The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 472: If this doesn't count as love 9

Biquge, the fastest update honey love 100%: the latest chapter of the school's exclusive sweetheart!

Gu Zichen was talking to people, but noticed the situation over Su Niannian, frowning, and then went out.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian reluctantly swallowed the food in his mouth and asked vaguely: "Gu Li, why are you looking for me?"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Li didn't answer, and stretched out his face, holding Su Nian far away.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

The manor behind the Yejia Villa is very large. Gu Li found a quiet corner and let go of Su Niannian.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

He slammed into the fruit tree next to him, scared Su Nian tossed the half of the biscuits in his hands to the ground.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

In this regard, Su Nian quickly had a judgment--

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Li is angry, why? Is it because of Qingya?

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

She asked in a clumsy, "Don't you talk to me? What exactly did you want to do?"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Li frankly said coldly: "Grab someone, grab the bride and see how Zhou Wei'an got engaged."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Zhou Wei'an was the object of his engagement with Ye Qingya, and he was well-known in Yucheng's business district, but he was still not as good as his family.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Niannian mouth. Pakistan grows into an "o" shape, and still laments in his heart that they are all Gu family members with the same attributes!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

When she asked Gu Zichen, the answer given by Gu Zichen was also grabbing!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Li is even more frightening, and he has to put into action directly, but I do n’t know why it stopped at the last moment, and turned his head to use Su Niannian as an excuse.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

After understanding all this, Su was dissatisfied every year. Why do you use her as a shield every time?

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"Why don't you go chasing it earlier, now you regret it? It's too late to regret it!" Su Nian uttered a few words every year, Gu Li's face became extremely ugly, and her eyes fell on Su Niannian, so cold Feelings can't help but want to snore.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"Su Niannian, you can get along with Gu Zichen with your IQ! This will improve the IQ of your baby in the future!" Gu said the polite tongue, "If everything in this world is as simple as you think It is estimated that human beings have collectively degraded into paramecium! "

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

In the past, he was always a modest gentleman who looked like a black-bellied fox. This firepower fully mocked Su Niannian, and the awful Su Niann did not expect to fight back.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

"It's obviously your fault, but you have to be angry and blame others, you IQ, are you embarrassed to say others?" Another familiar voice sounded, Su Nian turned back with surprise, Gu Zichen did not know when he had come.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Li smiled angrily, "Yeah, my fault." He turned to look at Su Niannian, and suddenly came out, "But as the Gu family, my IQ is also guaranteed, year after year, or I will not give up He will stay with me and help you to neutralize your genes. "

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Although he had a joke tone, he was actually full of provocation.

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Zichen chuckled, "A man who is jealous is terrible."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Li ignored him and raised his lips to ask: "Years, how are you thinking?"

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Of course, Su Niannian wouldn't bother with such a frivolous request, and his eyes were full of sympathy, "Gu Li, are you irritated and want to find someone to vent, this way of pulling hatred is too naive."

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Lixu took a moment, then thought that it was even laughed at by Su Niannian, his face was a bit unsustainable, and he just left his hand and went back!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Su Nian was depressed every year, Gu Zichen comforted her again, and the two returned to the table together.

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Who knew that an accident happened just after returning!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Gu Li, Zhou Wei'an is going on!

The Emperor Girl--A Good Romance Novel

Oh no, you ca n’t use 揍 to describe it, it ’s a complete hanging!

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