The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 376 The Godly Assist of the Nobel Prize

Pang Xuelin said: "For the large-capacity capacitor technology in the forced energy storage device, my colleagues at the Jiangda Carbon Nanomaterials Research Center have already had a preliminary plan, that is, to use large-scale graphene capacitors as energy storage devices. At present, we have been able to For large-scale industrial production of ultra-large single-layer graphene with a surface area of ​​about 30 square centimeters, within one year, we can achieve one square meter, and within three years, we are confident that it will be expanded to ten square meters. With step-by-step acceleration, we can fully meet the energy requirements of the electromagnetic ejection system..."

Yang Boyu said: "What about the high-temperature superconducting technology? We must know that in this project, the superconductor is the key. At present, there is no perfect theoretical mechanism to explain the superconductivity of matter in the academic world. Although in the laboratory, The critical temperature of high-temperature superconductivity has reached the temperature of liquid nitrogen, and German scientists even discovered that hydrogen sulfide (H2S, a component of rotten eggs) has a superconducting transition temperature of 203K (-70°C) at 150GPa (1.5 million atmospheres). But Superconductors in practical industrial applications are basically made of niobium-titanium alloy, and the transition temperature is only 8-10k liquid helium temperature. According to the quantity requirements of superconductors in this project, the cost of superconductors alone exceeds ten trillion Renminbi. And this is not something you can buy with money. Now that the global production of niobium-titanium alloy superconductors is all added up, a hundred years of production will not be able to meet the needs of this project..."

In the meeting room, everyone focused their attention on Pang Xuelin.

Yang Boyu asked the key point.

In this project, whether it is a superconducting linear acceleration motor or a superconducting maglev device, the requirements for superconductors are much higher than those of ordinary superconducting maglev trains.

According to the calculation of superconductors that can be manufactured by the industry at present, the cost is simply unacceptable.

Pang Xuelin was already prepared for this problem, and smiled lightly: "This is indeed a big problem, so in the next three years, I will devote all my energy to how to solve the problem of superconducting mechanism, and strive to realize low-cost room temperature superconductors. . I think, for me, three years to solve this problem should be enough."

After the voice fell, everyone in the conference room couldn't help being stunned.

"Professor Pang, I'm Guo Guangkun from the State Key Laboratory of Superconductivity, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. How can you guarantee that you will solve the physics mechanism of superconductors within three years?"

At this time, a gentle man wearing glasses who looked in his early fifties spoke out.

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "Academician Guo, with my name Pang Xuelin, I wonder if I deserve your trust?"

As soon as Pang Xuelin said this, the meeting room fell silent.

The expressions on everyone's faces suddenly became complicated.

There is ridicule, scrutiny, and appreciation.

It has been more than a hundred years since Heike Cameron Onnes discovered the phenomenon of superconductivity in matter in 1911. Although human beings have found a large number of high-temperature superconductors, it is essentially just a study of finding a needle in a haystack. At present, human beings have not been able to give a perfect explanation of the superconducting phenomenon through theory.

But the young man in front of him said that he would solve the problems that have plagued mankind for more than a hundred years in three years.

If you say believe it, few of these people here believe it.

But if you don't believe it, not many people can say it.

After all, in the past two years, the young man in front of him has created too many miracles.

Who can guarantee that he will not be able to solve the physical mechanism of the superconducting phenomenon within three years?

Is the last one who was slapped in the face still hanging on the Internet?

What's more, there are big leaders watching today's meeting,

Who is willing to gamble with Pang Xuelin?

Even Guo Guangkun himself was silent.

For a while, the meeting room fell into a weird silence.

At this moment, Pang Xuelin's mobile phone on the conference table suddenly buzzed and vibrated.

Pang Xuelin was taken aback for a moment. His mobile phone had a built-in clone program of MOSS, which could control all incoming calls.

Under normal circumstances, it is not an important call, and MOSS will directly refuse to answer it at this time.

Moreover, not many people knew his private number. At this time, who would call in?

Pang Xuelin looked at the phone, and the caller ID showed an unfamiliar international number.

At this moment, the old man in the jacket sitting at the top said: "Professor Pang, answer any important calls first."


Pang Xuelin made an apologetic gesture to everyone and pressed the answer button.

On the other end of the phone, came an English voice with a strong accent: "Is this Professor Pang Xuelin?"

Pang Xuelin responded in English: "I am Pang Xuelin, who is this?"

The voice on the other end of the phone said: "Professor Pang Xuelin, hello, I am Herbert Green, chairman of the Nobel Prize review committee, and I am honored to inform you that because of your achievements in the fields of carbon nanomaterials and lithium-air batteries, Winner of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry."

Pang Xuelin was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile on his face, "Oh, thank you, Mr. Chairman, I am attending an important meeting right now. If there is nothing else to do, I will hang up first."

Herbert Green obviously didn't expect Pang Xuelin to be so calm. After a long pause, he smiled and said, "Okay, Professor Pang, then I won't disturb you. I look forward to meeting you at the awards ceremony in December this year."


