The Scientist Returning From Marvel

Chapter 99 Iron Man Is Su Yan? ! [2 More Subscriptions Required! 】

This is the first time since Tang Youming took power that he felt so devastated!

Even when he was commanding operations and fighting in the past, he never felt so difficult!

An Iron Man who came out of nowhere, it is said that it highly overlaps with the Iron Man character in some popular sci-fi movie, almost like a character who ran out of the movie, so he has no clue at all!

"Come on!"

"Go and find out where this Iron Man came from, no matter what, you have to find it for me!"

Tang Youming said sharply.


The men took the lead.

As soon as her subordinates left, Tang Xiaoya came in with a thermos bucket on her back, and smiled sweetly: "Grandpa, I brought you something to eat! This time it's not my mother's cooking, it's my own chicken soup, you Taste it and see how it tastes!"

"Haha, okay, let me try Xiaoya's "130" craft."

Tang Youming swept away the anxiety just now, put on a warm and kind smile on his face again, and took the chicken soup from Tang Xiaoshe's hand.

"By the way, Xiaoya, do you know that there is an iron man in Shanghai?"

Tang Youming asked casually.

After all, this matter has been spread all over the city, so it is not a secret.

"iron Man?"

Tang Xiaoya looked puzzled, she obviously didn't know about it yet.

"Look at this."

Tang Youming pointed to the photo on the desk.

Tang Xiaoya only glanced at it, and immediately showed a dazed expression: "Oh~ you are talking about Iron Man!"

"you know?"

"Of course I know! This is a very popular sci-fi movie, and the main character is a superhero!"

Tang Xiaoya nodded.

"This Iron Man, now he's out of the movie!"

"And just now it made a full circle over the demon city, causing a lot of commotion. Our radar can't track its trace, and its identity is very strange!"

Tang Youming sighed and said in a deep voice.

"Really Iron Man?!"

There was surprise in Tang Xiaoya's eyes, and she quickly picked up the photo, only to realize that the background behind it was a familiar commercial pedestrian street, and all the people around were Chinese people!

At this moment, Tang Xiaoya suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Pym Particle Iron Man... Could it be..."

Tang Xiaoya's face was filled with surprise.

Noticing the change in Tang Xiaoya's expression, Tang Youming's eyes flashed: "Xiaoya, do you know who it is?"

"for this I…………"

Tang Xiaoya was a little embarrassed.

She promised Su Yan that she could not tell anyone about it.

"Don't worry, you tell me, I won't hurt him! Now because the matter is too big, the Beijing Central Committee has begun to pay close attention to it. If you continue to delay, there may be bad consequences!"

Tang Youming didn't even bother to drink the chicken soup, he stared at Tang Xiaoya and said.

The impact of this matter is too great. If it continues to be delayed, who knows what the consequences will be?

Of course, the sooner you know, the better!

"Grandpa, this Iron Man is most likely... Su Yan!"

"Actually, I'm not sure, but I think it's possible...Grandpa, you promise me that you must not hurt him!"

Tang Xiaoya said quickly.

"Su Yan?!"

"That's right! This genius Su boy, how could I have forgotten him!"

Tang Youming's eyes lit up, "Come on, Xiaoya, you and I will go to Su Yan's house, we must clarify this matter!"

At the same time, because of Su Yan's high-profile pretend, the whole network was blown up by him again!

Following the invasion of mobile phones in the future, another huge storm of fishing boats has been set off!

Due to the large number of witnesses, there are pictures and videos... and they are from different angles, different distances, and different environments, so you can see new pictures or videos appear every time, maybe which video There will be surprises in the pictures, which will make the onlookers jump for joy!

It has to be said that the speed of information dissemination on the Internet has indeed exploded, but in less than an hour, the news of Iron Man's appearance has already swept the entire Internet!

Circle of friends, QQ zone, all major social groups... without exception, all of them were swiped by the pictures and videos of Iron Man!

Especially the part where Iron Man greeted people in Chinese, it was reposted wildly, and everyone boldly guessed whether the person inside the iron suit in that episode was Chinese!

Coupled with the widespread use of hacking mobile phones in the future, no matter where you go, you can almost see someone using a holographic projection window. When you browse Weibo’s hot search headlines, there are stories about #铁门#, #铁侠是华夏人# class topics!

"Iron Man is not a legend! Someone really invented it!"

"My cousin touched Iron Man! He said it was real metal, not plastic!"

"What did I say? Iron Man must exist, but it's been hidden all the time!"

"Ahhh! Regret! I should have gone to the Pedestrian Street today if I knew it earlier, why should I sleep late at home? I'm fine now, I missed the chance to see Iron Man with my own eyes, how can I be so unlucky!!"

"Wori! Even Iron Man has appeared. Doesn't that mean that Green Titan, Captain America, and Black Panther are about to appear?! Could it be that Marvel really hit it?!"

"This is a big deal! Iron Man! If you really want to go into the battlefield, which country can fight it? I hope Iron Man is really Chinese, otherwise it will be bad luck!"

"Why do I feel that this Iron Man is Su Yan?! It seems that he is the only one who can make such awesome things!"

"I also think it's Su Yan! Even the future invasion was invented by him, so it's not uncommon for Iron Man to come out! And the most important thing is... Iron Man appeared in the magic city! That's not a god Where is the headquarters of technology!"

People on the Internet were amazed at first, and then immediately shifted to the question of guessing who Iron Man is really...

Almost 80% of the people agreed with a high degree of agreement - Iron Man is Su Yan!

They once witnessed the Wencheng earthquake on live TV, how Su Yan 0.2 used that weird technology to save people.

The epoch-making mobile phone that invaded the future was also created by Su Yan.

Now that another high-tech has appeared, naturally, all eyes are on Su Dan!

"Could it really be Su Yan?!"

How could the envoys from all over the world fail to see the Internet spreading so widely?

They themselves have been paying attention to the movement of Huaxia all the time, and they learned the news of Iron Man's appearance at the first time... To be honest, even they themselves were shocked, and they did not expect this kind of movie The characters actually appear in reality!

"Quick! Send someone immediately to confirm whether the news is true!"

"If Su Yan really created Iron Man, then...then things will be out of control!"

All the envoys from various countries looked extremely ugly. .

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