The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 50 Watching Movies

Pang Xuelin followed Qi Xin to the stadium. On the plastic track, he followed Qi Xin's lead and did some warm-up exercises before officially starting to run.

In the first lap of 400 meters, Pang Xuelin could still keep up with Qi Xin's pace, but in the second lap, Pang Xuelin's footsteps became heavy and he was out of breath.

"Sister, don't worry about me, you run at your own pace, I haven't exercised for a long time, I can't keep up with you!"

"Okay, then I'll run away first!"

Qi Xin glanced at Pang Xuelin with a smile, and didn't mean to underestimate Pang Xuelin.

There are not many men who can not show their strength in front of him. Pang Xuelin can face his weaknesses so calmly, which makes Qi Xin feel that this man is mature enough and reliable.

What's more, Pang Xuelin is already good enough, needless to say about his academic achievements, the temperament contained in his body alone is different.

Especially those eyes, every time Qi Xin looked into them, Qi Xin felt like her heart was beating faster and she was about to fall into it.

Pang Xuelin followed behind Qi Xin and insisted on running two more laps. He felt that he had reached the limit, so he stopped and stood aside to watch Qi Xin run.

Qi Xin's running posture is very graceful, and her steps are steady and powerful. Even though she has run the sixth lap of the 400-meter runway, she has no intention of slowing down at all.

At this time, the fiery red sun had already burst out, and the sun shone on Qi Xin, elongating her figure, and there was a faint sense of beauty in it.

It wasn't until the tenth lap that Qi Xin finished her morning jog. While wiping off her sweat, she came to Pang Xuelin and said, "Student, it's almost time, let's go to the cafeteria for breakfast!"

Pang Xuelin gave a thumbs up and said: "Senior sister, you are amazing. I didn't expect your physical strength to be so good. Are you exercising every day?"

Qi Xin smiled and said: "My dad used to be a long-distance runner, and now he is a coach of the provincial team. Don’t force me anymore. But I have to thank my dad, if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t like running, running like this every day is very good for my health, I basically rarely get sick!”

Pang Xuelin smiled and said: "That's just right, why don't I run and do morning exercises with you every day, I haven't exercised for a long time, and I feel too weak!"

Qi Xin nodded and said: "Okay, from now on, let's go out for a run together every day. If you can't get up, don't blame me for harassing you!"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure I can get up!"


The two talked and laughed all the way to the cafeteria.

Jiangda Faculty Canteen is a self-service cafeteria. The breakfast is very rich, including deep-fried dough sticks, buns, soy milk, milk, eggs, bean curd, fried rice, fried noodles, etc. There are many varieties.

As soon as Pang Xuelin came in, his eyes were attracted by all kinds of food.

After staying on Mars for so many years, with potato ketchup every day, an occasional space meal, and a tasteless polypeptide protein powder drink, Pang Xuelin almost vomited.

After finally returning to the real world, what Pang Xuelin misses most is all kinds of food.

Now, seeing these different kinds of meals, Pang Xuelin felt tears welling up in his eyes.

Five minutes later, Qi Xin looked at Pang Xuelin's dinner plates piled up like a hill with some surprise, widened his eyes and said, "You took so much food, can you finish it?"

Pang Xuelin barely controlled his urge to eat, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely finish it!"

In The Martian, needless to say, before Watney left in the early stage, in order to maintain food reserves, the two were barely full every day.

Later, Watney left, although Pang Xuelin had enough supplies, but because of the advice of the nutritionist, the food was rationed every day.

It can be said that in the past five or six years, Pang Xuelin has basically never had the opportunity to eat and drink.

This was the first meal after returning to the real world, so naturally Pang Xuelin couldn't treat himself badly.

Qi Xin said with a smile: "It will be miserable for anyone to be your girlfriend in the future. It's not so easy to feed you every day!"

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "Running consumes a lot today, so I just need to eat more to replenish my calories, and look at my body shape, it's hard to get stronger if I don't eat more!"

Qi Xin pursed her lips and smiled coquettishly: "No one thinks about how to get fat now, I think about how to lose weight every day!"

Pang Xuelin said: "Your body proportions are perfect. You are thin where you should be thin, and fat where you should be fat. If you lose weight, you will not be so well-proportioned!"

Qi Xin's fair and tender face was flushed, she had never been in a relationship before, and this was the first time a friend of the opposite sex had publicly discussed her figure with her.

"Really? Then I won't lose weight!"

Qi Xin lowered her head and said softly.

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly, and started to eat without saying a word.

Twenty minutes later, a fried dough stick, two eggs, two steamed buns, a serving of fried noodles, a cup of soy milk, and a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge were all wiped out by Pang Xuelin, not a single grain of rice was left.

This is a good habit developed by Pang Xuelin in the world of "The Martian", not to waste any food, if it is not too unsightly, he may even lick the plate clean.

What surprised Qi Xin the most was that even though Pang Xuelin ate so much food, he maintained a good demeanor, and did not give people the feeling of overeating and stuffing things into his mouth desperately.

After finally completely eliminating these foods, Pang Xuelin let out a long sigh of relief. He hadn't experienced this feeling of fullness for a long time.

After that, the two returned to the teacher's apartment side by side.

When they came to the door of the house, the two said goodbye to each other. Qi Xin hesitated for a moment, then turned around and said, "Student, are you free tonight? There is a movie "The Climber" that is very popular these days, do you want to watch it? "

Qi Xin looked at Pang Xuelin nervously. This was the first time she took the initiative to ask a boy to go to the movies. If Pang Xuelin refused, she didn't know what to do?

"I have..."

Pang Xuelin subconsciously wanted to say that he had something to do, but when he saw Qi Xin's expectant eyes, he swallowed back the words, and said with a smile: "I'm free, how about I invite you to watch a movie?"


Qi Xin smiled into a crescent moon with her beautiful eyes, and she said: "Then we have agreed, we will go to Wanda together at five o'clock in the afternoon, have dinner first, and then go to the movies after dinner!"

"Okay! It's a deal!"

"It's a deal!"

After speaking, the two returned to their rooms.

As soon as the door was closed, Qi Xin jumped up, ran back to the bedroom, threw herself on the bed, kicked her legs wildly, and rolled around hugging the pillow.

"He promised to go to the movies with me! He promised to go to the movies with me! Hee hee..."

After being happy for a long time, Qi Xin came back to his senses, and then frowned again: "What should I wear at night?"

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