The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 163: real world

Corson is determined to look at Ye Hao, his sight falls into the dark eyes, at this moment, some kind of helpless emotion seems to have infected him. He reminded him of the deep sorrow, pain, nostalgia and love.

On that day, he looked at his lover far away, driving the day-to-day number to the depths of the universe, but he could only look at it with incompetence... and finally pressed the button with his will.

At that moment, the universe was illuminated by light, and humanity ushered in the dawn of victory.

His lover, his comrade-in-arms, his Highness--guarding mankind with his own life to the last moment, the last sentence he left to him is: Please be sure to win.

Because of that sentence, Cosson guarded the frontiers, and this life never left Muhe Fortress again. He will stay in the starry sky and fight for humanity until the last day. Even if Hicks dies, there is only one animal. He will not leave.

For the rest of his life, he will become the spokesperson of Harvey's will and complete his unfinished mission for him. He knows that Harvey's spirit will accompany him here.

In the next 30 years, Corson was born and died, and he lost Hicks' rule. The alien beast is no longer invincible. He expelled the beast to the depths of the distant universe, almost killing, human status. Unshakable... His Royal Highness Veronica is the new emperor, and he is the **** of war. The Parliament and the military also agree that he should return to enjoy his glory.

People have told him that now you can take a break.

However, Corson still did not go back. He knew very well that what he had promised was a promise that could never be completed. He would not leave no matter whether he was completely victorious. He only wanted to stay where he existed.

After another ten years, the remaining few remaining beasts can’t hide, and they don’t dare to appear in places where there are human beings. They simply don’t care... He hasn’t been out for a long time, suddenly one day, maybe because The mission has been completed and he realizes that his life is coming to an end.

As only a few SSS-class humans in the universe, he has strong physical and mental strength. It is reasonable to say that he can live for more than 100 years, but the gene decline without warning has appeared. There is no reason why there is no reason. the reason.

But Cossen is not afraid of death. What he thinks is that he can finally end this life. He promised that Harvey’s things have been done, and that the beasts can no longer harm humanity.

The Human Federation is strong enough and no longer needs him.

He can safely follow Harvey's footsteps and go where his heroes are.

Before dying, Veronica came to the distant Mukher Fortress again. Cossen asked her to bury his body in this starry sky. Villanica promised him, so he closed his eyes with peace of mind.

But what is the situation now, why can I wake up? Didn't he die?

Impossible - Cosson is very aware that he is dead, and the decline of the gene cannot be reversed. Even if the technology of the future can almost come back to life, it is impossible to save him.

At this moment, a memory belonging to another person poured into his mind. This person is called Yue Ling, and he is now in a backward human planet named Earth. There is no identity, no past, only one lover. It is the young man named Ye Wei in front of him.

Cosson's brows are slightly wrinkled. From the memory of Yue Ling, it can be known that the technology of the earth is very backward. Such a backward planet is almost non-existent in his human federation. Only those that have not been discovered by the federal government are left in the corner of the universe. The indigenous planet will be like the earth. Is it true that the soul is attached to such a distant star field after death?

This kind of thing, even if it is Cossen, is incredible.

No matter what the future of science and technology is, the soul is still the forbidden zone of human science and technology, and Cossen never thinks that there is a **** in this world, but everything in front of it cannot be explained scientifically...

This is the first time he has doubts about the science he believes in. Can human beings resurrect without any external force? Crossing the boundless time space and coming to another place?

But... no matter how ridiculous this result is, what Corson wants at this moment is, if he can die and resurrect, then Harvey? Where did Harvey’s spirit go?

Does he still live in a certain corner of the universe?

as same as him……

Cosson’s eyes fluctuated wildly. Although he thought a lot, the time was only a short moment. The powerful spirit of the SSS-class human beings allowed him to receive a lot of information and make enough judgments in a short time. The speed of thinking and thinking is far higher than that of ordinary human beings. In the blink of an eye, it has calmed down and calmly responded to the current situation.

Also because of the acceptance of the more lingering memory, Cossen realized that the federal universal human language he had just said, the human beings of this planet could not understand, and he was somewhat worried that the awkward opening that he had just woken would make this human being doubtful. But soon he found out that he was probably too worried.

Ye Hao still looked at him with a sly look, his eyes were red, his eyes were a little confusing, and there was no doubt and surprise.

