After an unknown amount of time, Pang Xuelin opened his eyes in a daze, and the first thing he saw was a snow-white ceiling, and the air was filled with the smell of disinfectant.

The windows are full of light, even if the lights are not turned on, the whole room looks very bright.

Compared with the softer artificial light source in the dungeon, the natural light and darkness in front of him made Pang Xuelin a little unaccustomed to it, but he felt a sense of intimacy for no reason.

The room is large and is a suite. In addition to various medical equipment, there is a set of reception sofas and a chaise longue next to it.

At this time, a strange young girl was sleeping on a recliner, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and she felt tired.

Pang Xuelin frowned, he vaguely felt that this person was familiar, but he couldn't recall the other person's name.

During the more than 20 years of wandering the earth, many memories of the real world have been sealed in the depths of his mind.

Loud human voices could be faintly heard outside the room, mixed with a few familiar dialects from time to time.

After the Jiangcheng earthquake, Pang Xuelin rarely heard this kind of accent, but now that it came back to his ears, it gave him mixed emotions of sadness and joy.

I finally came back!


When Pang Xuelin was in a daze, the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and his mother, Mei Yuqing, walked in with food.

Her gaze met Pang Xuelin's, with surprise in her eyes.

"Little Lin, you're awake!"

Immediately, she put the food on the coffee table, turned around and left the ward at a faster speed, shouting, ", my son is awake!"

Mei Yuqing's movement woke up the girl on the escort chair. The girl got up from the reclining chair, yawned, turned her head, opened her mouth slightly, and said in surprise, "Student, are you awake?"


Pang Xuelin looked at the other party with some doubts, but did not speak.

The girl frowned and said, "Student, you don't know me anymore?"

Only then did Pang Xuelin speak: "You...what's your name?"

The girl couldn't help being taken aback, and said puzzledly: "I'm Qi Xin, junior, you won't lose your memory and forget me, right?"

"Qi Xin?"

Pang Xuelin muttered to himself, in the memory deep in his mind, it seemed that there was such a person, but the time was too long, and he no longer had a particularly deep impression.

At this time, Mei Yuqing, who had returned to the ward, was startled after hearing the words: "Xiao Lin, do you still know your mother?"


Pang Xuelin nodded with a calm expression.

For more than twenty years, father and mother have become quite distant words for him.

Mei Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief, and then frowned again, because she could clearly feel that something was wrong with her son's condition.

From childhood to adulthood, although Pang Xuelin grew up with his grandparents and was not particularly close to his parents, Mei Yuqing never felt such a sense of alienation from his son.

Soon, a group of doctors and nurses in white coats rushed in and began to conduct various examinations on Pang Xuelin.


A few hours later, various examination reports were released one after another. Finally, Tang Xiuyuan, chief physician of the Neurology Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangcheng University School of Medicine, who was in charge of the diagnosis and treatment of Pang Xuelin's condition, met with Pang Xuelin's parents and Qi Xin who came to help in the conference room.

"Professor Tang, how is my son doing now?"

Father Pang Yongnian asked.

Tang Xiuyuan shook his head and said, "According to the brain MRI examination, neuropeptide release function test, neuron abnormal discharge site detection, nerve tissue damage test, genetic variation gene test and several other test reports, Professor Xiao Pang has nothing to do with it. Big problem..."

Mei Yuqing frowned and said: "It's nothing serious, why did I become unconscious for two days and two nights for no reason?

And just now when he woke up, he was obviously not in the right state, and he didn't even know his girlfriend anymore. "

Qi Xin, who was listening on the sidelines, couldn't help but blushed slightly, and said, "Auntie, Professor Pang and I are just good friends!"

"Oh, it's a good friend, a good friend..."

Mei Yuqing smiled, but the meaning in her eyes made Qi Xin a little shy.

Tang Xiuyuan said: "Little Professor Pang actually came to the hospital once a few months ago, saying that he had auditory hallucinations. I suspect that the cause of this coma is similar to that of the auditory hallucination. Now it is not ruled out that epilepsy is the cause of the small Professor Pang has the possibility of temporary amnesia, but neither the brain wave nor other examination reports have detected abnormal brain discharges, so I suggest that Professor Pang continue to observe in the hospital for a period of time. Professor Xiao Pang, relax, I suspect that his symptoms are related to the excessive work pressure..."

"Professor Tang, thank you, Xiao Lin's illness will trouble you this time!"

"You're welcome, Professor Xiao Pang is the pride of our domestic mathematics community. We will definitely use the best medical resources to ensure the health of Professor Xiao Pang!"


In the ward, after hearing his father Pang Yongnian tell his illness, Pang Xuelin frowned and said, "Dad, so I have to stay in the hospital for a while?"

Pang Yongnian said: "Of course, you have been in a coma for such a long time for no reason this time, you must be sure that your body is completely fine before you can leave the hospital."