After hanging up the phone, everyone's eyes focused on Pang Xuelin.

The old man in the jacket asked curiously, "Professor Pang, is there anything important?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said: "I just received a call from the chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee, informing me that I have won this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry."

After the voice fell, the conference room was once again quietly audible.

Everyone looked at Pang Xuelin dumbfounded.

Although the news that Pang Xuelin may win this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry has long been buzzing, but when the award is really confirmed, everyone has a feeling of dreaming.

The 24-year-old Nobel Prize winner in science.

This seems to be the first time in history, right?

Starting today, Pang Xuelin's head will have another shining golden signboard.

Li Qingshan, Yang Boyu and others looked at each other with bitterness on their faces.

The reason why they tried their best to bring the Xiangshan meeting to the beginning of October was because they considered that once Pang Xuelin won the Nobel Prize, he would definitely gain a lot of weight in the hearts of the leadership.

Therefore, it is a good choice to suppress Pang Xuelin's electromagnetic orbit space launch system plan before the Nobel Prize.

Unexpectedly, the Nobel Prize review committee would call Pang Xuelin during the meeting.

How can people oppose Pang Xuelin's plan?

clap clap...

In the meeting room, the old man in the jacket and the old man in military uniform applauded first, and then, the applause resounded throughout the meeting room, and everyone stood up one after another to congratulate Pang Xuelin.

"Professor Pang, thank you for the honor you have won for our country."

"Professor Pang, congratulations!"

"Professor Pang, I hope we can cooperate in the future."

"Professor Pang, congratulations, you have made history."


"Thank you, thank you all."

Pang Xuelin had to get up, accept the congratulations of everyone, and then shook hands with everyone to express his thanks.

Half an hour later, the meeting room became quiet again, and everyone returned to their seats to sit down.

The old man in the jacket said with a smile: "Okay, let's get back to business. Do you have any comments on the electromagnetic orbital space launch system and the space shuttle project?"

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other in blank dismay. What should they say at this moment?

Slap a Nobel laureate in the face? It is impossible for Pang Xuelin to figure out the superconducting mechanism?

No one wants to be the first bird when Pang Xuelin is in full swing.

At this time, Ma Jingwu said: "If Professor Pang can really solve the problem of room temperature superconductivity, I think Professor Pang's plan can be tried. After all, rocket technology belongs to the visible future, and there will always be a day when it will come to an end. If you want to truly realize aerospace industrialization, the electromagnetic orbital space launch system is indeed a good choice compared to other solutions."

Guo Wenbin also followed suit and said, "I also support Professor Pang. Our country's technical reserves in the field of electromagnetic orbital ejection are not much weaker than that of the United States, and we even have advantages in some fields. Then why don't we continue to expand this advantage and further What about blossoming in other fields?"

As soon as these two bigwigs expressed their views, many people in the conference room also expressed their support one after another.

Even Guo Guangkun, who had questioned Pang Xuelin before, believed that if Pang Xuelin could solve the superconductor problem, his solution could indeed be tried.


Unknowingly, more than half of the participating scholars actively expressed their support for Pang Xuelin's plan.

As for those who disagreed, most of them remained silent at this time.

At this moment, the old man in the jacket turned his gaze to Pang Xuelin and said, "Professor Pang, do you have anything else to say?"

Pang Xuelin pondered for a moment, and said: "In fact, the electromagnetic orbital space launch project reminds me of the Apollo program that began in the 1960s. Although many people believe that the Apollo program was the United States during the Cold War to demonstrate its superpower power. The product of Soviet competition. However, the Apollo program was extremely successful no matter in terms of economic, social or military significance. It not only gave the United States a great reputation in the Cold War, but it also surpassed the Soviet Union. It has enabled humans to have the first direct understanding of the moon and near-moon space. More importantly, the Apollo program has transformed the rise and progress of key sciences and various marginal interdisciplinary subjects into the future economic strength of the country and the defense of national security. played an important role.”

"Even the technologies that supported the rapid development of the U.S. economy in the 1970s and 1980s all came from the digestion, optimization and secondary development of lunar exploration technology. Today, a large part of the key technologies of the U.S. aerospace industry, defense industry and many civilian industries The second or third generation technology from the Apollo program, or the technology derived from these technologies, developed through lunar exploration, has been integrated into people's daily life and the entire industrial system. According to the information I have seen, from The Apollo program resulted in approximately 3,000 applied technological achievements."

"For example, during the implementation of the Apollo moon landing project, in order to cool down and ensure the safety of the astronauts who landed on the moon, a liquid cooling suit was developed. The principle is to rely on pumps to transport cold water to circulate refrigeration. Later, this technology was directly applied to the army, sea and air forces , improving the working conditions of tank crews, submariners and pilots. It also reduces suffering for some special patients.”

"The dried vegetable leaves in the widely eaten instant noodle seasoning are to remove the moisture contained in the vegetables for storage, storage, and transportation. This technology originated from the Apollo manned moon landing project. At that time, it was for the astronauts to eat. Invented from vegetables."

