The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 159: real world

In the dark night, the flashing light flashed, and behind it was the tidal noise, and the chaos was in the middle of the chaos. In front of him, as if from the sky, the face looked at him with serious condensation.

All in all, it’s too late to get on the train!

Ye Hao only hesitated for less than a second, slamming the door and slamming Yang Gan into the car. At the same time, the black car galloped out like a sharp arrow! The reporters who are chasing after the fight are far behind!

Ye Hao looked at the smaller and smaller crowds behind him, closed the window, and the whole world was quiet again. He vomited a deep breath and his calves had some cramps.

Then - finally have time to realize that the current situation is not very good.

Not only bad, but also terrible! Why do you want to find Li Muxun and Yang Gan in this situation?

Ye Hao’s lips shook his face and turned white. He looked at Li Muxun, who was concentrating on driving ahead, and quietly glanced at Yang Gan, who was silently talking. He couldn’t help but be careful not to squint, as if he were facing two invigilators. same.

Li Mu searched for the people behind him, slowly slowed down the speed, and the car slowly entered a high-end villa area and finally stopped.

Ye brewed for a long time, knowing that he can't escape, the real warrior must dare to face the bleak life! He showed a grateful and unexpected expression, as if from the heart of his heart: "Thank you today! Li Ge, how are you here?"

Li Mu looked at Ye Hao and smiled gently: "Come here and talk about things, just happen."

Of course, it didn't happen that Li Muxuan had been paying attention to Ye Hao's information and blackened into the public monitoring system. This took control of Ye Hao's whereabouts. Ye Hao came here one step forward, and he followed it in the next step, so Can only happen in time, but these are still not good.

He passed over Yang Gan’s line of sight and flashed a little vigilance. Only watching Yang’s eyes knew that this body might be replaced. Otherwise, it’s impossible to remember their previous unhappiness, and it would not be like seeing him for the first time. The same, just don't know who is coming this time.

Thinking of this, Li Mu looked for Ye Yan's eyes more than a hint of meaning, but did not puncture, but said: "I will live here tonight, so that I will not meet those people."

Ye Hao is hesitant, and now he may not be so unlucky to be discovered. It is not very good to agree. After all, he told Yang Gan yesterday that he and Li Mu were unfamiliar! Can't live!

Who knows that I haven't waited for Ye Hao to open, but Yang Gan directly said: "Good."

Ye Wei: "..."

Not good, even worse!

The eyes of the cockroaches who were wearing the heart of the earth saw Li Muxu and Yang Gan walked in like this. The heart of the face was as gray as it was, and finally he went to the hospital with his fate.

Yang Gan slightly narrowed his eyes, and his sharp eyes passed through Li Muxun. Although this was the first time they met, he was a long-time name for this person. Almost every news about Ye Hao would be mentioned by Li Muxun. Its ubiquitous presence is much higher than his true boyfriend, which is really unpleasant.

Moreover, Yang Gan does not think that today is a so-called coincidence. It was purely accidental that he and Ye Hao came here, and Li Muxun also participated in a program in the field yesterday. How come he happened to come here, and Just happened when they were chased by the rush?

He does not believe that there is such a coincidence.

Before Li Muxu took risks to speak for Ye Hao, Yang Gan’s heart was also ruined. There is no such thing as no reason in the world. Li Muxu must have his purpose in doing so, and he believes that Ye Hao should not know nothing about it. Just afraid that I would like to conceal it if I think more.

He could actually leave with Ye Hao just now, but compared to such an unclear departure, as a man, he could not allow someone to marry his lover. He must let Li Mu find his identity.

Yang Gan's thin lips are close to each other and slowly smiled: "Thank you for helping me to solve the problem. He said that you are a very respectable predecessor. I really don't know how to meet, I always wanted to thank you for him."

These words seem polite, but they are actually taking the oath of sovereignty and not letting it go.

Li Mu searched for a moment and was called a predecessor, but he did not mind, saying that he is the elder of this spicy chicken is actually not wrong.

Li Muxu smiled and said: "You're welcome, just a little effort."

Ye Hao only thinks that there is a wave between the two, and it is a dark and turbulent one! No, you can't let them continue to talk. If you talk about it, you will be pitted. These two people are not fuel-efficient lights.

