The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 447: I don't like this world 6

Biquge, the fastest update honey love 100%: the latest chapter of the school's exclusive sweetheart!

It was not something else that fell on the ground, but Su Niannian. Please search for the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

She lay flat on the ground, breathing evenly and sleeping soundly.

What's even more incredible is that the quilt on her body is still completely wrapped around her, and the whole person is like a silkworm cocoon, wrapped properly.

Gu Zichen's mouth twitched, and he could fall into this posture and sleep so fragrantly, except for the lucky pig.

He hugged Su Niannian back to the bed, stared at her for a while, and returned to the living room when he saw nothing abnormal.

Pulling up the thin blanket on the sofa to cover him, Gu Zichen was sleepless.

I remembered Su Niannian in his heart. He hadn't known how many times to cover Su Niannian one night, and it was only a short while before dawn.


Early in the morning, Gu Zichen was anxious. The ringing doorbell awakened.

He rubbed his temples and went to open the door. Standing outside the door, his assistant said timidly, "Master, there is a document that you need to sign in person. Please take the liberty to disturb me. I brought you breakfast."

Gu Zichen glared at him and saw that the breakfast in his hand was feeling better, and he could eat it every year after a while.

"Come in." He greeted him, the assistant crept in, his expression was particularly tense.

Is the boss not sleeping well? Dark circles are too obvious! And also, why is this mess at home!嘤 嘤 嘤 Isn't it because I'm in a bad mood and it's terrible!

His nervous brain made up for it. Gu Zichen had signed the document. He quickly reported Gu Zichen's schedule and some business news in recent days.

Gu Zichen listened intently, and should make two sounds from time to time.

Su Nian's resentful voice suddenly heard in the room: "So noisy, what news do you watch in the morning!" Then, Su Nian came out of the room barefoot.

The assistant's eyes widened when she heard a female voice coming from Gu Zichen's room. After seeing Su Niannian's ragged clothes and a shawl coming out, 10,000 grass and mud horses whistled past.

Oh my God! Master Boss loves sisters! She also hid her sister at home! Yo yo yo! Extraordinary news!

Su Nian was equally stunned. She thought that Gu Zichen was watching the morning news, but she didn't expect to be a living person outside!

The two eyes widened for a long time, but Gu Zichen broke the silence: "Are you hungry? Come and eat."

"Oh ..." Su Niann turned back faintly, but Gu Zichen frowned, walked to her bed, and picked up the slippers scattered on the floor in front of Su Niannian. "Put on shoes Don't freeze. "

Behind a door, the assistant couldn't see the picture inside, but from the intermittent words of Gu Zichen, he smelled the terrible jq!

Who can tell him why the man who is absolutely irrefutable in the iron hand of the company has such a gentle side! What's wrong with this world!

Gu Zichen and Su Nian came out one after another. Su Nian was sitting quietly at the table after eating and washing, and the assistant couldn't help but asked quietly, "Master Boss, are you and Miss Su live together? "

He had a low voice, but Su Nian heard it every year, panicking from his chair: "No, no! The two of us are not the relationship you want!"

Her movements were too wide, the collar of the pajamas spread down, and traces of Gu Zichen's bite were left on the collarbone a few days ago.

The assistant's eyes were sharpened when he saw the kiss marks left by Lord Boss last night.

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