can only think of the big things and small things. I hope this uncle will stop making trouble.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen took a wipe and wiped his hands, and glanced at him lightly, "Do you need any reason to see that he is not pleasing to the eye?"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel


The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

He glanced at Su Niannian, his brows could not help wrinkling.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"Why do you spill yourself?" The low, dull tone with some complaint, he took out a paper towel to wipe the wine stains on Su Nian.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian stiffened a bit, and was a little unaccustomed to Gu Zichen's concern, grabbing the paper towel, "I'll do it myself."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

After rubbing it a few times, she looked at Zuo Sihan on the ground, hesitating to go up and make a foot.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

She didn't say anything about her company, but she wanted her to dedicate herself to honor, ah, who did he treat her!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Zuo Sihan exclaimed: "In Su Niannian, I know that the two of you are still unclear! He is going to be engaged to the young daughter of Yin's family, and he is going to be strong for you. What do you two mean? When everyone is Is it a fool? "

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen stood up indifferently, kicked him up, and struck a little harder. Zuo Sihan snorted for a moment and did not dare to speak.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"What else do you count?"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Niannian's heart was dark, and he always felt that Gu Zichen was actually quite handsome ...

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Only after discovering that everyone was looking at himself, Su Nian quickly started acting mode, pointed at Gu Zichen, and said, "How can you do this? It is wrong to hit people, even if he is doing this kind of cheap-what is wrong? It ’s bad for him to be kind, and God will accept him. Violence ca n’t solve the problem. ”

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen drew his lips.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

After Zuo Sihan listened to her remarks and swearing at Huaihuai, she only felt that her body hurts even more, and gritted her teeth: "Su Nian, you can ask for more blessings, and your family matters, I will never help you!"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian's small face collapsed. If this continues, the Su family will not go bankrupt, but it will be very turbulent ...

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

She scratched her fingernails and wondered if she would help Zuo Sihan up and give him 120 for doing good deeds. Would Zuo Sihan be grateful for being a good person and help her?

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"Even if you apologize to me, I won't help you!" He growled again, his hair curled up in a mess, and he almost cried.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

In fact, he would like to say: Su Nian will help me every year, as long as you treat me once, I will help you ohhhhh, it ’s so painful on the ground ...

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"Why did she apologize to you? Did you go out without your mind?" Gu Zichen's sharp voicing finished, directly pulling Su Nian to walk outside the restaurant.

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