After finishing the conversation with Raphael, Pang Xuelin left the conference room. He did not go to see Seedorf, Liu Xin and the others. At this time, it was meaningless to say more.

Pang Xuelin returned home silently, the house was empty.

Originally, every time he went home, Yao Bingxia would always prepare all kinds of his favorite food for him. When the two were together, Pang Xuelin didn't feel too deeply, but now that they were separated, he felt an unprecedented sense of loneliness.

Pang Xuelin wanted to try cooking by himself, but after burning a pot of rice, he decided to give up and just found some compressed biscuits mixed with water to fill his stomach.

Then Pang Xuelin was lying on the bed. Above the bedroom of him and Yao Bingxia, there was a blank sheet of paper. Under the illumination of the light, a 3D stereoscopic projection appeared. In the projection, two boys and girls with cartoon images cuddled together on a drifting ball. In the middle, there is a vast ocean around, and in the distance, you can see the planetary engine under the setting sun.

This was the birthday present he gave Yao Bingxia that year. That night, Yao Bingxia gave her body to himself.

This happened more than ten years ago, and Pang Xuelin has forgotten many details. Only when he turned around that night, he saw Yao Bingxia's shyness at the corner of his mouth, which still makes his heart beat when he thinks about it.

Unfortunately, there will be no chance to meet Xiao Xia again in the future.

No matter what tomorrow's surrender ceremony will turn into, Pang Xuelin knows what he will do and what will happen to him.

He has been in this world for more than twenty years, and at the beginning he just regarded this world as a game, an adventure.

But the longer Pang Xuelin stayed in this world, the first time he fell in love, and the first time he got married, the more Pang Xuelin felt that he was integrating into this world, into this era, and became one of countless human beings struggling in troubled times. members.

He couldn't help but watch his former teachers, friends, and colleagues become victims of their throne of power under the planning of a group of careerists and conspirators.

He couldn't help but watch a group of real heroes, idealists, their blood being frozen on the cold ice field!

He must stand up and use his own way to solve all these problems.

Even to hell!

For him, this is not a system world, but a world that he has lived in for twenty years and devoted his youth and blood to. He will never allow this world to fall into the hands of conspirators!

As for what kind of punishment the system will bring to him after his death in this world, Pang Xuelin can no longer control that much!


In the early morning, the faint morning light from the holographic image device outside the window awakened Pang Xuelin from his sleep.

Pang Xuelin got up and took a shower, then changed into a neatly pressed suit.

Suits and leather shoes, the temperament is just like.

Having been in a high position for many years, living in Qi, raising his body, Pang Xuelin is no longer the young boy he used to be.

Coming out of his home, Pang Xuelin found that there was a group of soldiers with completely different temperaments guarding his door.

The leader carries the rank of lieutenant colonel on his shoulders.

"who are you?"

The leading major paid a military salute to Pang Xuelin, and said, "Professor Pang, I am Wu Xingguo, the commander of the Fourth Squadron of the Special Operations Brigade of the 18th Group Army of the Human Alliance in Asia, and I have been ordered to protect you!"

"The rebels have entered the city?"

Wu Xingguo's face changed slightly, he opened his mouth, as if thinking of something, and finally said: "The coalition forces entered the city last night!"

Pang Xuelin nodded, got in the car directly, and drove to the planetary engine control center.

The soldiers hurriedly drove one after another to guard Pang Xuelin's surroundings.

Along the way, the remnants of the defeated soldiers wandering around the streets have disappeared, replaced by a group of high morale and well-equipped soldiers, patrolling the streets of Hope City.

Pang Xuelin came to his office,

Technical Secretary Li Yiyi has been waiting for a long time.

"Professor Pang, everything you want is ready!"

Li Yiyi handed a metal box to Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "Yiyi, thank you for your hard work. No matter what happens later, if someone asks you to investigate later, you just pretend you don't know anything, understand?"


"Okay, go and do it yourself!"

Pang Xuelin picked up the alloy box and entered the office. He opened the alloy box casually, and inside was a vest and something similar to a watch device.

"MOSS, activate emergency plan No. 1!"

