The Scientist Returning From Marvel

Chapter 65 This Is A Nanomechanical Particle! [6 More Subscriptions! 】

It is not surprising that they have doubts about this.

After all, they don't know how much terrifying technology Su Yan has in his mind, which is countless years ahead of the world... What is a new mobile phone system to him?

As for the software?

With Xiaohei's artificial intelligence, any software can be quickly transformed and adapted to the new system!

The three hung up the phone with satisfaction, and said they would come to thank them another day.

Su Yan's words are tantamount to amnesty for the world, so naturally I have to thank Su Yan for "the grace of not killing"!

"Sir, the advertising department has already started contacting advertisers to lay out the advertisement of the press conference of Tianshen Technology!"

"Actually, you don't need to be so troublesome. I can completely implant relevant advertisements for the conference on all your mobile phones!"

At this time, Xiao Hei's voice came.

"Xiao Hei, we are serious people now, so we have to do serious things!"

"Those intrusions and sneaky things are better!"

"What's more, my move is not only to build up the reputation of the press conference, but also to spread my own reputation! Let everyone know that it is me, a Chinese, who is challenging the world's hegemony Apple in 2006 !"

Su Yan smiled lightly.

In the era of Jobs, Apple still had enough sincerity to subvert the imagination every time and bring different products... But since Jobs is gone, let's see what things have been tinkered with?

Especially this year's latest iPhone, he didn't feel any sincerity at all!

This kind of world dominance, Yin Yan has long been unworthy of it!

So if you want to be strong, then just get to the end, and by the way, make the momentum even bigger, so that everyone can watch the battle!

"Sir, there are people visiting outside the door!" Suddenly, Xiao Hei reminded.

"If it's a reporter, it can be sent away."

"If government officials, let them approach the company's top management, I don't want to deal with that kind of situation!"

Su Yan said directly.

In fact, paparazzi and reporters have already found his place last night, wanting to squat... After all, Su Yan's popularity is so overwhelming, he is the most popular big shot right now, attracting more attention than a top-tier star!

And this morning, except for Lei Jun's call, it was a request from a government official to visit... Su Yan chose to refuse all of them!

Dealing with government officials is too tiring, so it's better to leave this kind of work to the company's senior management!

"Sir, I am your acquaintance."

As soon as Xiao Hei's voice fell, a display screen made of condensed nanoparticles appeared immediately, and the person in the monitoring screen was displayed on it. It was Tang Youming, Mr. Tang!

"The country's response is fast enough!"

"Let him in!"

The corner of Su Yan's mouth twitched, he had already expected that Tang Youming would come back to find him, but he never thought that he was only famous yesterday, but today he immediately came to him!

This is the rhythm to seize the opportunity!

"Boy Su, I haven't seen you in two months, don't worry about it!"

Before Mr. Tang's person could be seen, hearty laughter came from outside the door.

"It can be heard from the laughter that Mr. Tang is in good health recently!"

Su Yan responded with a smile.

Soon, Mr. Tang appeared in the house in a Tang suit. As usual, besides an adjutant, Tang Xiaoya was following him.

"Su Yan, why didn't you reply when I sent you a WeChat message?"

"When you become a big star, do you start playing big names?"

As soon as Tang Xiaoya came, she pouted and asked.

In the past two months, Tang Xiaoya and Su Yan have chatted and dated, and the relationship has gradually become a lot closer... The relationship between the two is obviously beyond friendship, but it has not exposed the ambiguity. Layer window paper.

So when Tang Xiaoya talked to Su Yan, she naturally became more casual.

"You also know that I am a big star, do you think I dare to open WeChat?"

Su Yan spread his hands, shrugged, and said helplessly.

Ever since he became a big star, his WeChat has been found by all kinds of friends, classmates and colleagues, even the princesses he joined at the club, and the little models he played with, keep sending him WeChat one by one!

Su Yan can assure you that no matter who you reply to, it will be another chat, all kinds of blah blah... He doesn't have time to deal with so many things!

So just turn off WeChat, nothing happens!

"Boy Su, you should also know why I am looking for you in the future, right?"

Mr. Tang laughed.


"You must have come here for the technology I used in Wencheng yesterday!"

Su Yan told the truth.

"You don't have to talk about talking to smart people!"

"Boy Su, I just saw it on TV yesterday. Can I, an old man, be honored to take a look at your new technology?"

Elder Tang's eyes filled with hope.

Tang Xiaoya on the side was also full of expectations.

"Small idea!"


Su Yan snapped his fingers directly.

In the next second, a large puddle of mercury gushed out from under the coffee table, under the sofa, as well as in the room, kitchen.....everywhere!

In a blink of an eye, the mercury condensed into a silver metal cube as tall as a person in front of Su Yan! 987

The eyes of Mr. Tang, Tang Xiaoya, including the adjutant's eyes lit up!

"Liquid metal body! It's really a liquid metal body!"

Mr. Tang took a deep breath excitedly, "Boy Su, you really opened the eyes of an old man like me!"

liquid metal?

When Su Yan heard it, he knew that the scientific research personnel of the military region had made a mistake.

Of course he also knows that the liquid metal body is also a relatively powerful application-level technology, but compared with nanoparticles, the two are very different!

The liquid metal body uses powerful memory metal, and uses the model to solidify several fixed forms...Although it can change between any forms, the applicable level is low, the reaction speed is slow, and it is not resistant to high temperature. There are too many shortcomings!

In contrast, nanoparticles are more perfect!

It can do everything a liquid metal body can do.

What the liquid metal body can't do, it can do!

"Mr. Tang, I'm sorry, I'm not a bad liquid metal body, but a nano-mechanical particle that is countless times superior to a liquid metal body!"

"If an appropriate metaphor is used to describe it..."

"Nanomechanical particles are the ancestors of the ancestors of the liquid metal body!".

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