The Scientist Returning From Marvel

Chapter 57 Super God Nanotechnology! [5 More Subscriptions Required! 】

"What a hassle!"

He put on the controller while running.

Then, he waved his hand violently, and made a movement of fishing for the moon in the sea——

call out!

I saw a silver cold light passing over his body... It was a silver liquid nano-machine!

The silver mercury suddenly elongated in the air, like a silver thread, stretching and extending rapidly!

One end is glued to the wall of the building.

The other end sticks to the ground at an oblique angle.

Then the mercury directly transformed into steel, forming a slender steel wire that was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye!

But it was precisely this slender steel wire that successfully restrained the collapse of the entire building!

"OMG!! STOP!!!"

"What's going on?! Why is the building hanging in the air?!"

"What the hell happened here?!"

The audience who saw this scene in front of the TV were all stunned.

They were not at the scene, and what they saw through the TV was the tilted and collapsed building, which suddenly stopped in the air, as if something was holding it up in the air.

And the people at the scene, although they can see more details, they can't see the hair-thin steel filaments either.

But their 400 shocking performance does not require a small number of viewers in front of the TV!

The collapse of that building was almost irreversible, but after Su Yan ran over and waved his hand, the building stopped!

"What are you still doing?"

"Leave now!"

Su Yan shouted angrily at the rescue team members who were still in a daze.

"But there are still people down here!"

A rescuer yelled back.


At this time, broken stones rolled down from the building, as if it was about to disintegrate!

Once the building disintegrates, no matter how much the steel wire supports it, it will be useless!

"Little black!"

Su Yan turned his head abruptly.

I saw a silver metal three-dimensional block about the height of a person flying out of the helicopter!

After the silver metal three-dimensional block fell on the ground, it instantly turned into a pool of mercury all over the ground, flowing towards Su Yan at high speed!

"what is that?!"

"Mercury?! Wasn't it still a solid just now? How did it turn into mercury?!"

"These mercury will move by themselves!!"

The camera quickly captured the scene of the mercury flowing, and all the audience in front of the TV began to yell after seeing it.

They have never seen this kind of novelty before!


Seeing this, Tang Youming's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help leaning forward and getting closer, "This kid... What weird things did you make?"

The only one who can invent such a strange thing is Su Yan, a geek!

"What's that?"

At this moment, Tang Heyu put down the newspaper in his hand, and, like Tang Xiaoya, stood in front of the TV.

"have no idea."

Tang Xiaoya was fascinated by it.

Her whole heart was tied to this scene, especially when she saw the building collapse, she almost screamed... Fortunately, Su Yan took a timely action to stop the building from tilting!

Tang Xiaoya's full hopes at this moment were pinned on Su Yan.

And she has an inexplicable belief that as long as there is Su Yan, there will be unexpected miracles!

Mercury flows fast! Very fast!

It took almost only one breath, and the helicopter flew over to the vicinity of the collapsed building!

Just at this time, the leaning building could no longer support it and completely disintegrated!

The broken stones all over the sky, like a torrential rain, crashed down!


Su Yan's gaze was fixed, and his mind was concentrated like never before. He controlled the nanomachine and directly wrapped the entire dilapidated building in an instant!

Looking from the outside, the whole building seems to be covered with a layer of quicksilver coat as thin as onion wings!

"Catch them all!"

I saw slender mercury thorns suddenly sprouting from the mercury coat (agbf)!

The water stretched wildly, and in just a moment, it stuck the broken rocks that were about to hit the top of the rescuers' heads, preventing them from falling further!

Looking at the whole picture, those mercury thorns are just like willow branches, and those broken stones are the flowers and leaves blooming on them!


Such an exceptionally strange and magnificent picture caused everyone to burst into an uproar of surprise!

"Whoa!! What is that! It's so cool!!!"

"Look at all the mercury turned into steel!! The building was fixed in place!"

"I'm going!! Another black technology! Isn't Su Yan too awesome?! How did he make such a thing?!"

"Absolutely amazing!!"

Everyone is amazed!

The collapse of the building was only a matter of a few seconds.

However, in just a few seconds, they witnessed how Su Yan used a black technology beyond everyone's imagination to turn the tide!


The rescue team members below looked up at the scene beyond their perception, swallowed with difficulty, and their faces were full of bewilderment.

Just a little bit, their little Lun is over!

"The building has been completely destroyed."

"Just break it!"

Su Yan reached out and pinched the void.


The whole building disintegrated in an instant, and the nanomachines turned into a layer of steel in an instant, like a giant hand, directly smashing the building into a pile of rubble!

This is the disassembly function of nanomachines.

When Su Yan was in the Marvel universe, he used nanomachines to dismantle Stark's building... That picture is more impactful than this one!

"Leave first, leave this place to me!"

Su Yan said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the steel that had just been dismantled changed into liquid mercury again, flowing directly from the ground of the ruins into the pit!

The rescue team looked at the mercury flowing down and looked at each other.

And right below the ruins, the person who was pressed down by several large stone slabs could suddenly feel the weight on his back lighten.

Then his whole body was entangled by a stream of fluid, and then his body soared into the air uncontrollably!

"what is this?!"

The rescued person was terrified, looking at the thing like mercury on his body, he was at a loss.


All the stone slabs pressed by the covers seemed to be hit by something, and they shot straight up into the sky!

At the same time, the person who was buried in the ground with scars rushed out!

When he was slowly put down by Mercury and laid flat on the stretcher that had already been prepared, at this moment, the audience was eerily quiet!

But about three seconds later.


Boiling cheers roared out from all the population!!.

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