Ye Hao stepped forward and said: "I am a little tired and want to rest."

Yang Gan's cold eyes fell on Li Muxun. I didn't want to forget it. But when I heard Ye Hao said that I was tired and distressed, today he is really hard.

Yang Gan grabbed Ye Hao’s hand and his voice was soft and gentle: “Okay.” He turned his head and looked for Li Mu: “Trouble you, we can live in a room.”

Oh... It’s as if I have any thoughts about the spicy chicken. Even the chances of this demonstration are not missed. Who can’t live with you? Li Mu looked for a brow and said: "Well, you will live in the first floor room."

Yang Gan beheaded, no longer talking to Li Mu, holding Ye Hao’s hand and leaving.

Ye Hao did not squint, even dare not look at Li Mu to find a look, well-behaved and Yang Gan went upstairs, and once returned to the room, Yang Gan slammed the door and turned his head and decided to look at the leaves. Hey, his eyes are dark and his voice is low: "He cares about you."

Ye Hao tried to resist, "Ah, Li Ge... He really cares about the younger generation. Many people have received his favor. I didn't expect him to come over..."

Yang Gan suddenly stepped forward and stared at Ye Hao. "I believe in you, you don't know he will come."

At that time, the accidents and hesitations in Ye Hao’s eyes could not deceive people.

Ye Hao first was shocked by Yang Gan who was suddenly close, then he sighed with relief and even his back was straight, that is, he did not know! He and Li Muxu can be clear in the daytime, what did you just feel guilty about? I really scared myself!

Ye Hao, who thinks he is not at all profitable, has finally found a bit of guts, no matter how he has fooled these Raiders in those worlds, but in the real world he has never done anything sorry for him! At most... I have concealed a little bit of truth.

Fear of fear, men take your courage!

"Today is really a coincidence..." Ye Hao used the emotional voice, but before he finished, the lips were blocked.

Yang Gan bowed his head and kissed the lips of Ye Hao. He looked at his enlarged and shocked pupil, and his tender feelings and incomparable complex colors appeared.

No one knows, he started thinking about how to do this, from the confirmation of Ye Hao’s identity. How do you want to embrace this person, kiss this person, and feel this person is by his side again... Live and never leave him. .

Want to be crazy.

Yang Gan raised his hand and gently and firmly embraced Ye Hao. He closed his eyes and kissed the man with a delicate touch.

Xiaofei, I saw you again...

Ye Hao was shocked at first, but then his eyes softened and he sighed softly...

He also closed his eyes, but it was the ridiculous end of the world, the appearance of this person with him, and the eyes that were always firm and gentle. If you knew that everything was like this... he might not leave like that rashly. Well, he could have saved him, and he didn't do that.

Because he is very selfish, he can't put too many people in his heart, he doesn't want to carry too heavy things, he just wants to go back to the world that belongs to him... Despise life and death, and regard everything as a game. In fact, he always understands how cruel he is.

However, when he returned to those worlds again, when he saw the hatred and pain in those people's eyes, he regretted, regretted his own arrogance, regretted his own lawlessness, and regretted his indifference.

No one's life should be a game, and it should be decided by others how to live.

Everyone should have the right to choose.

He hated this rule and hated the game, but until the end, he did not choose to fight for destiny for the other side. He eventually chose himself and chose to come back.

Left the other person alone.


Just because I want to come back soon, I want to end it all early, I will give up on you again.

Yang Gan slowly loosened the leafhopper, holding him lying down on the bed, the two eyes facing each other.

No one said anything at this moment. After a long time, for a long time, Yang Gan whispered: "If you are tired, go to bed early."

He still has a lot to say, but Ye Hao doesn't remember him, and he can't talk about it. He doesn't want him to be too tired or too hard, or he is too tight, so he just said to Ye Hao, I believe you. .

Ye Hao also looked at Yang Gan, looking at the familiar face that had been in the night and night, his lips moving, but in the end nothing was said, just holding Yang Gan close to his arms, greedily enjoying this warm embrace.


Ye Hao soon fell asleep, probably already used to it, there is a saying that the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, for Ye Hao, then worry about things that are afraid again, more than a few times will be numb.

