The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 244 Physics Never Existed

Seven thirty in the evening, CERN lecture hall.

After dinner, Pang Xuelin sat down in the first row of the lecture hall and waited patiently.

Cheng Xin sat beside him.

"Professor Pang, won't they stop coming?"

Cheng Xin was a little worried.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have released the bait, as long as they have a little concern about the future development of physics, they will come! Until now, these physicists who can still stay at CERN, and Those who did not switch to other research fields are all scholars who really love physics. Physics is something they have studied all their lives. The sophon blockade shattered the holy grail in their hearts. Tian used alcohol to anesthetize himself. Now, someone told them that physics still has hope, and the person who said this was a Wallfacer, do you think they would like to come over?"

Cheng Xin nodded in confusion.

Although she majored in aerospace engineering, she still couldn't understand this pure scholar mentality.

Therefore, even with Pang Xuelin's guarantee, Cheng Xin was still a little worried.

From time to time, she turned her head to the entrance of the lecture hall, expecting someone to arrive.

After a while, Cheng Xin's eyes lit up suddenly, and she said, "Someone is here."

The one who entered the lecture hall was a tall and thin man in his thirties with a pale complexion.

Seeing Pang Xuelin and Cheng Xin, the tall and thin man said, "You guys are also here to attend the briefing? Damn it, those guards almost searched me for a terrorist!"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "You were also introduced by Rupert?"

The tall and thin man said: "Yes, Rupert said that a Wallfacer came to CERN, and he boasted that there is a way to contact Sophon Blockade. We came here just to see who the Wallfacer is, and he dared to speak so boldly."

Seeing that the tall and thin man didn't recognize Pang Xuelin's identity, Cheng Xin, who was sitting next to Pang Xuelin, was about to explain, but Pang Xuelin patted her hand and said, "I also told Rupert that it is said that the person facing the wall is a mathematician. He also said that physicists are a bunch of idiots, physics is a pseudoscience, and only mathematics can save mankind!"

The tall and thin man was suddenly irritated by Pang Xuelin,

Blushing, he said loudly, "Where is that Wallfacer? He is talking nonsense, physics... physics is not a pseudoscience, otherwise Sophon... why would Sophon block our ion accelerator!"

"Brother, don't get excited!" Pang Xuelin said, "I came to the report meeting because that guy was unhappy. There is still some time before the report meeting. He probably will have to wait a while before coming. We will talk about the meeting later. Let’s refute him later.”

Cheng Xin couldn't help but rolled her eyes, this guy is talking nonsense again.

The tall and thin man said: "Yes, I'm going to refute him at the report meeting. By the way, little brother, where are you from? I don't think I've seen you at CERN?"

Pang Xuelin didn't change his face: "My name is Luo Ji, a Ph.D. in the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University. I once made a vow to devote my whole life to physics. After the sophon blockade, my supervisor returned to China to collect materials. I don't want to If you want to go back, you will stay at CERN."

The tall and thin man said: "Good job, those guys are all traitors to physics, only we are the ones who really love physics!"

Cheng Xin stood aside, staring at Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin's actions simply subverted his own three views.

In the past, it was fine for Pang Xuelin to bully him, but he did not expect such an honest person to bully him.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "By the way, brother, where are you from?"

The tall and thin man stretched out his hand and said, "Princeton Boyle Baker, I am a student of Professor Witten."

Pang Xuelin was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Witten to exist in this world.

He asked curiously, "Where is Professor Witten? How is he doing now?"

Baker said: "Professor is fine. He is now staying at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Anyway, even if his theory has a hadron collider, it will take decades or hundreds of years to prove it. Now it is completely useless. Don't count on it, An Anxin is doing theory in Princeton."

Pang Xuelin nodded, and asked again: "Then why don't you go back to Princeton?"

Baker became a little excited again, and said: "Those idiots actually want to dismantle the LHC. We scholars who stayed behind at CERN have already decided that anyone who dares to dismantle the LHC will not be able to run over our corpses."

Pang Xuelin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he didn't know whether this group of people were physics fundamentalists.

But what he needs is exactly such a group of people who are madly obsessed with physics, otherwise he wouldn't have come here specifically to find someone.

As time went on, more and more people started to enter the lecture hall.

Most of these scholars looked haggard, and some even smelled of alcohol.

