The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 64 Doomsday Desperate Situation

"Xiao Xia, get up, let's... let's go home and have a look!"

Pang Xuelin pulled Yao Bingxia up from the ground, and the two staggered towards the community.

The surroundings are already in a mess. Survivors are standing on the street in despair. There are also injured people who were hit by falling building debris and lay on the ground crying. Scream for help.

Pang Xuelin and Yao Bingxia stumbled to the neighborhood where their grandparents lived. The smoke and dust covering the neighborhood gradually dissipated, and what appeared in front of them was only a piece of ruins left by a landslide.

This community was built at the foot of Yuhuang Mountain, and has always been known for its pleasant scenery and quiet environment, but now, this has become the most fatal flaw.

During the earthquake, more than half of Yuhuang Mountain collapsed, and the entire community was completely buried by landslides.


Yao Bingxia knelt down powerlessly on the ground, sobbing with grief.

Pang Xuelin stood still, tears streaming down his cheeks. Although he knew that this was just a plane adventure, his grandparents were still living well in the real world.

But he still felt the bone-biting pain of losing a loved one.

Over the past few months, Grandpa's respectful teachings are still in my ears, and it seems that Grandma's kind smile can still appear in front of my eyes.

But in this world, I will never see them again.

Pang Xuelin turned his gaze to the west, and the gigantic Jiangcheng No. 1 planetary engine stood majestically. This unprecedented earthquake could not cause the slightest damage to this giant.


At this time, there was a loud noise like thunder in the distance, but this loud noise no longer lasted for a short time like the previous earthquake, but continued continuously, and even had a growing trend.

Immediately afterwards, the ground also began to shake.

"Xiao... Brother Lin, look over there..."

Pang Xuelin followed Yao Bingxia's finger and looked eastward. One kilometer away, a wall of water tens of meters high passed through the center of the city, rushing towards them.

Those high-rise buildings that were already crumbling in the earthquake collapsed like dominoes after being devastated by the water wall.

Vehicles and pedestrians on the road are constantly being swallowed by the water waves like toys.

The waves of water crossed the streets and alleys, passed through the high walls, and were quickly engulfing the entire city.


Pang Xuelin gasped.

Even in sci-fi disaster blockbusters, he had never seen such a scene.

"Brother Lin, I'm afraid!"

Yao Bingxia hugged Pang Xuelin's arm subconsciously, with despair in his eyes!

"Xiao Xia, don't be afraid, we'll be fine!"

Pang Xuelin came back to his senses, quickly took off the backpack, took out the life-saving airbag tank from the bag, and pressed the switch.


A spherical airbag instantly popped out in front of the two of them.

"What's this?"

Yao Bingxia said in surprise.

"The life-saving air bag I got from the laboratory, Xiao Xia, hurry in!"

Pang Xuelin helped the life-saving air bag, let Yao Bingxia get in, and then followed closely behind.

Afterwards, Pang Xuelin straightened the life-saving air bag, and lay on the bottom of the life-saving air bag with Yao Bingxia.

"Xiao Xia, hold me tight!"

Yao Bingxia buried her head in Pang Xuelin's arms, trembling all over.

Through the transparent graphene material, Pang Xuelin stared at the roaring waves.


The life-saving air bag was quickly submerged by the torrent, and then was swept up by the huge waves. The two seemed to be on a roller coaster.


Yao Bingxia let out a terrified cry.

The life-saving air bag followed the huge water flow across the entire Jiangcheng,

Wherever the water flows, it is invincible and indestructible.

I don't know how long it took, the sound of the water flow and the roar gradually dissipated, and everything around gradually became calmer.

Pang Xuelin opened his eyes and looked around.

The surface of the water is as smooth as a mirror, and only the wreckage of buildings exposed above the water is left, which seems to highlight the former glory of the city.

In the distance, the water and the sky are the same color, and the dark red sun is reflected on the water surface, sparkling.

Pang Xuelin and Yao Bingxia had been swept far away by the current, and the originally incomparably towering planetary engine turned into a small hill, but it still stood proudly.

Pang Xuelin breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, Pang Xuelin felt the figure in his arms move, Pang Xuelin let go of his arms, Yao Bingxia slowly straightened up, and looked around.

"Brother Lin, we...are we safe?"

Pang Xuelin said: "It should be safe, now wait patiently for rescue!"


Yao Bingxia straightened up, sat on her knees, her eyes were red, and she let out a low sob, and said, "But grandpa and grandma are gone..."

Pang Xuelin sighed, and said, "Xiaoxia, now is not the time to be sad, we have to find a way to let the life-saving airbag float towards the planetary engine, otherwise if no one comes to take care of us, we will either starve to death or die of thirst... "

"Death of thirst?"

Yao Bingxia was slightly taken aback, looked around, and seemed to be saying, isn't this all water?

Pang Xuelin smiled wryly: "These should all be sea water poured into the city, and there is no way to drink it!"

"Then...then what shall we do?"

"Come on, let's stand in the airbag and walk forward together, and control the airbag to float in the direction of the planetary engine."


According to Pang Xuelin's instructions, Yao Bingxia stood up inside the life-saving air bag.

Then, the two began to walk forward slowly on the life-saving airbag as if they were playing a water walking ball in the park.

Yao Bingxia is small and weak, and the life-saving airbag is floating on the water, so the center of gravity is unstable, which requires more physical strength.

After only stepping for more than an hour, she was exhausted.

Pang Xuelin asked her to lie in the life-saving airbag to rest, while he continued to grit his teeth and persevere.

He is very grateful for the arduous journey to the world of The Martian, otherwise he might not have such willpower in the past.

But even so, after several hours of continuous stepping, Pang Xuelin couldn't bear it any longer. His legs felt as if they were filled with lead, and he was too tired to move when he lay down.

However, the distance between the rescue airbag and the planetary engine seems to have remained unchanged.

During this period, Yao Bingxia felt a little strength in her body, so she would stand up and help Pang Xuelin tread the water together, and would not lie down to rest until she couldn't stand it anymore.

Finally, both of them were so tired that they lay down and went to sleep.

When Pang Xuelin woke up from his sleep, he realized that this way of treading water was not feasible.

The life-saving airbag was too far away from the planetary engine, and the expected rescue never came. Without enough food and fresh water, the two could not last long at all.

So next, Pang Xuelin asked Yao Bingxia to reduce exercise as much as possible to reduce the loss of calories and water.

For a whole day, the two of them did nothing.

Rescue still hasn't arrived.

Drowsiness fell, and the two fell asleep again.

Fortunately, after waking up, Pang Xuelin found that it was raining lightly in the sky. He was overjoyed and quickly aimed the entrance of the life-saving air bag at the sky.

Without food, the two can last for seven or eight days, but without fresh water, they can't even last for three days.

Soon, the rainwater accumulated a layer of small puddles at the bottom of the rescue bag.

Pang Xuelin and Yao Bingxia drank the fresh water in the puddle hungrily. After a long time, until the puddle disappeared completely, the two breathed a sigh of relief and lay powerlessly at the bottom of the life-saving air bag.

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