Ye Ye did not even react, and the man had already opened his teeth with strong strength. The strong alcohol mixed with strong aggression breathed the leaves. Unbelievably wide-eyed, I struggled desperately.

However, his hands were pressed by Lu Xiuwen to the top of his head. The strength of the man was so great that his wrist felt pain and he could not get rid of Lu Xiuwen's restraint. The weight of the man's body pressed his chest, and the air in his mouth continued. Being sucked, Ye Hao could barely breathe, his face was flushed, and his face was shy and anxious.

Just as Ye Hao felt that he was about to suffocate and died, Lu Xiuwen finally let go of his lips. Ye Hao opened his mouth and gasped fiercely, but before he responded, a hot kiss fell on him. At the neck, it made him feel stiff.

At this moment, Ye Hao finally returned to God. Lu Shushu must have been drunk and regarded himself as someone else. He said anxiously: "Uncle, it is me, I am Guran, you let me go!"

The man buried his head in his neck, kissed arbitrarily, and the short hairpin's chin tickle tickles... All this made Ye Hao feel terrified.

Ye Hao struggled and screamed a few times, but Lu Xiuwen did not respond. At this moment, this man is so strange and terrible, as if a dangerous beast, unrelentingly wants to tear him up and swallow it away, take off the weekdays. The gentle and harmless skin inside the lining reveals the essence of the violent plunder.

Ye Hao has never seen Lu Xiuwen such a side, and his eyes can not help but show fear.

In the angle that Ye Hao couldn't see, Lu Xiuwen's black eyes were clear and clear, but there was still half of the drunkenness, but the wine was not intoxicating. The young man under his body had already intoxicated his heart, and he gradually lost his mind and became crazy. .

He loves him like this, longing for him, always suppressing his emotions and impulses.

But now he doesn't want to suppress himself anymore... He can take possession of him in the name of drunkenness, and let their relationship become a fait accompli. Ye Hao will certainly feel sad and painful, but as long as he apologizes and comforts him, he is very likely I will forgive myself, and then I will take the opportunity to make up for him... to change their relationship.

If Ye Hao refuses to forgive him, he will simply shut him down to his side, so that he can no longer see others, so that others can no longer deceive him, he can always belong to himself.

Regardless of the outcome, Ye Hao will only belong to him.

Lu Xiuwen’s voice in the heart of the devil is constantly sulking him, don’t hesitate, don’t be painful, and possess this person.

You have carefully cherished him like you did last time. He still abandons you. Is this world simply cutting off his wings and locking him around you? Why is it so troublesome that you can easily own this person, but you have lost because of your soft heart...

That indecisive, Lu Xiuwen who made a mistake is dead!

Lu Xiuwen turned a deaf ear to Ye Hao’s resistance and shouting. He finally kissed his long-awaited neck and felt the artery under him, just like biting the slender neck of the swan, and taking his life and death into his own control, regardless of his Dying and dying, he should be swallowed up in the cold!

Ye Hao never felt that men were so terrible. Lu Xiuwen’s kiss became more and more fierce. Until he pushed his clothes, he finally couldn’t help but cry out and said, “When you wake up, uncle... you wake up. It’s me, Guran!”

His eyes were covered with tears, and when he saw that things were finally going to be uncontrollable, his eyes became more and more desperate. He didn't know why it was like this. He didn't know why Lu Xiuwen would get drunk, and the drunk Lu Xiuwen would be so terrible.

Ye Hao has been completely desperate, but still instinctively trying to struggle to get rid of Lu Xiuwen's control, but unfortunately his strength is like a car in front of Lu Xiuwen, but what surprised him is that when he did not expect to push it away... Suddenly, Lu Xiuwen was pushed away.

Lu Xiuwen was pushed to the side and seemed to sleep with his eyes closed.

Ye Yi stayed, his brain was blank, what is going on? The powerful man who was so rebellious just now suddenly fell asleep and was pushed away by himself.

Ye Hao’s look at Lu Xiuwen, who was sleeping aside, suddenly rushed out! I went back to my room and closed the door with a heavy sigh of relief!

Although it is very irresponsible to throw the drunk Lu Xiuwen there, but everything just made Ye Hao never have the courage to go back. As long as he closes his eyes, he thinks about the repressive atmosphere of Lu Xiuwen. He firmly pressed the scene where he kissed...

The confusion is complicated and scared.

Lu Xiuwen lay in bed with his eyes closed, listening to the footsteps of Ye Hao’s escape, and the heavy closing of the door. Finally, he slowly opened his eyes and the bottom was dark as the sea.