There were about 60 or 70 of them, and most of them knew each other. After entering the lecture hall, they chatted in low voices, and sometimes yelled at each other.

Sitting on the sidelines, Cheng Xin was a little apprehensive. She never expected that these seemingly gentle scientists would be so terrifying when they became crazy.

Pang Xuelin was sitting in the first row, with Baker in the way. Even if some people knew him, they didn't notice his existence.

Seeing that the clock was about to point to eight o'clock, Rupert walked in in a hurry. He turned around and greeted most of the people present one by one. Only then did he find Pang Xuelin in the first row.

"Professor Pang, everyone is almost here. Didn't you say that you have a way to solve the sophon blockade? Now it's your turn to take the stage!"

Rupert walked up to Pang Xuelin and sneered.

"Actually, I am that Wallfacer!"

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly, patted the shoulder of Baker, whose face turned red and then pale, and walked up to the reporting platform without haste.

The lecture hall suddenly fell silent, everyone's eyes were focused on Pang Xuelin, and slight discussions could be heard from time to time.

"He is the Wallfacer who proposed Ponzi's geometry theory?"

"You look so young!"

"I heard that he is only in his twenties, and he was in ETO before."

"Just this young guy, he has a way to solve the sophon blockade?"


Cheng Xin looked at Pang Xuelin with some concern. Judging from the performance of those physicists just now, she didn't have a good impression of Pang Xuelin.

In case of saying something wrong today, with the current state of mind of these physicists, Pang Xuelin may be guilty.

Pang Xuelin seemed unaware of all this, and said with a smile: "Good evening, everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you at CERN. I'm Pang Xuelin, the Wallfacer. All of you here are well-known figures in the world of physics. You can stay here, it means Everyone still has a glimmer of fantasy and hope for the future of physics. But what I want to tell you is that physics didn’t exist in the past, doesn’t exist now, and won’t exist in the future!”

"What do you mean!"

"Physics doesn't exist anymore, so why did you bring us here?"

"Another sensationalist trying to waste our time!"


The crowd in the audience suddenly became noisy.

Pang Xuelin had no choice but to get closer to the microphone and said loudly: "Be quiet! Listen to me first!"

Perhaps Pang Xuelin's voice was loud enough to overwhelm everyone in the audience, or Pang Xuelin's voice had some unknown power.

The audience gradually quieted down, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin's tone was unhurried, he said: "Everyone should have heard of the Science Frontier Organization, the one under the ETO..."

The faces of many people in the audience changed slightly.

Boundary of Science is an organization developed by ETO in the academic world back then, with the purpose of messing up the scientific research on the earth. Many people present have intersected with Boundary of Science.

Pang Xuelin said: "People on the border of science once spread the so-called SF hypothesis in the scientific community, that is, the shooter hypothesis and the farmer hypothesis. I believe everyone here has heard of it."

"The shooter hypothesis is described as follows: There is a sharpshooter who punches a hole every 10cm on a target. Imagine that a two-dimensional intelligent creature lives on this target. After observing their own universe, the scientists in them, They discovered a great law: every 10cm unit, there must be a hole. They regard the random behavior of this sharpshooter as the iron law in their own universe."

"The farmer's hypothesis: There is a group of turkeys on a farm, and the farmer comes to feed them at 11:00 every day. A scientist among the turkeys observed this phenomenon for nearly a year without exception, so it also found The great law of his own universe: every morning at 11 o'clock, the food comes. It announced this law to everyone on Thanksgiving morning, but this morning at 11 o'clock the food did not come, and the farmers came in and caught them all. .”

Cheng Xin stared blankly at Pang Xuelin on the podium. It was the first time she heard such a hypothesis. These two hypotheses gave her a chill in her heart.

Zhang Beihai on the other side pursed his lips. Although the expression on his face didn't change much, from his eyes, he could feel that the other person's heart was not so peaceful.

The entire lecture hall fell into an eerie silence.

Pang Xuelin's voice continued: "These are two very vivid metaphors. Many physicists found that the world of microscopic particles has no laws to follow because of sophon interference at the time of the collision test, and even concluded that physics does not exist in space and time. Even conclusion, the result chose to commit suicide. I can only express my regret about this, maybe their conclusion is correct, but I personally don’t agree with their suicide behavior.”