Corson thought, Ye Hao probably didn't notice what he had just said. He gave a sigh of relief. After a moment of indulging in Chinese, he asked again: "Why, why are you crying?"

Ye Hao slowly blinked his eyes. From the first sentence that Coson just woke up, he recognized the identity of Corson. In fact, there are only two people left now. It is not difficult to guess.

Sure enough... changed again.

He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes and replied: "You just fainted, I am... very scared."

Cosson was silent for a few seconds. He felt sorry for his own occupation of Ye Hao’s lover’s body, and he understood that he should draw a line with Ye Hao. This is the right choice.

But I don't know why, he just can't refuse this person, can't see him sad, this person... It's such inexplicable to touch his mood, just like Harvey, bringing him the traction and resonance in the depths of his soul.

For a long time, Cossen raised his arm and hugged Ye Hao gently. He said, "I am fine."

His voice is low and with a heart-warming power, just like it used to be... Ye Hao suddenly feels that his eyes are hot, and everything in the world is still vivid, but he has never forgotten it.

The gentleness of this person makes him more sad.

Corsen should have been a flawless human hero, but he was carrying a stain that could not be washed because of himself. He was slandered and jealous. He suffered torture and tortured too many things that he should not bear. He lost too much. Many people who should not lose, his entire world is on the verge of crisis.

Just because of - a decision that I was sloppy at first.

At that time, he only wanted to leave, because he regarded everything as a game, and he never seriously thought about what the world would be like after he left. So when he left, he let his body fall into Roy and Hick. In the hands of Sri Lanka, but ... the consequences are very serious.

Because of his irresponsibility, the deaths of hundreds of millions of people and the destruction of the fortress of Redrick, the army of Hicks ravaged the human territory...

And what could have been avoided, he should have thought that there should be more.

When he returned to the world again, looking at everything that was full of sorrow, he had to realize how rash he was, if he didn’t count it as Hicks’ claws, if he left, he wouldn’t let his body fall into Greek. In the hands of Kex, all this will not happen, those people... even if it is just the npc in the game, but none of them are so lively, have their own personality, just like a living person, he has no way to lie to himself. The death of those lives does not matter, because he knows them, talks with them, fights, eats together, lives together... but when he returns, these people are gone.

And because of him, Cossen turned from a hero to a sinner.

So he finally chose to use his own to mark Hicks. He did not want to make up for his fault, and he knew that Cossen was trustworthy and entrusted. He would definitely hesitate to fulfill his will and inherit his will... How painful is it.

His own behavior seems to be great, but it is very selfish, just for his own peace of mind... He always understands this.

Sorry, let you make such a painful choice.

Ye Hao gently hugged Cossen and put his chin on his shoulder. His voice was hoarse: "You won't leave me, right?"

I know that you will eventually leave. I don't know if you can stay for one day, or two days... But for a short time, I just want to take good care of the present and don't want to think too much about things that are distressing and I don't understand. Don't want to think about what the final result will be.

This is enough as it is now.

Corson felt that Ye Hao’s breath fell on his neck, gently, like feathers licking his heart, so that his body could not help but stiffen for a moment, then his eyes softened and his voice calmed and firm: "I will not go away."

My Highness, is it you?

At this moment, there is never a strong premonition that impacts Cossen's heart. In this distant country... Can I really meet you again?

Is this fate, or God's will?

Ye Hao finally smiled. He took Cossen's hand and rubbed his eyes. It seems to have completely recovered. He laughed: "It's okay, ah, take a break early, and you will participate in the show tomorrow."

Cossen didn't know what to do tomorrow, but he didn't say anything.

Ye Hao seems to be casual: "I promised Fang Sheng, I will go with you to participate in the wild reality show that he arranged. It is said that the show is quite difficult. We still have to rest well and recharge our batteries. OK~"

In a short sentence, I have explained the important information. I believe that with the ability of Corson, I can naturally adapt to the world very quickly.

Corson really did not move, slowly, "good."

Ye Hao didn't say much more. The low-lying blinds concealed the thought. Just now he was not only telling Corson's information, but also trying to test Corson's situation, because he didn't know if Corson was also like Lu Xiuwen. There are too many memories... But at present, there is no other person’s memory in Cossen, otherwise it is impossible to do so now, Ye Hao is relieved a little, but then he can’t help but smile.

