371: Beyond expectations

The unexpected development gave many viewers an ominous premonition, especially Zhou Na's suspicious temporary amnesia and Silent Suzuka's idea of ​​what was right, which almost made the plot reach the worst possible outcome.

Fugitives from another dimension: Has the character in the video been replaced by the Zerg before the plot begins?

Super high school level detective: very likely.

Super High School Level Detective: The Zerg started acting just after Special Zhou left. In addition, Special Zhou herself has no memory of this period of time, and it seems that she did not buy a drink as she said. If you think about it carefully, the timing of this insect attack is also very suspicious.

Thumbelina of Science: Is this the so-called dual personality? This mimetic special Zhou has the personality of being a horse lady and the personality of being a zerg?

Basic reasoning: It should be right. This special mental state may be the reason why the Zerg is unwilling to copy Ma Ni.

Assistant: It is very possible that although the copying ability of the zerg is very buggy, in order to be better compatible with the copied memories and emotions, the personality of the zerg itself should not be strong and it is relatively easy to be affected by the person being copied, so in When encountering beings with strong egos, the Zerg will suffer from self-cognition disorders.

Emperor: And Ma Ni is a being with very pure emotions. The Zerg's ability to perfectly copy all the memories and emotions of its victim has actually become a disadvantage when copying Ma Ni.

Emperor: The reason why the excellent qualities of mimicry were dormant for 3 years before it started to act is probably because it found a place to slowly adapt to digest the memory of excellent qualities.

Okino T: Should I say that she really deserves to be a horse girl?

[The encounter with Silent Suzuka and Special Zhou ended abruptly due to the attack of the zerg. Although the Emperor of the East China Sea was very concerned about the anomaly of Silent Suzuka, the priority of investigating the mysterious Lion-Hearted Dusk was obviously higher than that of Silent Suzuka. In addition, the latter is obviously related to the thunderfly insect meter currently used by Silent Suzuka.

So, after Twin Turbine said that she could call Lionheart Dusk out, the Emperor of the East China Sea immediately asked her to make a call.

Unexpectedly, Lionheart Dusk, whom the Emperor of the East China Sea thought would be difficult to meet, actually readily agreed to make time to see her after hearing that Twin Turbine had something to do with him.

The two made an appointment to meet at a coffee shop near Tereson College. When Donghai Emperor and Twin Turbine arrived, the tall horse girl whom Donghai Emperor had seen once was already sitting in them.

"Long time no see, Twin Turbine. It's really rare that you would take the initiative to contact me. Well, although I really want to say this, it seems that the person here who has trouble with me is the Donghai Emperor lady here."

Lionheart glanced faintly at the two horse racing ladies sitting in front of him, and his golden pupils especially stayed on the Emperor of the East China Sea for a long time.

"You are a guest, how about sitting down and having a cup of coffee first? Since you are a friend of Twin Turbine, I will treat you."

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

The Emperor of the East China Sea did not regard herself as an outsider at all. After she and Twin Turbine took their seats generously, she ordered the most expensive coffee in the store without ceremony, and began to look at each other without saying a word.

The wordless silence lasted for a long time. When the desserts ordered by Shuang Turbine were all served, Shuang Turbine finally seemed to be unable to bear the silent atmosphere and opened the topic.

"Speaking of which, Torena, you are actually from ZECT. I didn't know that before."

"Because you didn't ask, and the ZECT thing is not something you can talk about casually."

Lionheart Dusk took a sip of coffee.

"Then let's get down to business, Miss Donghai Emperor, what do you want to know?"

"Seven years ago."

The Emperor of the East China Sea looked into Lionheart Dusk's eyes and said with a serious expression.

"How much do you know about what happened at the Tokyo Racecourse seven years ago? What is the so-called Kamen Rider plan? What was the reason for Silent Suzuka's abnormal behavior?"

Three questions blurted out in a row, and Donghai Emperor Jin said all the problems that had troubled him so far.

But beyond the expectations of the Emperor of the East China Sea, although Lionheart Huanghuang's expression did not change much, the Emperor of the East China Sea saw disappointment in her eyes.

"It seems that the time has not come yet."

"What's the meaning?"

The Emperor of the East China Sea frowned, while Lionheart Dusk drank the coffee in one gulp and then said.

"Literally, you should not come to me for answers to these three questions. If you are really the chosen one, then you should ask yourself."

Lionheart Dusk picked up the cane placed aside and stood up directly.

"Don't be satisfied with the status quo, Emperor of the East China Sea. If you are truly a man of heaven, then your enemy is yourself. Go beyond her. When you complete your transformation, all the truth will naturally come to you. ."


The Emperor of the East China Sea paused slightly, and then chose to stop Lionheart Dusk, who was going to pay the bill. The latter stopped but did not look at the Emperor of the East China Sea.

"You want me to be the sun?"

"That's right."

Lionheart Dusk smiled and turned to look at the confused Twin Turbine.

"By the way, Twin Turbine, I originally asked Miss Junchuan to inform you in advance, but since we are rare to meet today, I will inform you here."


I couldn't understand the overly stream-of-consciousness conversation between the two. Twin Turbine's expression was a little dull. Only the spoon in his hand still maintained the mechanical action of scooping out the cake and putting it into his mouth.

"The cinephile unit has been disbanded. Miyu will temporarily join Captain Nishizaki's team starting tomorrow."


Twin Turbine's eyes widened, and he waited until Lionheart left the cafe at dusk before speaking blankly.

"Who is Nishizaki?\

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