The Scientist Returning From Marvel

Chapter 87 Viral Spread! [4 More Subscriptions Required! 】

No way, this time the mobile phone really hit all the G-spots of these consumers!

Whether you are an IT geek, a workaholic, a fitness freak, a student master, or a full-time wife, a professional manager...etc. People of different forms from all walks of life... Future Invasion There is always such a technological point, which is what you need and dream of!

Take the holographic levitation projection as an example.

With it, the way everyone watches videos will change!

In the past, everyone had to hold their mobile phones, lower their heads, and stare at a screen a few inches in size... But with the emergence of holographic levitation projection technology, they can project the screen in front of them and directly enlarge it into a laptop screen 15.6 inches in size, you can look at it however you want!

Even when you are playing King of Glory or exciting the battlefield, you can also project it in a holographic levitation, so you can see it bigger and play it more clearly!

Not only that, if it is in the hands of some IT geeks who like to toss around, they can also use holographic virtualization to bring the characters in the animation directly into reality, and communicate with them into holographic images!

Especially for some nerds, they can even close the door, use the full 670-degree floating technology to project an actress from a Japanese love action movie, and slowly make various actions in front of you... Wow! This kind of Stimulating, just thinking about it has already made their blood surge and their hearts are surging!

There is more demand.

Of course, people's voices will rise accordingly!

The official website of Tenshen Technology is just the tip of the iceberg.

Baidu Post Bar, Sina Weibo, Moments, WeChat Groups, QQ Groups, Qzone, Douyin... and other places, without exception, are filled with a large number of post pictures and videos urging Tianshen Technology to ship!

"Boss Su! Brother Su! Uncle Su! Ship it quickly! I can't wait seven days! I was so excited after watching the press conference yesterday that I couldn't fall asleep all night. Hurry up and ship it to me!"

"I am willing to use ten years of life in exchange for an early delivery! If it is not enough, then twenty years!"

"Boss Su, I have all the blades, maces, and watermelon knives here, just tell me, when will they be delivered to me?"

"Never ship Su Future! You can press me, I lose the value of the shipment!"

"Wow! The thief is envious of my neighbor. He went to the Tenshen Technology Conference because he was bored, but he was so lucky that he directly grabbed a spot version of the Future Invasion mobile phone! I saw the appearance, it was so beautiful that it was unbelievable, holographic levitation projection I had a great time, but unfortunately I couldn't beat his wife in the end, so I went to try on clothes!"

"20,000 RMB to receive a future intrusion mobile phone, if you want to sell it, please contact me on WeChat XXXXXXX!"

Nowadays, information is transmitted quickly, and emotions are transmitted quickly.

It doesn't matter if one person wants to wait for the delivery, but if ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand people want to rush the delivery as if they are hooked, then they will not be able to meet!

A huge storm of "purchasing goods flow" was set off directly on the Internet!

Of course, resonance is one reason for causing such a big response, another important reason is greedy eyes!

On the day when the Future Invasion press conference ended, the Future Invasion generation of mobile phones were in stock for the audience who came to the scene to buy them.

As a result, the 120,000 spectators at the scene became the lucky ones who were envied and hated by everyone in China. On the day of the release, they got the Future Invasion Generation!

No, some people can’t wait to share the next-generation mobile phone they have snatched on Douyin, demonstrating the holographic projection function... As a result, a 15-second short video, the number of likes that night is directly Breaking 5 million, and marching towards 10 million!

Weibo, Tieba, Moments, Qzone.

Undoubtedly, these four places posted the most pictures and videos of the machine, so many that people mistakenly think that everyone in China has a Future Invasion Generation!

And it is precisely these numerous pictures and videos of the phone that have successfully aroused the greed of those who have not got the future invasion (ageh) mobile phone!

Nearly perfect, it shines in the light like a diamond-like one-piece non-porous crystal body.

A naked-eye 3D display that can almost deceive human vision.

A holographic suspended projection that can be ever-changing and controlled at will.

And the epoch-making artificial intelligence......

Every picture and video is beckoning to you like a devil, unless you are determined enough, or you are completely poor, otherwise you will decisively place an order to buy one, enjoy it!


These are just the beginning stages.

The intermediate level is the anchors of the major platforms. They don't know where to find the channel, and they spent several times the price to get a future invasion generation.

So no matter whether you click to enter any live broadcast room, you can almost see the figure of the future invasion generation!

"Wow! On the other side is Zhen Depi, this made him run away, so angry!"

The anchor of the League of Legends section directly installed the LOL client on the mobile phone, and then used the holographic floating projection screen as the display screen, and at the same time connected the mouse and keyboard with Bluetooth, and immediately started playing LOL without any lag. !

Everyone who came in was shocked.

Mobile phone can still play LOL?!

Can the special effects be turned on to the maximum?!

Doesn't this mean that you can play wherever you go?

And don't worry about running out of power?!

The most important thing is that the price is only 8888!

"Hmph! The barrage is full of bad guys! I'd better ask my Wangcai!"

"Hey! Wangcai, did you see the new dress I tried on just now? How is it? Does it suit me? Tell me, who is the most beautiful woman in the world!"

The female anchor in the face value area asked questions to artificial intelligence.

"I'm really sorry dear, I have to tell the truth, that dress really doesn't suit you! And you should have some idea if you are the most beautiful woman in the world, let's stop fighting, okay?"

As soon as the artificial intelligence's strong magnetism, full of ridicule and helpless humorous words came out, the bullet screen exploded instantly, and "6666" and "23333" flew all over the sky!

The anchor is the intermediate stage.

And the advanced stage is those who attend various occasions, have a large number of fans, and are the real first-line big-name stars!

There seems to be a trend in the entire entertainment circle.

After one star posts the future hacking mobile phone on Weibo, another star will immediately post a video about the future hacking mobile phone, and other stars will not be outdone, and then follow the trend and post various teasing videos about artificial intelligence... much so that more and more stars are getting involved!

Future Invasion just made a viral super advertisement that spread wildly without spending a penny on advertising!

And once this kind of spread starts, it is almost impossible to stop!

So no matter how much you hate it, you can't escape the fate of being "invaded" by the four words "invasion in the future"!.

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