This is a fully enclosed lifeboat. Although Pang Xuelin found a place to sit in the driver's cab after entering the lifeboat, and even put on a seat belt, he was still thrown to pieces.

The lifeboat is not small, with a displacement of nearly 100 tons, and it can carry at most 50 people.

But in the face of huge waves of four or five meters high, a lifeboat of this level is not enough to look at.

In the turbulent waves, it seemed to have become a plaything in the hands of the sea god. It was sent to the top of the waves for a while, and fell back to the bottom of the valley for a while.

Pang Xuelin tightly held the alloy box containing the materials of the Three-body civilization in his hand, and looked at the "Judgment Day" that was gradually drifting away in the wind and waves outside the porthole, feeling a little uneasy.

It was the first time he had experienced such a thrilling scene in such a big age.

Fred on the side seemed to see Pang Xuelin's fear, and said with a smile: "Pang, don't worry, our fully enclosed lifeboat has an air tank inside, so there is no danger of sinking whether it is flooded or overturned by waves. .”

Pang Xuelin was so shocked that his face turned pale, and he forced a smile on Fred.

chug chug——

Fred started the diesel engine of the lifeboat, and the propeller of the lifeboat began to rotate rapidly, moving forward with difficulty in the waves.

It wasn't until after midnight that the wind and rain on the sea gradually dissipated. At this time, more than three hours had passed since they left the "Judgment Day".

The sea became calm, and through the portholes, a little bit of starlight could still be seen.

Pang Xuelin's uneasy heart finally let go.

Fred said: "Pang, you and Grant sleep first, we will probably arrive in Cuba in another four hours or so."

Pang Xuelin was a little worried: "Fred, we won't be discovered by the Cuban Navy if we smuggle in like this?"

Fred laughed and said: "Don't worry, the Cuban Navy is equipped with some broken ships from the Soviet era in the last century, and the total number of patrol boats responsible for coastal patrols is only about 20, and the total coastline is more than 5,700. Kilometers, there are sieves everywhere, even if their navy is fully dispatched, the chance of intercepting us is pitifully small. Not to mention that under such weather conditions, their ships will not go to sea at all."

Pang Xuelin asked curiously, "How do you know the Cuban army so well?"

Fred said: "Ten years ago I served in Guantanamo Bay. After the war in Afghanistan, the base was turned into a prison for terrorists. Our seals were withdrawn from there and replaced by the Army's Delta, but I stayed there. For three years, I am very familiar with it.”

"I remember that because the Cuban government cut off the water supply, the fresh water at our base was bought and transported from Jamaica, instead of using Cuban fresh water. The border between the base and Cuba was a road, and there were mines on both sides of the road, but the road Yes, you can go by car, and it is managed by Cuba. The Cuban land around the base is a Cuban military-administered area, surrounded by barbed wire, and we can’t go out.”

"There are two small towns in this military management area, each on one side of the bay. One is called Bokron and the other is called Kaimanera. Kaimanera is closer to the base. We can see it with binoculars when we are on guard. To that small town. But it is extremely difficult to get there, you must have the permission of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior. Cubans in this military management area are not allowed to enter casually. Of course, the soldiers working in the management area can, and those in the two small towns Residents can also, with their local ID cards, it is said that if their home is not in the management area but has relatives in the management area, they need the approval of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior if they want to associate with relatives.”

Perhaps because he had just escaped from danger, Fred, who never talked much, was very interested in talking, and chatted with Pang Xuelin a lot about his time as a seal.

"After we got out of Guantanamo, we were transferred to Djibouti to help the Pentagon and those congressmen in Africa to do some dirty work. At that time, an oil pipeline was going to be built between Angola and Zambia,

The oil refinery and the construction team that won the bid are both American-funded companies. As a result, a tribe refused to move along the route where the oil pipeline passed. Then we were sent there in the name of mercenaries. There were 324 people in the tribe. Men, women, children, no one was left behind, and all of them were buried under that oil pipeline... I didn't shoot a single shot in that operation, and I was removed from the seal after I came back. Then I met Evans, and I felt like I had finally found something to dedicate my life to..."

Pang Xuelin fell silent, he didn't know what to say.

Perhaps every member of ETO has his own reasons, and these reasons are very reasonable to some extent.

But if, for one reason or another, it is unforgivable to betray humanity as a whole.

"By the way, where are we planning to land in Cuba this time?"

Fred said: "Go to Santiago, the second largest city in Cuba. The coastline there is full of mountains. We can just find a small harbor and hide the boat. It is the peak tourist season in Cuba, and there are foreign tourists everywhere. Cuba exempts many countries including the United States from visas. After the past, we only need to go to the black market to buy a tourist card, and we can wash our identities, and then stay comfortably in Cuba for a month, waiting for the Judgment Day to pass. If Judgment Day is safe and sound, that would be great, if something really happens, we will contact the remaining comrades in the organization, find a way to establish a third Red Coast base, and continue to communicate with the Lord."

Pang Xuelin nodded and yawned involuntarily.

Fred laughed and said, "Pang, you are sleepy, go to bed first, we are about four hours away from our destination, I will call you when we arrive."

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "Okay, Fred, I'll thank you then."


Pang Xuelin didn't sleep very peacefully during this journey. Accompanied by the roar of the diesel engine and the sound of the waves, he had a shallow dream. In the dream, Pang Xuelin saw a bloody red thread passing through his waist and covering his upper body. He fell to the ground, but his lower body was still standing upright, and he crawled towards the bloodline, with bright red blood dripping all the way...

"Pang, Pang, wake up, wake up, we are here!"

Pang Xuelin woke up from the dream in an instant, wet and covered in cold sweat, Pang Xuelin looked around and murmured: "Where are we?"

The lifeboat was bobbing up and down in the sea, and the roar of the engine had stopped. Through the porthole, one could vaguely see the black reef under the starlight.

Fred and Grant, who had already woken up, laughed, and Grant said, "Pang, are you having nightmares again? We're in San Diego."

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