He just really wanted to continue doing it. He wanted to take possession of this person in desperation. He was eager to make him lose his mind and didn’t want to hold on again. But... listening to Ye Hao’s crying, watching his desperate fearful eyes. In the end, I was unable to get down.

I am not willing to see my beloved boy, so sad.

Even if he is dead, he is not willing to see him so sad...

Lu Xiuwen sat up from the bed, his hands tight and tight, his face sinking like water, his jaws tightened, and after a moment, he got up and went to the bathroom, and heard the sound of cold water.


On the second day, Ye Hao got up and brushed her teeth. She looked at the mirror for a long time. The people in the mirror looked tired, her eyes were blue, her lips were a little red and swollen, and there were obvious unseen hickeys on her neck.

Ye Hao touched her fingers, and her uncle Lu was really miserable. It’s just that the kiss is so hard. It’s the result of long-term can’t eat and dissatisfaction.

[Ye Wei: Brother, do you think that if I am going to eat wide now, will it not be good? 】

[888: Are you not aware of this? 】

[Ye Wei: But I am very hungry, I want to eat QAQ]

[888: Kneeling. 】

[Ye Wei: Hey, life is so cruel. I didn’t have enough ‘satisfied’ yesterday. I still have to go hungry in the morning. 】

[888: Don't you cry yesterday, can you 'satiate'? 】

[Ye Wei: Don't cry, don't do it. If you don't agree with it, you really want Lu Shushu to do it. The story behind it is mandatory, but Lu Shushu's heart is not the most important here. He still wants it. I love him and believe him, so yesterday is really not the right time, sigh jpg]

[888: Oh. 】

[Ye Wei: But in a nutshell, there is still progress! At least Lu Uncle began to try to change our relationship, I will definitely cooperate with his ^_^]


Ye Hao hung up on the bed and went to bed at night. Only then did the sneak sneak out of the room and went to the kitchen to find food.

[Ye Ye: Uncle Lu, why didn’t you see him, didn’t he worry about me? Losing me, I deliberately pretended not to see him now. 】

[888 thinks it is also very annoying: he is keeping you there, you can see him when you finish eating, if you stop him when you appear, do you have to pretend that you can't eat? Can you rest assured that you don't eat? 】

[Ye Wei: ... I almost forgot that he has been so mature and considerate, so I love him. 】

[Ye Ye: And I found out that day, he is so big. 】


Ye Hao walked into the kitchen and found that the kitchen was super rich and it could be eaten with a little heat. This is just ready for him! Ye Hao filled his stomach with satisfaction and then sneaked back to his room.

But as soon as I got on the stairs, I saw Lu Xiuwen standing on the second floor corridor and looking at him. His eyes were dull and complicated.

Ye Xie looked at Lu Xiuwen, and suddenly raised his hand to cover his neck and lips.

His brain was in chaos, and the scene of last night was constantly flashing in front of his eyes. Lu Xiuwen’s strong kiss and fierce movements were firmly in his heart and could not be forgotten. But... Uncle is doing this when he is drunk, maybe he doesn't remember it at all, but if he recognizes himself a little, he can't do this for himself.

Ye Hao holding such a thought, does not want to be discovered by Lu Xiuwen at all. If the uncle knows that he has done such a thing for himself, how can they get along if they have nothing to do with them? Isn't it too embarrassing? !

The best way is to do nothing when it does.

It’s just... Lu Xiuwen has already seen him. Is it too impolite to turn around and go now?

Ye Xie’s heart was in chaos, his face was feverish, his eyes were distressed, he was not standing there, and he was not retreating.

Lu Xiuwen stood on the second floor corridor and looked at the people below through the stairs. Ye Xie’s mind was almost written on his face. He avoided himself, probably just holding the idea of ​​a turtle and a ostrich, expecting everything from last night. If you don't remember it at all, you can confuse the past and continue to maintain your relationship with him.

But this is what Lu Xiuwen does not allow. What happened last night happened. What he wants is to change the relationship with each other a little bit. How could it give Ye Yimeng a chance to get through?

Lu Xiuwen decided to look at Ye Hao, slowly walked in front of him, thin lips and slightly open, spit out three words: "I'm sorry."

When Ye Hao listened to Lu Xiuwen’s words, his eyes were wide and his eyes were flustered. Uncle Lu... Why do you want to say sorry to him? Does he still remember what happened last night? How can he remember when he is drunk?

At the thought of this, Ye Hao couldn't stand anymore. The oppressive atmosphere brought by the tall man in front of him reminded him of everything he had last night. He turned and fled, but he was suddenly caught by Lu Xiuwen.

The hand that rubbed his neck was pulled open, and the hickey on the skin of the white scorpion was completely exposed. The face brush of the leafhopper was red and the body shook slightly.

