After a series of farces, the weasel finally sobered up, and at the same time remembered his purpose, “Hello, Director Magellan, I am a vice admiral weasel in the headquarters of the Navy, please advise!” Facing the weasel stretching out, Magellan suddenly stretched out his hand embarrassed.

But he was slapped away by a prosthetic hand, “You have amnesia, Lieutenant General Weasel, didn’t you shake hands just now?” And, besides, isn’t it time to get down to business? ”

“Oh oh oh, yes, yes, you’re right, Deputy Director Hannibal, yes, hurry up and take Fire Fist Ace away, you shouldn’t be able to stay here any longer.”

Hannibal was very knowledgeable and took down the handcuffs of the sea tower stone that Ace fixed to the wall with the key, and at this moment, Ace kicked Hannibal out, “Luffy, you must not let Luffy come here!” ”

“Deputy Director Hannibal, this guy!” The weasel subconsciously held his hand to the scabbard on his waist, and a person next to him shot faster than him, advancing Magellan, the commissioner of the city, and punched Ace in the stomach, causing him to faint directly.

“I’m really sorry, Lieutenant General Weasel, for making you see the joke.” Magellan scratched his head as if shy, but was shouted by Hannibal, “Director, stupid, that criminal is going to die, they all said don’t use their hands!” ”

Everyone turned around, only to see that the woman called Fire Fist Ace was already foaming at the mouth, and she was about to die.

Finally, under the several antidotes brought by Hannibal, Ace’s gradually purple skin became normal.

This made the weasel break out in a cold sweat, “Director Magellan, I’ll take her to leave first, and the Marshal of the Warring States also wants me to go back to my life.” ”

“Go, go, go! Hannibal, take them through the special passage! Magellan waved his hand and commanded Hannibal.

“Yes! Director! ”

“Then I’ll go to the meeting, the Straw Hats!”

Meanwhile, LEVE5

Luffy and the others were like being arranged, and they actually encountered the shemale paradise hidden in 5.5.

“Hip-hop, that is, little Monchi, you guys are ?!?” As a shemale king, Ivankov was quite polite, especially after knowing Luffy’s name, his expression became extremely strange

“That’s right, little Ivan, do you know where to go to LVEV6?!?” Luffy asked Ivankov as if he was familiar with himself.

“Hip-hop, lightning, or a trip? Help Little Monchi once! ”

“Ivan-sama, as you wish!”

So, when Magellan went down, he arrived directly at LEVE 5.5 at LEVE6.

“Ace, Ace, are you here?!!? Ace! Luffy shouted frantically as soon as he came in, but both the sound and the image of the character were transmitted to the command room of the advancing city.

“Blu Bru Bru”

Magellan, who was in LEVE3, picked up the phone worm in his arms, “It’s not good, Director, the Straw Hats have arrived at LEVE6!” ”

“Ouch ouch?!? Doesn’t it mean LEVE3 here, someone sabotage? Isn’t that them? ”

“No, it’s over there…”

“Second time~”

The phone worm seemed to be disconnected, and the voice of the other end was completely inaudible, but Magellan also saw several people in front of him who were sabotaging.

His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, Blackbeard Marshall. D. Titch, led by the Pirates.

“Why?” Magellan roared, “Why are you, as His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, here now!” ”

Tichy shook his finger and showed an excited expression, “Heehaha yes, yes, why am I here? Gee, His Majesty Qiwu Hai is not even allowed to look here?!? ”

“Without an order from the Navy headquarters, pirates are forbidden to enter here, so I’m sorry, I’m going to arrest you!” Magellan held out his hand and threatened the other party.

“Heehahahahaha, I also happen to have something to ask you!”

PS: (Ask for flowers, ask for monthly pass, ask for evaluation)

The plot speeds up, as for the follow-up, sorry, one more today! _

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