"The 'hollow blow molding' manufacturing technology used in many sports shoes is also a 'product' of the Apollo manned moon landing project. At that time, in order to create a space suit liner that is complete, uniform in thickness, and able to withstand high pressure, scientists, Invented the method of heating and softening a ball of pressure-resistant soft material, placing it in a mold, and then blowing high-pressure gas into the mold. Later, sports shoe manufacturers discovered that this process can quickly and efficiently manufacture complete shoe uppers , so it is widely used.”


"There are still many such achievements. For our country, China is currently in the strategic transformation period of industrial upgrading. The appearance of Jinlong battery has provided a strong internal driving force for our country's industrial upgrading. At present, every year our country graduates from science and engineering More than 4.7 million, more than the sum of Europe, America and Japan, but to be honest, this force is far from being developed. We need a super large-scale strategic project to detonate this force. The electromagnetic orbital space launch project and the space The Space Shuttle project is undoubtedly a suitable choice. Therefore, no matter in terms of my personal choice or the future of our country, I hope this project can be recognized and supported by everyone."

"That's all I have to say, thank you all."

The meeting room fell silent again, and the old man in the jacket said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

At this time, Li Qingshan said again: "Professor Pang, we all understand what you said, but if we completely abandon the rocket route and switch to the electromagnetic orbit space launch route, what should the hundreds of thousands of rocket people across the country do? We Where is the direction of transformation?"

Pang Xuelin laughed and said: "Steady stock, go to increase. Academician Li, you are also an old astronaut. You should know that advanced technology replaces backward technology. This is the direction of the development of the times. It is inevitable. At least in Before the electromagnetic orbital launch system is successfully developed, we need the Long March series of rockets to continue to serve our aerospace industry. Therefore, if the electromagnetic orbital space launch system can really be approved, I personally think that Aerospace Science and Technology Group should consider a strategic transformation. You guys With rich experience in the aerospace field, the electromagnetic orbit space launch project and the research and development of aerospace aircraft are also inseparable from your support. I hope that in the future we can work together instead of engaging in technological confrontation because of different ideas.”

Li Qingshan was silent for a long time before he let out a long sigh: "Professor Pang, I understand what you mean, thank you!"

clap clap...

Li Qingshan applauded first, and there was a burst of warm applause in the meeting room.

The old man in the jacket said with a smile: "Okay, if everyone has no questions, then today's meeting will come to an end. The restaurant has prepared a sumptuous lunch for everyone. Let's go eat first."

Soon, everyone got up and left the meeting room one after another.

Just as Pang Xuelin walked out of the conference room door, Zuo Yiqiu, who had been waiting outside the door, greeted him excitedly: "Professor Pang, just fifteen minutes ago, the Nobel Prize Committee announced that you and Professor Kirton Walker jointly won this year's award. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded. Now the media is going crazy, they don’t have your mobile phone number, they all call me, and the Internet is full of discussions about your winning the Nobel Prize.”

Zuo Yiqiu seemed a little excited. Although there had been rumors on the Internet that Pang Xuelin had won the award, after the news was confirmed, she felt like she was dreaming.

Pang Xuelin was a little calm. He had experienced such scenes many times and was used to it. He smiled and said, "I just received a call."

In fact, Pang Xuelin's mobile phone was also bombed in this short period of time. There were calls from Tao Zhexuan and others from the other side of the ocean, as well as calls from colleagues and friends from Jiangda University. There were even several calls from Qi Xin and Yao Bingxia who knew about Pang Xuelin. In a meeting, I didn't take the initiative to call.

After lunch, Pang Xuelin went back to his room to rest, and then called back the previous calls one by one.

At this time, discussions between Pang Xuelin and Cotton Walker were already everywhere on the Internet.

"Haha, I didn't expect Professor Pang to win the award this year."

"Fuck, 24-year-old Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, I feel like my 24 years have been wasted."

"Professor Pang is awesome. There will be an International Conference of Mathematicians next year. At that time, he will be able to bring back another Fields Medal. The winner of both the Nobel Prize and the Philippe Prize can be said to be the best in history."

"Congratulations to Professor Pang for winning the Nobel Prize. It is the second Nobel Prize for Science belonging to the Chinese. I am very happy. I hope that more and more Chinese people will be seen on the stage of the Nobel Prize in the future."

"Have you checked Professor Kirton Walker's Weibo? He publicly expressed his gratitude to Professor Pang on Weibo, saying that without Professor Pang, he would never have touched the Nobel Prize trophy in his life."

"By the way, Professor Kirton Walker is now a Chinese citizen, right? Today is a double blessing. Two Chinese people have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry."

"I can't express my inner feelings in words other than awesomeness."

"I have a vague feeling that after Professor Pang Xuelin, I am afraid that it will not be too long before China's Nobel Prize winners will usher in a blowout period."

"I think it will take a few more years. The real large-scale output of Chinese academia will be after 2005. The average cycle of Nobel Prize winning is 20 to 30 years. The real blowout period should be after 2030..." .


While there was a wave of discussion on the Internet, the major media around the world were basically full of news about Pang Xuelin.

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