I was seen, what to do... what to do...

He actually happened to Lu Shushu... and Uncle Lu still remembers that they should not be like this at all!

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Wei’s trembling body, his red face and embarrassed face, and his heart could not help but feel pity and distressed emotions, but could not help but be a little happy, because Ye Hao’s reaction was better than he expected.

In fact, before seeing Ye Hao, Lu Xiuwen had already made the worst plan. If Ye Hao showed disgust and distaste, this means that he is extremely disgusted with his instinct, so the road ahead will be difficult to walk.

But Ye Hao is just embarrassed and shy, and there is no expression of disgust or hatred...

This shows that he is deep inside, perhaps not so resistant to his closeness.

And the most important point is that Ye Hao, as he expected, did not blame him.

Soft and kind, it is a terrible and contradictory thing.

While he is disheartened and disappointed with his heart and soul, he uses his softheart and kindness to achieve his own goals. At this moment, he is probably no different from those people.

Lu Xiuwen thought a lot in his heart, but his face showed a sad self-blame, his voice said: "I'm sorry, I drank too much last night..."

Ye Xie’s heart is still jumping very fast. The impression that yesterday’s scene brought him was too deep and subversive. He could not easily forget it, but he still forced himself to calm down. He was already an adult, and nothing really happened. If you blame this uncle Lu, who has always cared for him, isn’t it too ruthless?

Ye stunned and bowed and said, "No, nothing, I know you are drunk."

Lu Xiuwen sighed softly and said: "I was in a bad mood yesterday, so I drank a little more, and I won't be able to do it in the future."

Ye Hao did not doubt Lu Xiuwen’s words. He had never seen Lu Xiuwen drunk in the past. Is it really a very difficult thing to encounter? It’s not his intention to do it like Lu Xiuwen. It’s just an accident... I don’t even know what to do with him. Isn’t it worse for him?

Ye Qiangqiang showed a smile and said: "It's really okay, I know you didn't mean it, uncle... Are you having something unhappy?"

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao deeply and said: "I have encountered a difficult thing and I don't know how to make a decision."

Ye Hao was even more worried when he heard this. In his impression, there was never any difficulty that could make Lu Xiuwen troubled. He seemed to be omnipotent... Can make Lu Xiuwen say it is difficult to choose, revealing such an expression. Is it difficult for the company to face a major crisis? He cautiously said: "Is it really so difficult?"

At this moment, he was not in the mood to think about his own affairs. When he thought that Lu Xiuwen had encountered such a big crisis, he was very worried.

Lu Xiuwen's heart is softer and softer. Looking at Ye Hao's eyes is a deeply suppressed love. Unfortunately, Ye Hao does not understand.

You will only make me love you more. There are no other people in the world. It can replace your position in my heart. You are my unique treasure, angel. If you haven’t betrayed me, it’s always good...

Lu Xiuwen’s voice was low and hoarse, and he was determined to look at Ye Hao. “It’s very difficult. I have never encountered such a difficult thing, but I will solve it. Don’t worry.”

How can Ye Hao not worry? Lu Xiuwen’s position in his heart is the same as that of his father. They have lived together for so many years. It’s not that their loved ones are better than their loved ones. Unfortunately, they are too useless. They can’t help Lu Xiuwen any more. They can only say: “Uncle, no matter what happens. I will support you."

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao, and there was a moment of disappointment in his eyes. For a long time, he gave a low laugh: "Okay, I know."

[叮, Lu Xiuwen blackening value -5, current blackening value 65]

Lu Xiuwen’s purpose has been reached. He reached out and touched Ye’s head. He said softly, “Let’s rest early, but... remember to eat down tomorrow, you know?”

Ye Hao’s face was red and red. Since Lu Xiuwen remembered yesterday’s business, he definitely knew that he was avoiding him today. He nodded and whispered, “Well.”

Then hurriedly fled back to his room.


In order to show that he really didn't mind Lu Xiuwen's drunkenness, Ye Hao got up and went out to eat on time the next day, but because the kiss marks did not disappear, they did not dare to go out in the past few days, fearing that it would be difficult to explain.

Although Ye Hao and Lu Xiuwen said that they didn't mind, they always told themselves not to mind, but the hickey reminded him of what happened. Lu Xiwen, who was very different that night, appeared in front of his eyes as soon as he closed his eyes.

Ye Hao felt that she was crazy. When she was eating this morning, she quietly looked at Lu Xiuwen’s handsome face. What she thought was that Lu Xiuwen’s dangerous aggression in the night, a strong plundering kiss, he patted himself hard. Head, don't think about it! Why do you always think about the terrible and embarrassing thing! can Uncle Lu be forgotten?