"The No. 1 emergency plan has been activated, and Pangu has started the bottom-level detection of the system!"

"Code is loading..."

"Loading complete..."

"Communication system power-on detection..."

"Signal control system startup detection..."

"Negative feedback system startup detection..."


Pang Xuelin put on his vest and his watch.

After a while, Raphael pushed the door in: "Pang, are you ready? The surrender ceremony is about to begin!"

Pang Xuelin nodded, followed him out, and came to the central square of the planetary engine control center.

Above the square, the holographic image of the solar system is still suspended in mid-air.

The ground below has been lit up, surrounded by heavily armed soldiers, the main members of the coalition government headed by Seedorf and Liu Xin, the main members of the Interstellar Immigration Committee in charge of the earth navigation plan, and the people who finally chose to be loyal to the coalition government , There are more than 5,000 people in total, ranging from the top executive of the coalition government to ordinary private soldiers. They stood in the middle of the square, motionless.

On the surrounding large screens, the images of the surrendered personnel are being played.

The surrender ceremony was broadcast live around the world.


Accompanied by a crisp bell, Pang Xuelin soon saw a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes in a military uniform coming to the high platform in front of the square under the guard of a group of soldiers.

Pang Xuelin knew him, former director of the North American Management Committee George Wood, one of the biggest behind-the-scenes of the rebellion.

Wood stepped forward, opened his arms, and said loudly: "Victory belongs to the people!"

"Victory belongs to the people!"

All the soldiers shouted, and even Raphael beside Pang Xuelin shouted.

Immediately afterwards, Pang Xuelin faintly heard the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami coming from the street outside Hope City.

This voice sounds from New York, Tokyo, London, Paris, and underground cities all over the world!

After a long time, the cheers gradually quieted down.

Wood said: "Citizens, all fellow human beings, today is a great day. With blood and sacrifice, we overthrew this DC regime that has oppressed human civilization for half a century. Overthrowing this almost destroyed us. The anti-human regime of civilization has achieved the greatest victory in history. This victory belongs to you, to me, and to each of us. Starting today, we will re-master our own destiny, and our planet will also re-emerge. Return to the embrace of the sun and bask in the warmth of the sun."

"And they..."

Wood pointed to Seedorf, Liu Xin and others on the square: "These people will be judged by all mankind!"

Wood paused and continued: "Mr. Seedorf, as the supreme ruler of the former coalition government, I have given you the power to defend yourself. Do you have anything to say?"

Seedorf raised his head, and said slowly: "We could have fought to the end, but this may lead to unpredictable consequences for the planetary engine, so we decided to surrender. We understand everyone, because after three generations and still In the struggle of a hundred generations, it is indeed a luxury to keep rationality forever. But please also remember us, the more than 5,000 people standing here include the highest consul of the coalition government and ordinary people. Private soldiers, we persisted in our beliefs to the end. We all know that we will not see the day when the truth will be proven, but if human beings can continue for generations, all people will shed their tears in front of our graves. This is called The planet of the earth is our eternal monument! Finally, I give a reasonable advice to the new government, do not return to the solar system easily, the solar helium flash may erupt at any time!"




"You're still lying to us!"


The crowd of onlookers suddenly surged, and countless eggs, tomatoes, stones, etc. were thrown towards the earth pie in the middle of the square. Fortunately, the soldiers stopped them and did not cause chaos.

Wood yelled angrily: "Seedorf, you still don't know how to repent, and you are still trying to cover up the truth and defend the DC regime, you are the most shameful criminals in the history of mankind, even if you die ten thousand times, you can't redeem you sins. But as human beings from a civilized society, we will give you all a decent death. You will be driven to the ice sheets of Central Siberia, your graphene batteries used to maintain them will be taken away, and finally, the subzero Baidu The severe cold is slowly taking your lives! You are an eternal shame for mankind, I hope you can reflect on yourself when you get to hell."

Then, George Wood waved his hand and said, "Bring these criminals out of the dungeon!"

The crowd surged again, all trying to break through the blockade and express their anger to the last of the Earth factions.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded on the radio in the square of the planetary engine control center: "Slow down!"

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