In fact, there is no memory, how much can be known, it seems that it is not so important...


The next day, the two came downstairs.

Ms. Ye had told her maid to make breakfast breakfast early. She didn’t realize that she had changed her body in Ling Ling’s body. She smiled and greeted the two to eat down. She looked at Cossen with a loving look.

Although he came to a strange and dead planet, but the soldiers and nobles of Corson will not fall, no matter the etiquette movements or words are impeccable, the calm and reliable temperament is very pleasing to the elders, Ye mother is very satisfied, send When they left, they said enthusiastically: "Nothing goes home to live, don't see it."

Ye Hao is of course full of promises, which is pulling Cossen away.

When he arrived at the company, Fang Sheng had already waited for him at the office, but what surprised Ye Hao was that there was not only Fang Sheng, but also Li Mu seek!

I remembered what happened last time in Li Mu’s home, and later did not say goodbye, Ye Hao was a little embarrassed, but the thickness of his face was not covered, smiled: "Lie Ge, you are also good. It’s so good.”

Fang Shengmei picked it up, hehe smiled: "Unfortunately, you have to participate in this program together."

Ye Wei: "..." He will not say the words "good" again afterwards. Are these two words given a terrible flag? ? ?

Ye Hao hesitated for a while, hesitatingly said: "We are participating in the program with Li Ge, is this really good?"

This time, he really is not worried that Cossen is jealous. Cossen is so upright. He always remembers to serve the people for the rest of his life. By obeying the law and leading by example, it is impossible to kill people because he is jealous or others like him. It is estimated that he is being raped. In the bed, Cossen can restrain himself with the will of steel, and then take legal steps with him! What's more, he and Li Mu searched for nothing. Cossen and the sect of the city that destroyed the city were completely different types... It can be said that it is the one that makes him feel safe, so Ye Hao is worried. The paradox outside.

Fang Shengbai took a look at Ye Hao, and said with no anger: "Oh? You still worry about what others say about you?"

Ye Hao made two laughs.

Fang Sheng sneered: "As an artist, of course, you must know how to use resources and judge the situation. Now you are all topic people. It is very topical to participate in the program together, and it is not a way to escape. Just let others see that you are clear and innocent. ”

Fang Sheng said that it is true. This is actually a multiplier. It can not only improve the popularity of Ye Hao, but also fight against iron. And people are rebellious. They are just together, and others will doubt that they are okay. Well, people who believe and people who don't believe can naturally go on their own. Although it is impossible to completely wash this white, how can the stars of the entertainment circle be black?

This time, it’s actually a real opportunity to speculate. Fang Sheng is a gold medal broker. It’s also a use of this storm to make as much as possible for Ye Hao’s interests. It’s just... it’s a good thing for Ye Hao, It is not necessarily true. Li Muxu does not need to blame this heat at all. Instead, he will let himself get deeper and deeper. For him, it is better to stay away from Ye Hao.

Li Muxu is willing to come to participate in this program. It is really a bit of a sacrifice to himself to pave the way for Ye Hao. It is surprising that he can promise.

Ye Hao looked at Li Mu’s gaze and admired it with gratitude. “Cough, it’s hard work...”

Li Mu looked cold and glared at Ye Hao, and his lips were picking. "I will come, it is the meaning of my agent. You don't have to think about it." This disappointing attitude is also very obvious.

Ye Hao doesn't care, some people are hard-hearted, he is used to it, hehe.

Cosson stood beside Ye Hao, quietly without interjecting, his eyes glimpsed through Li Mu.

On the way to here, he has logged into the world's original data network (the Internet) through a backward communication tool (smartphone) in the world, and has inquired a large amount of information about the world, and quickly eliminated many non-references. After the spam, there is already enough understanding of Ye Hao’s things.

Ye Hao and Li Muxue should have nothing to do with each other. They are just ordinary friends, but Li Mu’s attitude towards Ye Hao is obviously not ordinary.

If Li Muxun is not purposeful, then there is only one explanation - he really likes Ye Hao.

Corson quickly regained his sight. Whether Li Muxu likes Ye Hao is not important at all, Ye Hao’s attitude is the key. At present, he seems to have no other feelings for Li Muzhi, and the most important thing is... he wants to know the leaves. Is it Harvey?