Lu Xiuwen saw that Ye Hao suddenly had nothing to knock on his head. He looked at him with concern and asked, "What happened?"

Ye Hao avoided Lu Xiuwen's eyes and hurriedly said while eating fast: "Nothing, just a little itchy, I thought there were mosquitoes."

Lu Xiuwen: "..."

Lu Xiuwen spent a lot of effort to hold his own smile, did not break his expression, and then his face was deep and elegant to eat his own breakfast, the eyes are long-term color, but also implicit smile.

When Ye Hao had eaten the meal, he fled and fled. He stayed at home for several days. Every day, except for eating and sleeping in the room, he did not go, and successfully lived the life of salted fish.

Hu Lei called to ask Ye Hao what happened. Ye Hao said that he was ill, and refused Hu Lei to come and visit him, saying that he would go back in a few days. His classmates did not know his family background, thinking that he was just like an ordinary person.

Just a few days later, the hickey on the neck of Ye Hao disappeared, and I can go out and continue to the next step.

Hu Lei did not see Ye Hao in a few days. When she saw Ye Hao finally returned to school, she asked with concern: "How come, how are you sick?"

Ye Hao was not good at lying, his face was slightly red, and said: "I accidentally caught a cold and caught a cold."

Hu Lei patted him on the shoulder and said deeply: "You are still too weak. You have to exercise more. It looks like a little girl and looks good, but the physique is just like the little girl."

Ye Hao opened his hand and glanced at him: "When you go, who is the little girl, are you looking good?"

Hu Lei is heartbroken: "Do you see that I am jealous of you?"

Ye Hao is more popular with girls. The group of eyes are not looking at his girls. When they see Ye Hao, they all have maternal love. I can’t wait to turn around Ye Hao. Hu Lei doesn’t mention more red eyes.

Ye Xie is very speechless, lazy and he said more.

Time flies quickly, and the blink of an eye is about to start school.

Because of the day's affairs, although Ye Hao repeatedly said that he didn't mind, Lu Xiuwen also sincerely apologized, but I don't know why, getting along is always not as natural as before. After all... Something happened.

When I was eating with Lu Xiuwen in the evening, Ye Hao once again had the idea of ​​moving back to school. He felt that he really couldn’t go on like this.

So Ye Hao had not rushed to eat dinner, and grinded in the living room, and finally got the courage to Lu Xiuwen: "Uncle, I am going to start school."

Lu Xiuwen saw through Ye Xie's mind at first glance, but he did not change his color: "What happened?"

Ye squatted on her lips and said: "There are more courses to start school. I think it is more convenient to live in school... You can rest assured! I will not come and go with Feng Wei, and I will go home on time at night, there will be no problem."

Lu Xiuwen’s expression sank slightly. This time he did not blame Ye Hao for not knowing how to take care of himself. Instead, he showed some hurt expression and said, “Are you still minding the day?”

Ye Hao’s expression was stiff, and there was a kind of embarrassment that was seen through. Don’t say, “No! I just think it’s more convenient to live in school.”

Lu Xiuwen looked at him, his lips showed a bitter smile, his voice was hoarse: "Really..."

When Ye Hao listened to Lu Xiuwen’s lost voice, he couldn’t help but turn back into Lu Xiuwen’s deep black shack. This man who has relied on him whenever and wherever he has been, seems to be a powerful and invincible man. At this moment, it seems inexplicable. The meaning of exhaustion is like his own words, making him very sad...

He doesn't seem to care about it, but has he still been blaming himself for the day? So I immediately realized that I wanted to leave home because of that...

Is it really hurting his heart to make this request? Ye Hao suddenly regretted it and felt that he was too ignorant and too selfish.

Don't you do this? What can't be opened! You can't help Lu Uncle, at least don't make him sad! Ye Hao secretly cheered himself up and finally said: "Really not, I, I still live at home, in fact, it is not so inconvenient..."

Lu Xiuwen decided to read Ye Hao for a while. It seems that he finally believed that Ye Hao was not because of the matter and wanted to alienate him. The voice finally had a smile. "Good."

Ye Hao’s plan to move out again failed, and my heart was calculated... I live at home for the time being. Anyway, I will leave this home one day. Whether Lu Shushu’s wife and children are born, or if they are married and have children, they will be separated sooner or later.

Speaking of his wife and children, in fact, Ye Hao has been very puzzled, Lu Shushu has no one around for so many years, it is not scientific.

He is not a person with a city government, and he can't let go of his heart. When he thinks about where to say it, he smiles at Lu Xiuwen: "Speak up, when Lu Shushu, you are looking for a girlfriend."

