The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 468: If this doesn't count as love 5

Biquge, the fastest update honey love 100%: the latest chapter of the school's exclusive sweetheart!

"That's different!" Su Nian's will is very firm, how could she not know that Gu Zichen is the same. Do you mean?

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Although not necessarily the same. What will happen to you, but I always feel weird.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Especially if Chu Suxin knew it, the first reaction would be to break her leg!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen strives reasonably: "I can make breakfast for you in the morning and send you to school, and I can sleep for at least an hour and a half. Most importantly, I don't need to run morning exercises."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

These two are very attractive to Su Niannian, the late stage of lazy cancer. Confused, she swallowed. "Really ... really?"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"Yes, you can eat whatever you want, and play whatever you want. You can play the game at any time. Don't worry about power failure and network disconnection." Gu Zichen's voice was fascinated, and Su Nian was brought into the ditch a little .

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian decided quickly: "Okay, I live with you!"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen smiled darkly, a look he had expected.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel


The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

That night, Gu Zichen still returned Su Nian to the school every year, after all, the school had to go to bed at night. But the next day, he appeared under the female dormitory on time, ready to carry luggage for Su Nian.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

In a sense, Su Nian is an idealist, but Gu Zichen is a real action. She did not give Su Nian the opportunity to repent at all, and quickly removed all Su Nian's luggage.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian stood in a daze in the middle of the place, and was immediately picked up by Gu Zichen and put into the car. The eruption of her boyfriend's power made the three Doudou amazing!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

This particular girl's rhythm is too great! He deceived Su Nianxin willingly to go home!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Alas, it's terrible ...

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

When Su Nian stood in Gu Zichen's apartment every year, he still had an unreal feeling.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen rubbed her mushroom head vigorously. "Little mushroom, here will be our home in the future."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian clapped his hands blankly, looked around, and took a long time to get used to it.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

She opened the bag of potato chips, and played a game in front of the computer. But just a moment later, Gu Zichen was stunned, "rest your eyes and eat immediately."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian reluctantly went to the balcony to see the green plants, and he still remembered that he had hit a half copy.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Dinner is called take-away, and it is well-balanced and nutritious, but half of it is something that Su does not like to eat every year. She used to pick only what she loved to eat, Gu Zichen frowned, and gave her a bit of meat and green peppers. No one chopsticks Su Su abandoned every year.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"Every year, picky eaters are not good." Gu Zichen sighed and persuaded, Su Nian just ate a half-full, and when he heard it, he threw his mouth and threw the chopsticks: "Then I won't eat it."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Anyway, let her eat what she doesn't want to eat, it might as well be hungry!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen raised his eyebrows. In general, people would choose to relocate to Su Niannian, but who is Gu Zichen? At only twenty years old, he was in a shopping mall, and it was no problem to deal with the wayward child temper of Su Niannian.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

He collected all the food and threw it into the trash can. "Then let's not eat together, so hungry."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"If you don't eat, don't eat!" Su Nian snorted, and returned to the room to continue playing games.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

At ten o'clock, Su finds out how the game can't land anymore, and when he goes out for a look, Gu Zichen is disconnecting the network cable.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"Early to bed and early to rise, good health." He smiled at Su Nian, rolling his eyes every year, half angrily angry.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Say okay to live a free and unmanaged life! Don't lie! This is obviously a life without freedom and no human rights!

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