And, probably, he knows he won’t hurt him...

In the middle of the night, Ye Hao woke up in a confused way, turned over and stared at the handsome face of Yang Gan in the night.

Yang Gan slept very hard, and Ye Hao was so hard to get a little fat. He touched Yang Gan’s face quietly, then gently slid out of Yang Gan’s arms and got up to go to the bathroom.

The room they live in is on the first floor, the bathroom is on the other side, and it is necessary to pass through the living room and dining room when walking. Ye Hao casually puts on a coat and yawns and walks outside. When he passes by the corner, he sees the sofa sitting next to him. A man's figure, scared almost screamed out!

Ye slammed his mouth and watched the past with trepidation. Only then did he find that the man who sat on the sofa in the middle of the night was actually Li Muxun!

It’s terrible, the lights are not open, are they scary here? !

Ye Hao spit out a sigh of relief and smiled reluctantly. "Lie Ge, you haven't slept yet, so clever..."

Li Mu looked over and saw that the black scorpion was like a deep pool in the night. His voice was faint. "Unfortunately, I am waiting for you."

The air was very embarrassing.

A few seconds later, Ye Hao tried to break the ambiguous atmosphere and said haha: "Li Ge is really joking..."

Li Mu searched but Huo Ran stood up and stepped closer to Ye Hao.

In the night, Li Mu's tall figure was so oppressive that Ye Hao couldn't help but step back, until he backed up against the wall and smirked, opening: "You-"

Li Mu looked for a hand on the wall on the neck side of Ye Hao, bowed his head and approached him, and scared all the leaves of Ye Hao back! Then slowly in Ye Hao’s horrified eyes: “No kidding, in fact, you are right, I like you.”

Ye Hao was almost scared by the soul, and it looked like he was confessed, as if he saw the end of the world or the west of the sun!

For a long time, Ye Hao made a trembling fear, "You... is a ghost..."

This must not be true, it must be a nightmare! Li Muxun admitted that he liked him. It was even more incredible than wearing it. He must have been sleepwalking! Still not awake!

Ye Hao’s eyes are empty, meditation is a dream. This is a dream... Turning around will leave from here, but Li Mu finds another hand to block his way, picking his lips and spitting out a clear voice: “I am Man, do you want to give it a try?"

Ye Hao’s footsteps finally had to admit the reality, this is not a dream!

In the eyes of Li Muxun, there was a hint of banter and a complex light. The voice was low and laughed like a smile: "The last time I met, did you still suspect that I like you? How do I admit it, but you don't believe it? Or... never thought I would like you."

Ye Xie looked at Li Mu's eyes, and a singer finally completely woke up, terrible!

"How could it be!" Ye Hao said with a grin, then he turned his eyes and raised his chin. "I, I just didn't sleep, I just had a nightmare... but don't blame me for not warning you, don't Hit my mind, my boyfriend is very fierce!"

He paused and seemed to feel that the deterrent was not enough. He added another sentence: "He is not very good at his mind. Be careful that he will hit you!"

Li Mu was determined to look at Ye Hao for a long while, for a long time, there was a little unseen smile in the eye. In fact, Ye Hao is caring for him, because he knows the more unusual and dangerous, so he is not willing to imprison innocent people, and draws a line with himself in this way, although he may not know who he is, but... ...not so unconscience.

Li Mu took a step back and sneered: "I lied to you, you really believe it. It seems that there is some self-love."

Ye Wei: "..." Why does he think that Li Mu seeks to wait here in the middle of the night, just to let him know what he is doing? It’s too stingy!

"You can rest assured that I will not like you." Li Mu looked for a light expression, as if everything was just the illusion of Ye Hao.

Yes, he can't like this human being at all. The reason why he came to the main world is just that he doesn't care about him. Plus, just the main **** is abnormal. For their system, feelings are simply superfluous things.

It didn't exist in his data before, and he won't be in the future. He has never been a ridiculous low-level system.

"I am waiting for you to tell you, you better consider what to do next, escaping is not the way." Li Mu looked at him, "Fang Sheng has been very worried about you, call you not to pick up, can't find me. Here is the time, you should consider the feelings of those who care about you."

