"Scan complete, sir, confirmed target is a Skrull.

Seeing the girl in red who fell unconscious on the ground, both Su Yan and Luna frowned. Su Yan's guess is correct, this girl with a human appearance is indeed a Skrull in disguise

But why did she pretend to be a human and come here alone? Isn't this the same as sending her to death?

Luna looked at Su Yan and said, "Su Yan, what should I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"This woman... this Skrull, what should I do?"

Originally, Su Yan planned to settle it on the spot, but after thinking about it, maybe it would be useful to keep her.

He said to Luna: "Although I don't know what she intends to do, but it has fallen into our hands now, right? And there doesn't seem to be any ambush around her, and there is no deadly weapon on her body after Xiao Hei's scan."

"That's what you say, but won't you know her real purpose even more?"

"That's why you need your ability." Su Yan said: "If you check her memory, you will know everything? If it is confirmed that she is here to design to kill us, it will not be too late to kill her."

It was only after Su Yan reminded her that Luna remembered what happened. Originally, she would never make such a low-level mistake, but the sense of space gap from the earth to the moon, coupled with the fact that she heard a lot about the Skrull conspiracy from Orsh just now, made her head accept it all at once. Too many shocks.

"That's right, I'll take a look."

Just when Luna was about to reach out to touch the temple of the Scruis, she did not expect the girl to wake up suddenly.

"You, what are you doing!"

The red-clothed girl stood up abruptly, and backed away again and again until her back was pressed against the rock behind her.

Seeing the girl wake up, Su Yan and Luna also shuddered instantly. Su Yan raised his hand, and his entire right arm was instantly armed with steel armor, and at the same time, "The missile under the silver lightning also aimed at the girl.

"Don't move «°!" Su Yan scolded: "If you dare to move again, I will leave you dead!"

"I, you, you guys......... woo......." What Su Yan and Luna didn't expect was that the Skrull man suddenly burst into tears: "Why, why do you want to kill me. ... woo woo..."

Although she knew that she was from the Skrulls, facing her beautiful face, which was no different from that of a human girl, and the way she cried like rain, Luna felt pity in her heart.

"Wait a minute, Su Yan, she seems a little different..."

"What's the difference!" Su Yan said: "Don't forget that she is a Skrull! Isn't the unique skill of Skrull people just to pretend?"

When the girl heard what Su Yan said, she showed an innocent expression.

"S, Skrulls? What are you talking about...Who are you? Where are you? Woohoo..."

"Look, look!" Su Yan said: "You still pretend to be so similar. Hey! Skrulls! Don't pretend to be in front of me! I have already scanned it. They are all Skrulls! Tell your purpose quickly, or I will make your mouth no longer make any sound!"

Hearing this, the girl hurriedly covered her mouth, shook her head non-stop, as if she was saying "don't want it", and cried even harder at the same time.

Luna pondered for a while, and said: "No, something is wrong, phlegm."


"The Skrulls know your technology, and they know that you can recognize camouflage, so after we came to the moon, none of the Skrulls we met had used camouflage skills."

"so what?"

"In this case, why did this Skrull come here alone? She knows that disguise is useless and she still pretends, isn't she throwing herself into a trap? And the Skrull should also know my ability to probe memory, and send such a person in front of us Come on, it is equivalent to sending us piles of information, which is too unreasonable.

Su Yan also regained his composure, and said, "Indeed, what you said makes sense. Then...

As he spoke, he glared at the girl in red again.

"Hey! Don't play tricks! Tell me, who are you! What is the purpose of coming here!"

The girl in red still shook her head with tears in her eyes, and said, "I, I don't know...I can't remember...I..."

Saying this, the girl cried so hard that she fell down in front of the two of them again.

Seeing the girl in red who fell down for the second time [Su Yan and Luna were even more puzzled.

"What's going on? Playing with amnesia?" Su Yan said: "It's just to scare her.

At this time, Xiao Hei said: "The target is in a short-term shock, and there is no danger of life for the time being."

"Did she really faint? Didn't she pretend?" Su Yan looked at Luna: "Hey, if she really lost her memory, can your ability verify the authenticity?"

Luna pursed her lips and said, "It's ok...I... tried it, if I use my ability on people who have lost their memory, then the memory I see is also incomplete or blank

"I should say whether your ability is convenient or inconvenient..." Su Yan said: "Anyway, the current situation is just right, you should go and see if what this guy said is true or not

Luna nodded slightly, she bent down and put her hands on the girl's head. She slowly closed her eyes, and the ends of her fingers began to glow slightly.

After about a minute, the light at the end of Luna's fingers went out. She also opened her eyes, stood up, and shook her head at Su Yan with a sad expression on her face.

"Huh?" Su Yan asked, "Really amnesia?"

Luna said: "Well, I can't see anything, I can be sure that I have amnesia, this can't fool me."

Su Yan stared at the girl who fell to the ground, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Amnesia... What did the Skrulls send such an amnesiac here?"

Luna thought for a while, and said: "Su Yan, I have a conjecture (of Nuo's). Maybe this girl is not Ming who was sent here."

"Not sent?"

"Well, maybe something happened in the base of the Skrulls. You think, there are at least tens of thousands of Skrulls in the base on the moon, and it is impossible for all of them to be dead soldiers whose first mission is to invade the earth. Perhaps this girl, who lost her memory after experiencing some unplanned changes, happened to meet us after leaving the base.

Su Yan rubbed his chin and said, "Will this kind of thing really happen...No, the important thing now is what happened in the Skrull base?"

Luna glanced at the girl on the ground, and said: "Then I have to ask her. But, what do you plan to do with her? Even if you lose your memory, do you want to kill her?"

Su Yan thought for a while, and said: "No, if she really lost her memory, keeping her might still be useful to us.

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