The Scientist Returning From Marvel

Chapter 81: 5 Million Pre-Sales In One Minute! [4 More Subscriptions Required! 】

Before coming here, the higher-ups have already explained to them, if softness is not enough, come hard!

Even if it is hard, then try every means to erase it...even at the expense of the messenger's life!

At first, the emissary felt that the explanation above was a bit exaggerated. After getting in touch with it, he felt that Su Yan had just created an incredible technology, and had no other skills...... But until now, he witnessed the whole process of the press conference of the future invasion generation with his own eyes. Finally, they finally understood the purpose of the above!

Without a team, without resources, without anyone's help, he can independently develop so many black technologies that surpass the modern top technology level... Su Yan's technological creativity has already reached the level of non-human beings Degree!

It is no exaggeration to say that even a small and unknown country can grow into a towering tree in a short period of time with the help of such talents!

But Su Yan was born in Huaxia!

Huaxia itself has become a thorn in the eyes of many countries... It is obviously only a development of the Celestial Dynasty, but in terms of comprehensive national strength, it has secretly surpassed many developed Celestial Kingdoms!

With Su Yan's huge help, I'm afraid it won't be long before China will surpass those developed countries and become the world's largest country!

If such a talent cannot be used by oneself, it is a huge hidden danger!

It must be destroyed and killed in the cradle!

Regarding the attitudes of various countries, Su Yan had already expected it.

It's just that he doesn't care about these at all.

at the same time,


"The pre-sale volume exceeds 5 million in one minute! Long live Tenshen Technology!"

"All 1 million offline units have been sold out!"

"Look at the data... I'm sorry! It's only been two hours, and the pre-sale volume has already reached 80 million!"

"Selling over 100 million a day, it's so awesome!"

"Boss Su is awesome! God's technology is awesome! Future Invasion is awesome!! 々||!"

In the box of Oles Hotel, all the employees of Tianshen Technology were jumping with excitement!

They looked crazy, jumping up and down with excitement, holding their wine glasses high in their hands, venting their ecstasy with excitement!

On the big screen in front of them, there is a columnar ascending graph.

Below the columnar data, there is a number that is constantly jumping up in units of thousands—this is the pre-sale volume of the future invasion generation!

Fifteen minutes after the press conference, the official website of Tenshen Technology officially started the pre-sale session.

As long as you pay 8888 yuan, you can place an order immediately and wait for delivery within seven days!

And within one minute after the pre-sale was opened, the pre-sale volume exceeded 5 million!

one minute!

5 million people chose to pay 8,888 yuan in full to make a reservation. How exaggerated is this?!

It is no exaggeration to say that this data is not only unprecedented, it is likely to be unprecedented!

It is impossible for other brands to surpass, and the only thing that can surpass is the second generation of Future Invasion!

No, in order to celebrate this almost unprecedented miracle, Su Yan invited all the employees of Tianshen Technology to Oles Hotel, asked for the largest private room, and held a celebration banquet tonight!

huh huh huh~~

The thunderous applause lasted for a long time.

In addition to the employees of Tianshen Technology, there were also bigwigs from all walks of life who were invited to the celebration banquet, big stars, famous people... Almost all the big names who participated in the conference at the time participated in the audience Well, half of them are here!

To be honest, Su Yan didn't intend to invite them... After all, these people are audiences, not employees who have made contributions to Tianshen Technology, so Su Yan is only polite, polite, and symbolic Just an invitation.

Who would have thought that these bigwigs would not see outsiders, one by one, they would all be invited to come here, as they turned down the night's affairs one by one!

Their thinking is also very simple.

One is to witness with their own eyes the birth of a giant in the world’s mobile phone industry in the future, and to see how popular the Invasion Generation will be in the future... Even though they are well prepared, it is inevitable that they will see the eye-popping data. Was taken aback!

You know, what kind of concept is it that the pre-sale of a mobile phone at 8888 yuan is as high as 5 million in one minute?

It is equivalent to that in just one minute, Tianshen Technology has a revenue of 44.44 billion!

More than 40 billion in one minute!

It's not like robbing a bank like this!

Not only that, they just changed the place, and in less than two hours, the pre-sale volume has already climbed to 80 million!

Even now, the data is still rising crazily at a rate of one thousand per second!

This also means that within two hours, the total income of Tianshen Technology is 711 billion!

Even if this mobile phone only earns 1,000 yuan, that is a huge income of nearly 80 billion yuan!

They were so frightened by this terrifying amount that they didn't close their mouths for a long time. The shock and shock on their faces made them stunned for half an hour, but they were still feeling emotional.

As for the second point that they will be invited, it goes without saying.

A trillion-level company was born overnight. As the sole president of Tenshen Technology, Su Yan occupies 99.9% of the shares. One can imagine how far his identity has reached!

It can be said that Su Yan has climbed to the top of the list of the world's richest people in one night... and may even be the richest person in the first place!

To be invited by the world's richest man to a dinner party is something that many people can't even dream of?

If by the way, we can make some friendships at the dinner party and leave some impressions, maybe we can get rich in the future!


"Thank you very much for being able to come to the celebration dinner of Tenshen Technology!"

"This glass of wine is my respect to everyone present!"

Su Yan stood in front of the big screen and drank the red wine in the glass.

The audience applauded again (by King Wang).

As soon as Su Yan raised his hand, the nanomechanical particles immediately turned into a hand, fetched the red wine, and gently poured a little more red wine into his glass.

"Second glass of wine!"

"I want to respect the employees of our Tianshen Technology! It is their hard work that has brought me the pride at this moment!"

"I respect you!"

Su Yan drank it down again.

There was applause at the scene, and many employees were moved to tears.

"Since the employees have worked so hard and made such a crucial contribution to Tianshen Technology, and now that they have achieved results, I naturally can't treat my employees badly!"

"Tonight, all the employees here will get a generous bonus!"

"The amount of the bonus is 200 times your salary!"


All the employees were boiling with excitement, their faces were red with excitement, and they jumped up and down several times in place. The roar almost lifted the ceiling!.

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