Li Muxun said that he did not go on here. In fact, he still wants to say... This is your own world and cannot be re-introduced.

But he did not say this sentence, but turned and left.

Ye Hao looked at the neat back of Li Mu's search and walked away, his eyes stunned, and suddenly whispered: "Thank you."

Li Mu’s footsteps paused and he left without saying anything.

Ye Hao lowered his eyes and couldn't see any emotion in his eyes. He stood in the same place for a while, went to the bathroom and went back to the room.

Yang Gan still did not wake up, Ye Hao did not know why he breathed a sigh of relief, holding him down and continuing to sleep.


The next day, Ye Hao was awake by the glare of the sun. He rubbed his eyes and habitually touched the mobile phone around him. Because he was muted, at the moment, he opened a full missed call and message.

Sure enough, there were a lot of phone calls from Fang Sheng. Before Ye Hao was suspected of being jealous, he didn’t pick up his phone at all, but he remembered the words of Li Muxun yesterday. It’s a little bit embarrassing in my heart. After a while, I finally got the courage to dial back. .

When Ye Hao dialed the phone, he took the receiver away from his ear. Sure enough, two seconds later, Fang Sheng’s angry roar came from the earpiece: "Do you dare to appear? Why don’t you just die outside! Evaporate!"

Ye Hao shook, smirked, and cautiously said: "I will not be willing to die when I think of my dear fellow folks and those who care about me."

Fang Sheng: "You still die!"

Fang Sheng: "If you die, you will be very happy. You can make another headline!"

Ye Wei: "..." Oops, this time it really angered Fang Sheng. Ye Hao, who can bend and stretch, understands that he is losing money. He said in a low voice: "I was wrong. In fact, I was too sad and sad, so I was not in a mood to answer the phone. I didn't mean it. You should not abandon me... ”

Fang Sheng’s stomach is swearing and swearing back, and you will have a ghost! But when I think about the sunspots and public opinion on the Internet, I still can’t bear to say Ye Hao, and take a deep breath: "I don’t want to abandon you. I will arrange it for you at 11:00 this morning. Ling appears, I will give you another chance!"

What? With the Lingling press conference, how can this be! Ye Hao said with a smile: "This is not very good..."

Fang Sheng sneered: "What's wrong, now is the best time for you to come out and clarify. Has the turtle been wanted to be black to death?"

Ye Hao is still a little hesitant. He didn't really think about it. But he was even more reluctant to let Yue Ling be exposed to everyone than he was hacked. He didn't know what might happen in the future. He didn't know the lover around him. The second may become who, all this unknown makes him dare not make an adventurous decision.

However, Fang Sheng obviously did not intend to hesitate to give Ye Hao a direct ultimatum: "Look at the Internet and see if you don't come this morning. You will pack me home, I will not wait!"

Ye Wei: "..."

He listened to the sound of a beep in his mobile phone and sighed with a grin.

Ye Hao sneaked a glance at Yang Gan, found that he still did not wake up, and quickly opened the phone to view, wow, all the news media pushed all his news! The heat is even higher than the heat of some of the previous derailments!

It turned out that the rush of the escape last night, someone photographed Li Mu to find their photos, although the photo is very vague, it is night, but still can see the man in the car is Li Muxu, and he and Yang Gan are fast Into the car, a series of photos let the blacks collectively climax.

All kinds of gibberish speculations have come out. Even some people who have been standing in front of Li Muxu are somewhat uncertain. If Li Muxun really has nothing to do with Ye Hao, why is it just happening in that situation? Is it even a liar to find out? Is there really an ulterior relationship with Ye Hao? The face of the male **** is an illusion?

Li Muxun's Weibo was quickly occupied by the sprayer overnight. After all, he was much more famous because of his fame, and his sunspots and pinkeyes were much more than Ye Hao.

And this time there are a lot of photos about Yang Gan, although they are all captured, but it is difficult to conceal his appearance, people's guess of Yang Gan's identity is also endless, that he is actually a very rich background rich family, Ye Hao has been completely described as a big star who has both a big star and a rich second generation. The online is full of all kinds of foul language.