"I once had a friend who made a mathematical model of the evolution of the earth to simulate the evolution of the earth's surface form in the past and the future. This model integrated multiple factors such as biology, geology, atmosphere, ocean and astronomy. He found that, The earth has produced life, and life is also changing the earth. The current environment of the earth is actually the result of the interaction between the two. If the option of life is cancelled, the earth will lose its oceans, rivers and even the current atmospheric environment, and become like Mars dead silence."

"If we magnify this problem to the cosmic environment. The stars in the universe are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River. There is an intelligent civilization in the nearest three-star Centaur to our solar system. Then what I want to ask you is, the universe How many intelligent civilizations exist in the world? As long as these intelligent civilizations develop one million years earlier than us humans, what heights can they reach today? Who dares to say that the speed of light we have today, the three-dimensional space we see today Isn’t the universe the result of the action of life?”

There was dead silence!

Everyone looked at Pang Xuelin dumbfounded.

These top physicists on earth suddenly felt that Pang Xuelin seemed to have opened up a new world for them.

"So what I want to say is that physics is very likely to be uneven in space and time. Physics has never existed from the past, to the present, and to the future!"

At this time, someone in the audience said: "If you say this, then what is the point of our study of physics? The classical mechanics system established by Newton, the system of relativity established by Einstein, Bohr, Planck, etc. Wouldn’t the quantum mechanics system established by man be meaningless?”

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "Who said it is meaningless? Everyone seems to have forgotten what tools these physics systems are built with, mathematical tools! The collider is just a tool for us to explore microphysics. Without this Don’t we want to use other methods to conduct physics research? Looking back on the 300 years of our modern human history, the influence of mathematics on physics is everywhere.”

"On June 10, 1854, the mathematical genius Riemann published "Hypothesis on the Foundation of Geometry" at the University of Göttingen, Germany, which shook the Euclidean geometry that had never been shaken for two thousand years. Riemann believed that The foundation of Chiridan mathematics is only the quicksand of common sense and intuition, rather than the result of solid logical deduction. For example, Euclidean geometry says that the sum of the three interior angles of a triangle is equal to 180 degrees. This seemingly simple problem has never been rigorously solved in the history of mathematics. Proved! Moreover, if you are in a world with curved surfaces, this formula will not hold. Riemann made Newton’s first epoch-making major breakthrough in two hundred years, completely overturning Newton’s principle of action at a distance. He believed that the force comes from In geometry, the force is only an inevitable phenomenon caused by the distortion of the geometric structure. In the age when Newton had already become a god, how bold it is to say such a conclusion!"

"Riemann simplifies all natural forces with the theory of multi-dimensional space; he believes that electricity, like magnetism and gravity, is only the result of bending high-dimensional space. He proposed the concept of wormholes, and the Riemann cut is one of the simplest multi-connected spaces. Example. He described gravity with "field", and described the gravitational field at each point in space with "metric tensor". Einstein even used Riemann's research results to express his own new physics in mathematical form Discovery, this is the general theory of relativity”

"In Maxwell's era, a Maxwell's equations, electricity and magnetism were unified, which made Einstein feel the pressure later. If we look at the scale of human civilization history, the most important event in the 19th century will be judged as The laws of electrodynamics discovered by Maxwell, and the American Civil War at the same time would have only regional significance."

"As for special relativity and general relativity, let alone, their derivation is also closely related to mathematics."

"The Yang-Mills gauge field theory unifies the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces. The Yang-Mills gauge field existence and mass interval assumptions have become the seven major mathematical problems of the millennium."

"Later, the superstring theory was born. Many physicists thought that the mathematics of the 21st century was needed to describe the superstring theory, but they found that in the manuscript of the Indian mathematician Ramanujan, the Ramanujan modular function Proof: We can only define string theory in twenty-six dimensions and ten dimensions, otherwise we cannot use string theory to integrate known physical laws. That is to say, the high-dimensional universe that produces our existing universe has a dimension number of one It must be ten!"

"All the above examples have shown that in the process of studying physics, mathematical tools are the most important, and the particle collider is just an ordinary experimental device."


The audience had fallen into dead silence. Even non-academic people like Cheng Xin, Kanter, and Zhang Beihai were stunned by Pang Xuelin's point of view.

At this time, someone said: "Without the particle collider, how can we verify the theory? The development of modern physics has reached the deep water area. Without top-level experimental equipment to prove the theory, we can't find the way ahead."