This is the only thing he cares about.

Fang Sheng simple and Ye Hao explained, and then said to them: "The car of the program group is waiting underneath. This program is live broadcast. You pay attention to me, don't play it off, I sent it before. Have you seen your precautions carefully? Someone else will tell you about other things."

Ye Hao nodded and patted his chest: "Reassured, I will definitely perform!"

Fang Shengxin said that the young master hopes that what you said this time is true. Why do you always feel that you are uneasy? Is it because there are more pits? Hey!

In this way, Fang Sheng sent the three away with a worried look.

Li Muxu is a big name, and he has his own nanny car. Ye Hao and Cossen naturally did not go with him and went to another car. This program is more than three of them, and there are five others, a total of eight people, six men and two women.

They have to live in the wild for two days and two nights with only the necessities, and the whole process is live broadcast. This is actually quite challenging for some celebrity artists. Because there are many unexpected accidents, it is quite entertaining and Visibility, the previous ratings have been good.

In this period, please go to Li Muxu and Ye Wei, Yue Ling, and the degree of attention has suddenly increased to a grade. The major websites have already put forward notices and announced their three 'mystery guests'. The people who pay attention to this matter and this program have also been attracted too much. All the forums and media are discussing this program, and the popularity is climbing.

The choreographer was a little uneasy about Ye Hao and specially sneaked at him. Although there was no star in the show before, it was not good if Ye Hao’s performance was too ugly. Fang Sheng greeted him. Ye Hao can't be black, not only can't be black, but he has to give him a good look. This is a background.

Ye Hao always smiled and looked very obedient. The director said that he nodded, and the director was more worried. Hey... Did the child listen to it? How stupid, fine skin tender meat does not look like how to do it... When I think of Fang Sheng’s enthusiasm, the hair guide will be lost.

Because the destination was a bit far away, I drove for a long time, and finally I came to the helicopter, and sent the eight of them and the photographers who followed them into a deep forest!

Although there are many photographic bodyguards to follow, they will not interfere with any of their activities, and their survival here depends on themselves.

Ye Hao has no doubt with a group of Cossen, Li Muxu and another group of male artists, the remaining four are a group of men and women, which is the most famous and popular in Li Mu, Ye Haohe Corson is the least well-known, but because of the relationship between Li Mu, many people are very concerned about them.

Many people are waiting to see Ye Hao out. After all, many fans of Li Muxu are not used to him and Li Mu, and Ye Hao’s sunspots are still fighting hard, although the reporters have clarified before. Some people are no longer without brains, but this does not mean that they accept the likes of Ye Hao, and with Li Muxu to participate in this program, let many fans of Li Mu find various attacks on him, saying that he does not want to Faces are hot, hypocrisy, and I can’t wait to tear him out of the circle.

These leafhoppers are naturally too lazy to look at it. He doesn't care what those people say, and they are thinking about how to love with Cossen.

They are the only couple in this show, or same-sex!

After the program began, Li Muxun did not use the attitude of disgusting. He looked like a gentleman, and he was not overly intimate with Ye Hao’s care. He couldn’t find the slightest fault, and he said gently: Let's move separately and meet again at night, okay?"

Ye Hao’s attitude is very correct, and the appearance of a younger generation respectfully said: “Okay.”

Li Mu searched and went with his companion first.

At the first sight, Ye Hao left him and Cossen, and smiled: "We will also prepare to see if we can find enough food."

That's right! This program only gave them tents and some basic tools. Even food and water sources need to be found by themselves. It is still difficult for inexperienced people. This is also the visibility. In previous issues, There are always people who are in a hurry.

But these are just a piece of cake for Ye Hao and Cossen.

Cossen is the marshal of the Federation, the most powerful evolutionary person and warrior. He has experienced countless times than this incredible environment. In the vast universe, there are many terrible and dangerous planets. There are not enough resources, and there may be A dangerous beast is that he can survive in such a place, let alone the beautiful forest with no dangerous birds and flowers.

And Ye Hao is also in the world for a long time, played a good warrior, even if it is a pig, it will not even learn to survive in the wild, let’s say that after all, it is a show for the show, that little The difficulty is also for entertainment, and there is no real difficulty. At first glance, everything you need can be found nearby. For them, it is almost like distraction.