Because it was too confusing, Ye Hao’s water army could not control the field, and the beaten festival was defeated.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the words of Li Muzhi last night.

Although Li Muxun deliberately solved the problem for him, he probably expected that he would have a chance to make his own appearance, so he reminded him that he could not continue this way. If it was not just the accident, Li Muxun Probably won't appear...

Ye Hao shook his head, he did not understand the meaning of Li Muxu and Fang Sheng, they hope he can stand up.

However, do you really want to attend the press conference with Yueling...?

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed with anxiety and struggle.

He didn't think about it. It is of course important to come out and clarify in time. It should not be allowed to be fervented by public opinion. This is his real world. He has his loved ones, his friends, everything about him...but It is precisely because this is his real world, but he can’t let go and hesitate.

Li Mu was right to say that he was actually escaping.

But this is not the way, no matter what happens in the future, no matter how lingering... how, at least now he can no longer escape.

Ye Hao turned off the phone, turned to look at the man around, and finally slowly decided.

Wait, how did Yang Gan still wake up?

Ye Hao’s face finally changed. Last night, he was very glad that Yang Gan didn’t wake up. If Yang Gan discovered that he and Li Mu’s words in the night were dead, but until now Yang Gan did not wake up, then Not normal.

As a big man who came over in the last days, day, night, night, and night are all living in the threat of death. Yang Gan’s alertness should be the highest among all people, because he does not have the peace of mind. I don’t know when the zombies will appear, and the danger will come. This kind of Yang could it always sleep until now? How could you not find that he left last night?

Ye Hao thought of this, all the cold sweats came down, and for a moment the head was blank, because there was no such thing before.

Yang did not wake up last night, it was not his luck, but from that time, Yang Gan was unconscious! Ye Hao's eyes were anxious, and he grabbed Yang Gan's shoulder and shook it hard: "Hey, wake up, dawn!"

But no matter how he shakes, the man still keeps his eyes closed and does not react at all.

Ye Xie’s heart sank, and he shuddered and touched Yang’s heart. He looked down at his nose and breathed. Fortunately, Yang’s heartbeat was still breathing. It looked normal, like falling asleep. The same.

But why can't you wake up, why is this?

Ye Hao couldn't help but think of the time when he was in a coma, and he closed his eyes like that, and he never woke up again...

Here, Yang Gan was unconscious, and the time for the ultimatum from Fang Sheng was getting closer and closer.

Just as Ye Hao was in the dilemma, when the head was ruined, the man on the bed finally moved, his eyes flutter and slowly opened his eyes. His dawn seemed to be a little confused. After a while, he gradually recovered to the Qingming, quietly watching Ye Hao not talking, and the black sea was like the sea under the calm sea.

Ye Hao confronted these eyes, almost no need to think, judged in a flash, and changed people!

He knew that he knew that he had to change again!

At the crucial moment, this kind of thing has changed. Ye Hao has become acquainted with the fact that he is not tired of love... Ye Hao is pulling his head, it seems that he can't successfully complete Fang Sheng’s task. Time is tight, he doesn’t even come here this time. I know that it’s too late to flick the other side to accompany him to the press conference to deal with the difficult reporters.

Although the pigeons of Fang Sheng are very sorry, but they must choose, he still hopes that the more Ling is fine, people can wake up.

The two of them looked at each other with a big eye.

The air is in a strange silence.

At this time, Ye Hao’s cell phone slammed and broke the silence here. Ye Hao looked down and saw Fang Sheng’s text message: Don’t be late!

Oh, it’s the day that I am going to die. Ye’s cell phone, and the consequences of the cool date, could not help but shudder, and finally decided to dying.

Ye took a pair of dead fish eyes and asked, "What is your name?"

It can be seen from this that he has not taken the heart and started to break the cans!

Jiang resigned silently at Ye Xie. "My name is Jiang."

Ye Hao ‘oh’, it turned out to be my son’s son, and he was so weak that he said: “There is a press conference in the morning. Can you accompany me to participate? I invite you to eat cake.”

Jiang resigned: "Okay."

Not good, it’s not too normal, I know you won’t agree... Wait, wait – what did he say?

He said yes?

Ye Hao’s eyes are straight and his face is sluggish:? ? ?

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