The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 427: You are warm, back light 20

Biquge, the fastest update honey love 100%: the latest chapter of the school's exclusive sweetheart!

Zuo Sihan's painful cry called the three back. Please search for the most updated and fastest

Tang Yu's face was gloomy. He picked up Zuo Sihan's collar and smashed it with a fist.

In these years, he has never killed anyone for Su Niannian, but today, also for Su Niannian, he has an urge to strangle Zuo Sihan.

He almost killed Su Niannian

What would happen if he did not see Suo Sihan dragging her into the school building when he bought dessert for Su Niannian?

Tang Yu's hitting has always been a life-threatening method. Zuo Sihan now has no power to fight back. After a few minutes of effort, Tang Yu's face became swollen.

Su Nian's heart was beating, and she was about to leave her face, and her big hands covered her eyes.

"Don't watch." Gu Zichen's deep voice sounded in his ear. "I'll send you back, obedient, and now start counting from one to the next, everything will pass after counting to one hundred."

Su Nian has been scared silly every year, nodded staggeredly.

Gu Zichen didn't look at Zuo Sihan's life and death, and picked up Su Nian and went downstairs every year.

After Father Gu said those words, he had a bad hunch, so he sent someone to stare at Zuo Sihan's move.

After leaving Su's house last night, he drove to the school and smoked alone in the parking lot.

He stayed up all night and smoked a few packets without knowing it. When he received a call from Suo Sihan to bring Su to the rooftop every year, he felt that he even began to tremble with his fingers.

The parking lot is not far from the teaching building. When he rushed to the teaching building, Tang Yu also came over.

They looked at each other, and neither one spoke.

Tang Yushun snatched the baseball bats passing by the baseball players, and the two rushed up together.

When seeing Zuo Sihan about to push Su Niannian down from the rooftop, Tang Yuchao Gu Zichen winked. The two walked lightly and took advantage of Zuo Sihan's devotion, Tang Yu politely waved In the past, Gu Zichen went to catch Su Niannian.

But after hearing Su Niannian's words, Tang Yu froze.

At that moment, he knew he lost.

Love never comes first, and Su Nian likes him never.

She was the first person to think about it, miss it, or die, or someone else.

Su Nian obediently lay on Gu Zichen's back, closed her eyes, and whispered.

After counting "1, 2, 3" to "100", her eyelashes shuddered, and she counted again from the beginning, her voice trembling more and more, and she even brought a crying voice at the end.

Gu Zichen was uncomfortable walking, silently listening to her counting back and forth, and when Su Nian was suppressing the cry, she whispered: "If you want to cry, cry, I won't laugh at you."

You can pretend to be strong in front of the whole world, but in my case you can be yourself.

Su Nian did not answer every year, but tightened Gu Zichen's neck. The teenager clearly felt that a drop of tears fell on his shoulder, and the hot person all hurt.

Gu Zichen sent Su Nian to the hospital every year, and it was not a big deal to check her body. The doctor prescribed a soothing medicine and told her to take a good rest.

Su Niannian was like a frightened rabbit, dragging Gu Zichen's sleeve all the way.

"Little girl, you hold your boyfriend's hand, how can he get you medicine?" The doctor only thinks that the two are affectionate little lovers and can't help but open the door.

After Su Nian heard it, poorly Ba Gu loosened her sleeve, but Gu Zichen held her hand with her backhand, and her voice was calm: "Let's go together, um"


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