Lu Xiuwen’s smile just disappeared in an instant, his eyes darkened, but Ye Hao’s nerves did not notice the change of his subtle expression. Instead, he continued to smile and said: “In fact, you are super famous, even our school has a lot of Girls are your fans, if they know that you are still so handsome... Hahaha, you must not be excited."

I thought that Ye Hao couldn’t help but be a little excited. Lu Shushu was too low-key. Otherwise, he would be more than enough to mix his entertainment scenes. There are still people who suspect that Lu Shushu is a fat-headed uncle. broken.

But to be honest, even if Lu Xiuwen is really fat-headed, the woman who wants to marry him can also make an international beauty contest. It has been incredible to be single for so many years.

Lu Xiuwen’s lips are slightly sloppy, and the tone sounds calm: “It seems that in order not to let them be too excited, I still have a low-key point, otherwise it’s not a blessing.”

Ye Hao couldn't help but laugh, Lu Shushu is still very humorous.

He didn't think much, just just talked a few words and got up and went back to the room.

[888: You just deliberately stimulated him. 】

[Ye Wei: You heard it (⊙v⊙)]

[888: So obvious, the idiot can't hear it. 】

[Ye Wei: I think Lu Shushu is going to start preparing for a showdown to me a little. Oh, I am looking forward to what to do. Shy jpg]

[888:......] Why is this spicy chicken still not dead?


Lu Xiuwen did not seem to put that matter in his heart. He still treated Ye Hao as usual, because the conversation that day passed and it took so long, the haze of the strong kiss finally dissipated, and the two men got along. It also restored nature.

Ye Hao lived a leisurely life, and the blink of an eye had already started school. He went to the bathroom late at night that night, and suddenly found a gap in the door of the study room in the corridor, and there was light inside.

That is Lu Xiuwen’s study. Did you forget to turn off the lights? Ye Hao didn't even think about it and walked over. He was about to turn off the light. As soon as he got closer, he found a strange voice inside.

That voice, Ye Hao only listened for a while, and suddenly blushing, should not be the kind he thinks? how can that be possible?

But isn’t Lu Shushu still asleep, is he inside?

The strong curiosity drove Ye Hao quietly walked over and looked down inside the door. He saw Lu Xiuwen sitting in front of the computer, and the computer was playing an unsightly picture.

Ye Hao’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated. This kind of small movie, in fact, his classmates also like to watch, but they are all men and women. Although he is not interested, he also passively knows a lot of German art. Love action film artist.

But men and men, he still saw it for the first time.

Lu Xiuwen’s image in his mind has always been very high and perfect, like a **** who is omnipotent and flawless, but now this perfect man has secretly watched this movie in the middle of the night, so that Ye Hao’s surprise almost touched the eye. The sons are coming out! The sun is coming out to the west!

Did he discover a terrible secret?

No, I still leave. Ye Hao is flustered and wants to escape. My heart is not embarrassed if I know that I know his secret. He still pretended not to find it better.

But before he even took two steps, he heard a low voice behind him: "Stop."

Ye Hao stood stiffly there, turned around for a long time, looked stunned, and there was still a picture on the screen on the computer. The voice came to make Ye Hao feel very uncomfortable, looking down at his feet and regretting in his heart. No, let you be curious!

Lu Xiuwen got up and walked to Ye Hao. The tall body shrouded it down. The pressure made Ye Hao couldn't help but step back. Lu Xiuwen looked straight at him and said slowly: "You saw it."

"I..." Ye Hao opened his mouth and said that he didn't see it too fake now?

Lu Xiuwen leaned forward slightly, close to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao instinctively went backwards, and finally retired on the door. Lu Xiuwen’s hand was pressed on his shoulder. The temperature of his palm was passed through the clothes, reminding him of the night being suppressed again. The man’s thin scene, and the sound of the computer coming from the ear, made the atmosphere suddenly become awkward.

Lu Xiuwen bowed his head slightly, and the tip of his nose almost touched Ye Hao’s forehead. His original low magnetic sound seemed even more **** at this moment. “Since it was discovered by you, I would not hide it. In fact, I like it – man. ”

Ye Xiaokong contracted, and looked at Lu Xiuwen unbelievably. He had no time to think too much because he was too embarrassed to panic. At this moment, listening to Lu Xiuwen’s words, and then recalling the pictures in the computer, he finally had to realize this fact.

Lu Xiuwen, maybe it’s really gay!

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao’s eyes deeply. His sharp eyes seemed to thoroughly see through him, and he did not let go of any change in the expression of Ye Hao.

He said in a word: "Do you feel sick?"

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