Ye Hao felt the direction of the wind blowing, sniffing the air, and decided to go against the wind.

Corson also decided this way. He could feel the breath there. He should be able to find the water source. I didn't expect Ye Hao to make such a judgment very quickly. The confident appearance is the same as Harvey. The eyes were softer, and I started with Ye Hao without saying a word.

Because they are wild, there is no road, they are wearing jackets and trousers boots, not worried about being scratched by branches, the road is not flat, there are some hills in the middle, but the leaves are all flat, the action is agile Let the followers look at each other.

The staff's minds seem to be completely different from the novices. They are just like a jungle expert, and even... give people a sense of military-like negligence, which is not their illusion...

They are unfamiliar with them. After all, no one knows his background. It looks tall and big, but Ye Hao’s face is so powerful.

In fact, this is related to Ye Hao’s lack of reservation. He knows that if he wants to hide his identity, he should pretend not to be good at it. It is not to say that he must behave in a weak manner, but he can pretend to be an ordinary person who is not familiar with these. However, he did not do that... Instead, he took out the qualities of the world in Cossen, and did not hide his strength.

He didn't want to disguise himself, he was tired and unnecessary, and it doesn't matter how Cosson would look at him.

Not long after, the two came to a river.

Ye Hao looked at the clear river bottom, happy wow, and turned back to Cossen to reveal a splendid smile: "Dinner!"

Corson also thought of this, he said: "You wait a minute."

Then he turned and folded a branch, took out the carry-on dagger and sharpened his head. He smiled at Ye Hao: "Are you coming or me?"

Ye Hao is eager to try. He hasn't played this for a long time. He doesn't know if the level has gone backwards. He bent his eyes and smiled. "I am coming~"

Cossen gently smiled and handed the branch to Ye Hao. He looked at his side and lost some of his face. He remembered Harvey again... After a battle, they and the army were temporarily separated and flowed to a small planet. At that time, in order to find food, Harvey was also like a fork fish in the river. Even if it was so deep, the wolverine could not cover his light and always make people want to be happy.

And now Ye Hao... It’s exactly the same as it was then.

Corson thought of this, his fingers tightened his palms, and some kind of expectation and embarrassment came to his heart. How much he hoped that Ye Hao was Harvey, but... if not?

Can he withstand this disappointment?

Ye Hao jumped on a stone, squinted at the bottom of the river, motionless, when everyone was a little intolerant, he suddenly shot! The action was clean and neat, the arc was powerful and full of beauty, and if the singer moved out of the rabbit, the next second, the branch had already forked a fish.

The photographers stunned and thought, this kid is lucky.

But then... they were a little shocked, and I saw Ye Hao’s shots again and again. For a small star who is acting as a professional, is this technology a bit too good?

Ye Hao is proud of himself. He is also hungry in the wild. He has experienced ten worlds, but he has made great progress. Dad will never say that he has a straw bag! (In fact, Xiaoye is still very good, but in the eyes of the steel straight male Ye Hao, he is a crying spicy chicken.)

Just because of the movement, Ye Hao’s forehead was infiltrated with crystal sweat, and the sun fell on his face. It seemed to be covered with a dazzling light. He turned back and said to Cossen: "Let's go back?"

At the moment when Ye Hao turned back, Cosson couldn’t move his eyes. This scene...It’s exactly the same as Harvey’s, his eyes, his smile...

Corson will never forget.

Cosson stunned for about a second and his voice was dull: "Okay."

Because the fish is enough, Ye Hao is ready to go back. At this time, two people are coming out of the woods. One man and one woman are another group. They took a detour and waste a lot of time to find it. It looks like There are still some wolverines, and the body is muddy. It is obviously a fall. Compared with the clean and tidy look of Ye Xie, the difference is very big and quite contrasting.

They saw that Ye Hao was ready to go back to work. It was very unexpected. The male artist smiled and asked: "You are still very fast."

Ye Hao smiled and said: "Good luck."

The male artist looked at the fish of Ye Hao and showed some surprised look. "Is this all you played?"

Ye Hao nodded and said by the way: "This branch is cut before us. It is not used now. If you need it, you can use it directly."

Both of them are very tired. Of course, there are ready-made ones who will not refuse. I didn’t expect Ye Hao to be such a friendly and considerate person. I suddenly felt that the rumors were not true. I felt a lot of good feelings for him. I laughed generously: "Okay, thank you. It is."