Pang Xuelin said: "We don't need verification!"

"No verification required?"

"Yes, the next physics research will start from pure theory and focus on mathematical tools. As long as a logical and self-consistent system can be established in mathematics, we can recognize the existence of this theory. Every set of logic We can continue to study self-consistent systems. In fact, hasn’t the field of theoretical physics already started doing this in recent years? We don’t need to verify, we just need to give a framework. As for which theory is correct, which theory It is wrong, we leave it to the future, and to the people who come after us to solve it.”

"Then what is the point of what we do?"

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said: "As long as we can break through the blockade of sophons, the existence of these theories will save countless theoretical research time for our descendants, allowing them to achieve technological explosion in a very short period of time. Even these theories By itself, it is possible to bring about a way to unblock the sophon, it depends on whether everyone here can open their minds."

"Because of the sophon blockade, the physics world is still in chaos. I will go to New York in two days. At that time, I will propose to the Planetary Defense Council to set up a special theoretical physics research institution. This institution will convene The top mathematicians and theoretical physicists in the world use mathematical methods to construct new physics, and all the papers and documents you produce will become the crystallization of the wisdom of our human civilization."

"What wanders in change, is fixed in eternal thought."

"I hope everyone here can remember that our brain, our logic system, is the most powerful tool. Let us tell the Trisolarans with practical actions that blocking a small collider means blocking us Don’t even think about the development of technology!”


With that said, Pang Xuelin got off the stage and walked straight out of the lecture hall, leaving only a group of stunned physicists behind.

Kanter, Cheng Xin, Zhang Beihai and the others quickly followed.

"Professor Pang, what you just said is really good!"

Cheng Xin exclaimed.

Although she was not impressed by Pang Xuelin's character, Cheng Xin was really convinced by this guy's talent.

No wonder he was chosen as Wallfacer.

Cheng Xin thought to herself.

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "I fooled them."

"Fooling them?"

Cheng Xin was slightly taken aback, then looked up at Pang Xuelin in puzzlement, "But I think what you just said makes sense!"

Pang Xuelin laughed and said: "Even if we find the correct physical theory by mathematical methods, if there is no way to verify it by experiment, then there is no way to apply it, and it will be useless in the end."

"But you..."

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "Of course, it's not that it's useless at all. The fantastic ideas of these physicists may open a new door for us. Who knows, I just pointed out a new door for them. It’s just a research path, as for whether it will be successful in the future, it’s none of my business.”

Cheng Xin opened her mouth, and finally shook her head speechlessly.

This guy can always pour cold water on people's heads when they are most excited.


Maybe it was because of Pang Xuelin's status as a Wallfacer, or maybe it was because Pang Xuelin's words were too shocking.

In short, after only one night, Pang Xuelin's remarks have spread throughout the physics community.

The next day, quite a few physicists took the initiative to call. Those near CERN even found the hotel where Pang Xuelin lived.

Pang Xuelin specially selected several highly prestigious scholars to receive them, and told them clearly that when he returned to the United Nations, he would persuade the PDC as soon as possible to unite the world's top physicists and establish a research institution related to theoretical physics.

After staying in Switzerland for another two days, Pang Xuelin took a special plane, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and returned to the United States.

After arriving in New York, Pang Xuelin immediately came to the office of Garning, the rotating chairman of the Planetary Defense Council.

"Professor Pang, welcome, you are coming back this time, probably because of the Institute of Theoretical Physics."

Seeing Pang Xuelin come in, Garning stood up and said with a smile.

Previously, because of the sophon blockade, the physics circles of various countries were devastated, and many physicists began to switch to other fields.

Pang Xuelin's speech at CERN is equivalent to an essay, pointing out the direction for future physics research.

The PDC and even the governments of various countries expressed their support for Pang Xuelin's idea. Even in their view, Pang Xuelin didn't even need to try to convince the PDC, as long as he used the authority of the Wallfacer in his hands.

But Pang Xuelin's next sentence was somewhat beyond Garning's expectations.

"Mr. Chairman, I came here this time to persuade the PDC to establish the Institute of Theoretical Physics as a side effect. I request the PDC to hold a hearing on the wall-face plan as soon as possible. I have an important plan to announce, and the amount of resources required may exceed your imagination."


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