Mei Yuqing also said: "Xiao Lin, you really have to thank Xiao Qi. Your father and I just rushed back from Europe early this morning. Thanks to Xiao Qi who discovered your accident in time and sent you to the hospital, we have been in the hospital for the past two days. If you take care of me, nothing major will happen."

Pang Xuelin turned his gaze to Qi Xin and said, "Sister Qi Xin, thank you this time!"

"Student... Junior, you're welcome. I just didn't see you go out to exercise early that day as usual. Later, Dean Liu asked you for something, but no one answered your phone call. We found out that something happened to you."

Qi Xin was a little sad.

Obviously, Pang Xuelin seemed to have completely forgotten his own existence in this accidental coma, and his words no longer had the intimacy of the past.

Mei Yuqing winked at Pang Yongnian and said, "Xiao Lin, your dad and I came to the hospital directly after getting off the plane today. We haven't eaten yet, so let's go eat first. In addition, in order to prevent your grandparents from worrying, you I haven't told them about the coma and hospitalization yet, I will come back at night when your dad and I go home. Xiao Qi, I will trouble you to take care of Xiao Lin today."

Qi Xin smiled and said: "Auntie, you and uncle go back first, I'll just watch over here!"

Mei Yuqing touched Pang Yongnian with her arm, and Pang Yongnian hurriedly said, "Xiao Qi, I will trouble you then!"

Mei Yuqing pulled Pang Yongnian out of the hospital, and Pang Yongnian said: "Yuqing, it's not appropriate for us to let Xiao Qi watch Xiao Lin in the hospital alone, he is not our servant, he has helped us a lot in the past two days It's..."

Mei Yuqing rolled his eyes at him and said: "The girl is happy, what are you worrying about, didn't you see how anxious the girl was when Xiao Lin was unconscious?"

Pang Yongnian said: "You mean, she likes our little Lin?"

Mei Yuqing said: "Your eyes are not too blind, but this time when Xiao Lin woke up, he seemed to have forgotten about this girl. You didn't see Xiao Qi's embarrassing look when we were in the ward just now."

"Then we're gone, wouldn't it be more embarrassing for the two of them?"

"I said you pig-headed, what's so embarrassing among young people, even if you just met, just chat a few more words, and you'll get to know each other soon. We're standing there, but it's a light bulb!"

"Oh—I see!"


In the ward, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Pang Xuelin didn't seem to have any intention of speaking, just lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Those bright eyes no longer had the clarity and calmness of the past, but were replaced by a kind of vicissitudes and sadness that looked down on everything.

Qi Xin was a little restless. After a while, seeing Pang Xuelin still in a daze, Qi Xin said: "Student, are you hungry now? You have been in a coma for the past two days and have been infused with nutrient solution. Auntie just bought porridge and wontons. You should eat something first."

Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "No need, I'm not hungry yet."

As soon as the words fell, there was an embarrassing sound of protest from the stomach.

Qi Xin snorted and said with a smile: "Okay, junior, you can think about it later if you have anything on your mind, and let's talk about it after filling your stomach first!"

After finishing speaking, she stepped forward and pressed the controller to slowly raise the upper part of the hospital bed.

Afterwards, she put down the dining table, opened a box of wontons and placed them on the dining table, and said, "Are you eating by yourself or shall I feed you?"

"I'll eat it myself!"

Pang Xuelin took the small spoon from Qi Xin's hand, raised his head, and glanced across the door of the hospital bed inadvertently, and a familiar figure flashed away from his eyes.

"Xiao Xia!"

Pang Xuelin got up from the bed at once, put on his slippers and rushed out of the ward, the corridor was empty.

Pang Xuelin hurried forward to the nurse's station, and asked the nurse on duty who was playing with her mobile phone, "Did you see a girl in an off-white windbreaker passing by just now?"

"No!" The nurse raised her head, saw Pang Xuelin, and hurriedly said, "Professor Pang, why did you come out? The doctor told you to stay in bed!"

Pang Xuelin ignored the other party, and hurried to the elevator room. One elevator just went down from his floor, and the other elevators had to wait at least a few minutes.

Without even thinking about it, Pang Xuelin ran directly to the stairwell, rushing from the eighth floor to the first floor in one breath.

People came and went in the hall of the inpatient department, Pang Xuelin looked around, but there was no familiar figure.

Pang Xuelin walked out of the building in a daze. The sky outside had a blue sky and white clouds that he hadn't seen in more than 20 years.

Pang Xuelin slowly squatted down, dazed and helpless.

After a while, a familiar voice rang in his ear: "Student, let's go back first. If you have any pain in your heart, you can tell me, okay?"

Pang Xuelin turned his head and saw Qi Xin's worried face.

Pang Xuelin hesitated for a moment, nodded, got up slowly, and walked back.

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