Ye smiled and smiled, not pretending to be a person that everyone likes, in fact, he will also, it is not difficult.

He did not intend to stay for a long time, and he and Coson turned and left.

The male artist took the branch and prepared to go to the fork fish, but he didn't have such a good technique of Ye Hao. He couldn't get it. He only got a little worse and fell short of it, and he was somewhat impatient.

The female artist was a little anxious to see it. When she recalled the harvest of Ye Hao, she couldn’t help but abandon her companion.

The so-called contrast produces damage, and the audience watching the live broadcast feels more direct. Compared with the wolves of other groups, Ye Hao and Cossen are simply at ease, and they walk in a leisurely manner. This makes many people who are not optimistic about Ye Hao very much. accident.

Because Ye Hao’s impression has always been fascinating, the typical American-style small meat, I did not expect such a charming side in the wild, it is impressive.

A person who is so good can not see, is still very strong, it is very poke the girl's heart.

And some men no longer despise Ye Hao, and everyone worships the strong.

On the other hand, Cossen was accompanied by Ye Hao on the way. It was easy to get no chance to contribute. It was like being protected by Ye Hao. Many people attacked and received almost the same... Of course, these people don’t know for the time being.

The two walked between the mountain roads, and Cossen was a little behind, half gazing at the back of Ye Hao...

On this road, Ye Hao’s back, Ye Hao’s movements, even Ye Hao’s tying knots, blinking lips and small movements, all the details... all fall into the eyes of Corson, this is He was born with the most tacit comrades in the dead. They used to know each other's minds with one eye. They belonged to his SSS-level mental power, which made him have great memory, insight, judgment... So all the details are in It is so obvious in his eyes.

Numerous details finally condensed into a single answer, Ye Hao is Harvey.

Although it has a different appearance, but has the same soul, in this distant planet ... only Harvey can give him this feeling, this probability can not be coincidence.

Really you? Do you come to this world with me?

Cosson’s hands were tight and his eyes were complex and dignified.

Ye Hao did not look back, the surface is relaxed, in fact, some tension, he knows that Cossen must be watching him, he can actually continue to pretend to cover up, but perhaps because of his jealousy, so he did not do that, he did not want to cover up again. It is.

Maybe... Cossen has recognized him...

How should I face him? Do you say nothing, or honesty?

That truth... It’s not so good, do you really have to do that cruel thing? Let a person who thinks it is hopeful to regain hope, once again disappointed...

Ye Hao was a little distracted, and even the roadside situation was somewhat unnoticed, until a poisonous snake spit a letter from the grass and flew out! Ye Hao was awkwardly awakened, and he actually made such a low-level mistake!

It’s too fast, too late! I can only hide behind, but this will definitely fall. This is a hillside. Although it may be injured, it will not be fatal.

In the blink of an eye, he made a judgment, but just as he bent down and fell backwards, a cold light rubbed his side, accurately piercing the head of the viper and nailing it firmly. On the ground! At the same time, a powerful hand held his waist.

Cossen flew up, his movements were like a beast that broke out in an instant, his legs violently rising, his look was as sharp as a knife! Stretching his arms and catching the leaves while throwing the daggers, one turned and landed on the ground!

Everything happened only in a blink of an eye. People who followed photography didn't even understand what happened. When they returned to God, the viper had already been killed, and Corson had already stood firmly on the ground with Ye Hao.

At this moment everyone is sluggish there, watching the eyes straight, lying... Is this really a two-star? Is this really not a special action movie? !

Too unrealistic!

The security guards stunned for a while and finally returned to God. They rushed to ask if they were injured, but they didn’t wait for them to come close, and the scene that made people more shocked happened!

I saw that Cosson gently loosened the hand that caught Ye Hao, and slowly took a step back, ignoring the people on the scene and the cameras that were aimed at them, so that they bent their legs and knees in front of Ye Hao. One hand rests on his chest, one hand holds the right hand of the leafhopper, as the knight sees his king...

At this moment, there is only one person in his eyes.

In his cold and fierce face, the black pupil is the radiant love of interweaving, bowing his head and gently kissing the back of Ye's hand, giving a sound that is like a promise.

"My Highness."

I finally saw you again, this time, I will always be at your side.

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