The Scientist Returning From Marvel

Chapter 19 How About Doing The Math For Me? [4 More Comments On Flowers! 】

"Okay, okay, I see."

After Tang Xiaoya nodded to the phone, she hung up the phone.

She twisted her hair around her ears, and looked at Su Yan, with many inexplicable emotions in her eyes, which were extremely complicated.

"How? I'll tell your fate, right?"

Su Yan laughed.

"Su Yan, how do you know this?"

Tang Xiaoya came to Su Yan, frowned, with a look of puzzlement.

The family business has always been the top secret, especially the details of the contract, which is the most secret among secrets, even people in the family may not be able to get in touch... Su Yan was able to point out the loopholes in the key points at once, which is really amazing It's incredible!

"Didn't I tell you, I can tell fortunes!"

Su Yan spread his hands.


To be honest, Tang Xiaoya didn't believe that this could be calculated by fortune telling!

Even if the fortune-telling is accurate, it can tell when you encountered a disaster, but it only says that you have a disaster. There is no specific description of what kind of disaster and what disaster it is... But Su Yan can say clearly It turned out that there was a problem with the business, and it was also accurate to the loopholes in the contract!

"Su Yan, on behalf of the Tang family, I want to solemnly say thank you!"

"Just now my dad told me that they reviewed the contract carefully and found that there are six loopholes in the contract!"

"Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise, once the family invests more funds, these six loopholes will cause our family to suffer heavy losses! So on behalf of the Tang family—"

Tang Xiaoya thanked Su Yan earnestly, but at this point, Su Yan raised her hand directly and interrupted her.

"Six loopholes?"

Su Yan's eyes flashed, "I'm sorry, I calculated ten loopholes!"

Ten loopholes!

The students were shocked.

"Ten places?!"

Tang Xiaoya's complexion changed.

She quickly took out her mobile phone again and dialed her father's number.


"Ten loopholes?!"

Hearing this, Tang Heyu's expression darkened instantly!

There was a loophole in the contract under my nose, not to mention that I didn't find it, but now after careful study, it has not been completely resolved!

If this matter gets out, the Tang family may lose face!

"Tell your father, contract page 10, line 26."

"Page 13, line 57."

"Page 16, line 38."

"And page 31, line 2."

Su Yan spoke out all the remaining loopholes in one breath.

Tang Xiaoya quickly recounted the past.

Tang Heyu immediately took the contract and searched according to Tang Xiaoya's instructions.

"Patriarch, there is a wrong word on this!"

"Sloppy! The two words in this line are wrong, and they have completely different meanings in court!"

"That's right, the second line is indeed a loophole, the judge will definitely side with Wang!"


The two people in charge of the investigation broke out in cold sweat.

too terrifying.

They reviewed it carefully, and unexpectedly, nearly half of the loopholes slipped away from under their noses... This shows how much effort the Wang Group has put into this contract!

Fortunately, this project has just started not long ago, and no large amount of money has been invested.

Otherwise, once the funds are invested, even if they know that there are loopholes in the contract, they can only bite the bullet and execute it!

At that time, their Tang family will be completely held in the hands of the Wang family, and they can be pinched as they want!

Tang Heyu, who noticed this, was also shocked!


Tang Heyu took a deep breath, he wanted to get angry very much now, because the Tang family almost suffered heavy losses because of a contract, and this was a terrible disaster suffered by him, so he must be responsible for it!

But he knew it was not the time to get angry, so he forcibly calmed down: "Where did you know about these loopholes? Did someone inside Wang's reveal it to you?"

"Dad, it's not from the Wang family, but from a classmate of mine. He can tell fortunes."

Tang Xiaoya didn't hide anything this time, she just said it out.

All the words have been fulfilled, so naturally there is no need to continue to hide.


Tang Heyu froze for a moment, then frowned, "You mean, your classmate calculated ten loopholes in my contract? How did he know the existence of these loopholes? How would he know where the loopholes are located?"

"Dad, I don't know how he did it."

Tang Xiaoya also wanted to know what was going on, but Su Yan told her that it was fortune-telling, what could she do?

"Well, no matter whether your classmate is a fortune teller or knows some news, he is willing to help my Tang family, he is a friend of my Tang family, thank him seriously for me, and wait for me to solve this problem. I must personally visit him and express my gratitude to him!"

Tang Heyu said seriously.

"Okay, Dad, I see."

The phone hangs up.

Tang Xiaoya looked at Su Yan with more complicated eyes.

"If you want to say thank you, you don't have to. They are old classmates, so I just do you a favor!"

Su Yan took a sip of his wine and smiled lightly.

"Then I offer you a toast!"

Tang Xiaoya directly took an empty glass, poured a large glass of red wine, touched Su Yan's glass, and drank it down on the spot!

"Hey! Why are you drinking, Xiaoya? Didn't you say you can't drink?"

"Slow down, slow down, how can you drink so much in one breath! It's too hard!"

Seeing this, several female students hurriedly persuaded her.

But Tang Xiaoya still insisted on drinking a big cup, not a single drop was left... A blush gradually appeared on both cheeks.

You know, Tang Xiaoya basically doesn't touch alcohol, she doesn't drink at all, no matter how big a person is, she won't drink!

But today Su Yan helped the Tang family such a big favor, Tang Xiaoya directly used this action to express her full sincerity!

"They're all old classmates, it's too weird!"

"But you drank it all, of course I have to give you a drink in return!"

Su Yan also drank the remaining red wine in the glass.

Tang Xiaoya asked the marshal next to her to give up her seat, and sat on it directly: "Su Yan, where did you learn fortune-telling? How is it different from those fortune-telling masters?"

"Of course it's different. I've been learning since I was a child. It must have been when I was five years old. I ran into an old man on the street..."

Su Yan had long been prepared for this kind of question. Since someone asked, he immediately started the mode of running the train with his mouth full, and made up stories for Tang Xiaoya!

When the students next to me saw this scene, their expressions became strange, and a clear smile appeared on their faces.

Only Xie Yunfei.

At first, I was surprised that Su Yan accurately figured out that there was a loophole in the contract, but when I saw Tang Xiaoya sitting next to Su Yan, and talking to Su Yan so closely, I suddenly felt sour and inexplicably angry. rise up!

"Su Yan!"

Xie Yunfei deliberately raised the volume.

Everyone's eyes turned all of a sudden.

"How about doing the math for all your old classmates, and helping me?"

Xie Yunfei suppressed the anger in his heart, and put on a kind smile.

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