The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 186 AdS/CFT Duality

At present, Witten and Pang Xuelin have found the dual relations among the five perturbative string theories. If they want to continue to search for the remaining dual relations, they must involve different kinds of cosmic spaces interpreted by different solutions in the gravitational field equation. .

Whether it is the amount of calculation or the energy required, it is not necessarily smaller than the establishment of m-theory.

Since Pang Xuelin didn't bother to continue his research, Witten naturally wouldn't stop him.

In the next month, Witten has been writing a paper on m-theory, and Pang Xuelin continued to study the relationship between the analytical solutions of the gravitational field equation in different situations and the quantum field theory through Ponzi geometry.

This kind of work is very boring. Every day, it is necessary to substitute different gravitational field equation solutions for checking calculations, such as Schwarzschild metric, Ressler-Nostrum metric, Kerr solution, Tob-nut solution, to Free De Mans-Lemaitre-Robertson-Volcker solution, Gödel universe, de Sitter universe, anti-de Sitter space...

To verify the past one by one, the amount of calculation is very large.

As time passed day by day, Pang Xuelin still failed to find a suitable dual relationship.

Just when Pang Xuelin suspected that there was a problem with his checking method, one night after one month, Pang Xuelin substituted the analytical solution of the anti-de Sitter space into the calculation, and the feedback result quickly caught his attention. .

"Hey, I seem to have discovered something extraordinary..."

Pang Xuelin's eyes lit up.

According to his calculation results, there is a dual relationship between the string theory in 5-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time (the aforementioned quantum gravity theory) and n=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in 4-dimensional space-time.

It is expressed by mathematical formula, that is, d=4, n=4, su(nc) Yang-Mills theory and type iib string theory are dual in the anti-de Sitter space-time of s55.

The specific performance is: the symmetry of both theories is psu(2,2|4), including so(4,2)o(6), the super-conformity remains unchanged, and the super-Poincare remains unchanged.

There is sl(2,z)s-duality on both sides, which can be said to be a duality of dualities.

In the field theory of large n, n corresponds to the rr manifold in the form of 5, namely: n=∫s^5f5.

The coupling constant gym in Yang-Mills theory corresponds to the string coupling constant gs as follows: gs=gym^2/π, λ=gym^2n=l^4/a'^4.

When λ\u003e\u003e1,

The radius of ads is much larger than the chord length, gravity can be calculated classically, but the perturbation calculation of field theory fails. When λ\u003c\u003c1, the field theory can perturb calculations, but the calculations on the string theory side are very difficult.


After spending a whole night, Pang Xuelin not only checked and calculated the five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time ads5, but also successively verified the three-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time ads3, the four-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time, and the seven-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time, and finally proposed the following guess:

There is a dual relationship between the quantum gravity theory in (d+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time and the conformal field theory in d-dimensional space-time (this low-dimensional space-time is the boundary of (d+1)-dimensional ads space-time).

Expressed in a more specific language, that is, if there are two worlds, one has a five-dimensional space-time, and there is gravity between objects, and the other world has only four-dimensional space-time, and there is no gravity between objects. This world is definitely completely different. But Pang Xuelin now found that under a specific situation, various evidences showed that the two worlds could be exactly the same.

Pang Xuelin does not know whether his conjecture is correct, but there is no doubt that if this conjecture is true, it will represent a major leap in human understanding of string theory and quantum gravity theory.

Since it provides a complete definition of m-theory for the special case of anti-de Sitter geometry of space-time, where negative energy causes space-time to curve differently from the universe, for such a hypothetical world, physicists can describe The process of all energy generation, in theory, even includes the formation and evaporation of black holes.

What Pang Xuelin didn't know was that the conjecture he put forward was exactly the famous ads/cft duality in later generations.

This theory was proposed by Argentinian theoretical physicist Juan Maldacina.

It was his discovery that led most theoretical physicists to list m-theory as their preferred candidate for a theory of everything.

In later generations, Maldacena and Witten were listed as the founders of m-theory.

And Maldacena's paper on the ADS/CFT duality has become a classic in theoretical physics in later generations, with 16,000 citations, the most cited article in all theoretical physics.

Ads/CFT directly feeds more than half of the people in high energy theory except pheno, plus some condensed matter and quantum information researchers.

In the field of high-energy physics, there has always been a theory of ads/cft.


Pang Xuelin stood up from the chair and stretched so long.

Although he didn't sleep all night, his brain was still in a state of high excitement.

Unlike Witten when he was doing research on m-theory, he was mainly responsible for establishing the mathematical structure of m-theory, and Witten was responsible for proposing some ideas in specific physics.

But the ads/cft duality is the first major physics problem that he has solved independently. Although he is not clear about the status of this theory in the physics world in the real world, he is very clear that he put forward this conjecture. The significance is not much smaller than that of m-theory.

It can be regarded as an important supplement to m-theory. To some extent, Pang Xuelin's contribution to m-theory has surpassed that of Edward Witten by establishing the mathematical structure of m-theory and proposing the ADS/CFT duality.

Next, Pang Xuelin spent another whole week writing a paper on the dual relationship between ads/cft.

A week later, Pang Xuelin put his thesis on Edward Witten's desk.

"The large-n limit and supergravity in hyperconformal field theory?"

Edward Witten glanced at Pang Xuelin in surprise, then lowered his head and continued to look down.

The office fell silent. The paper written by Pang Xuelin was not long, only less than ten pages, but Edward Witten read it for two full hours.

After a long time, Edward Witten slowly raised his head, looked at Pang Xuelin with a complicated expression, and said with a wry smile: "Pang, I regret it a little, I should have listened to you at that time, and continued to cooperate with you in research, I didn't expect you to It will come out like this.”

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "It's not too late, why don't you also sign this paper?"

Edward Witten is a bigwig in the field of theoretical physics, and the two are working together on m-theory. If Witten really wants to co-sign, Pang Xuelin can't refuse.

Edward Witten shook his head and smiled: "Forget it, this is the result of your independent research. I don't want to become a scholar. But your paper came out just right, and I have already written the paper on m-theory. The two of us As a co-author, these two papers happen to be published together, and I am going to directly submit to Science, what do you think?"

Pang Xuelin said: "I'll leave it to you to handle this, I have no objection."

"Okay, that's it!"

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