"Yes, there are still 91 days left, and senior has already collected more than one-third of the eye souls."

Mashu clenched his fists excitedly in the Sky Temple, appearing even happier than Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"We also know that Mr. Undead has at least 3 eye souls in his hands. If we defeat him and recover the eye souls next time, we will be halfway through! The senior will definitely be able to be resurrected successfully!"


Unexpectedly, when Mashu mentioned the undead, Fujimaru Ritsuka's originally happy expression suddenly cooled down and became a little weird.

She recalled the sudden glimpse of the red-haired figure, and her thoughts once again drifted uncontrollably to her childhood.

When Fujimaru Ritsuka was still young, the person who played with him was not only his adopted brother Chenshu, who was his guardian, but also two other equally immature figures.

One is a smart and cute black-haired sister who likes to play with him because of gender relations, and the other is a gentle and reliable red-haired brother who always gives in to his two younger sisters.

But one day, the two friends left the Sky Temple for some unknown reason and never saw Fujimaru Ritsuka again.

Even if she asked Chen Shi personally, the latter would only say that the two of them had moved out of Fuyuki City, and nothing more happened after that.

But today, Fujimaru Ritsuka saw that although the facial features had some inevitable growth due to age, it was impossible for Fujimaru Ritsuka to admit that the red hair and eyes were wrong.

The other party is definitely his missing cousin Emiya Shirou.

——Why did Brother Shirou appear at the singularity?

——Why did you become a Kamen Rider?

——If Brother Shirou is here, then where is the other sister Miyu Emiya now?

After learning about Emiya Shirou's existence, Fujimaru Ritsuka was more worried about the current situation of the brother and sister than the small matter of the other party attacking him.

After all, for her who has lost her brother Chen Shi, they are probably Fujimaru Ritsuka's only relatives in the world.

While thinking, Mashu's voice attracted Fujimaru Ritsuka's attention.

On the other side of the projection, Matthew, Romani and others were all looking at the girl with worried eyes, which made her heart warm and the anxiety that had just arisen also weakened a bit.

Being able to meet this new group of friends is proof to Fujimaru Ritsuka that fate is not ruthless.


Facing them, Fujimaru Ritsuka had no intention of hiding anything, and explained the matter of Emiya Shirou. 】

Tracking EX: Not only is she beautiful, she is also so kind at heart, she is just like a little angel! If you can't bear it anymore, marry me immediately!

Quiet Kiss: I? Master!

Pioneer: I can’t stand you heroic spirits, could you please stop staring at my wife and going crazy all day long?

Entangled Fate Essence: Against the sky!

Purple Balloon: The Discipline Committee member of the group comes to the group from time to time to kidnap Hammurabi.jpg

Group happiness: Group happiness, come to the group from time to time to have fun.jpg

Purple-haired female passerby: I am different, I only feel sorry for giegie (referring to Emiya Shirou).jpg

Devil Muscle Rin:?

Devil Muscle Rin: Sakura, my sister is very worried about your mental state.

Super high school level fan writer: I remember that the upstairs should also be Emiya Shirou's harem in the future, right?

The Sleeping Beauty of Literature: Future (×), Present (√).

Literary Sleeping Beauty: Don’t forget, Miss Sakura said that after her sister heard that she was going to help Mr. Shirou, she directly agreed to use the eye-moisturizing bracelet that seemed to have very high permission requirements.

Thunderbolt Flash Madman: Damn it, I’m so envious. How can I be as good as him?

ZIO II: Maybe I practice high jump more diligently.

The great teacher’s dead fish eyes: What the hell?

[After listening to Fujimaru Ritsuka's story about Emiya Shirou, Romani suddenly fell into deep thought and glanced at the orange-haired girl who was talking about interesting childhood stories with trepidation.

As the person who told Fujimaru Ritsuka to collect 15 heroic spirit eyes, he suddenly had a sense of déjà vu when his brother became active after becoming a Kamen Rider, but his sister disappeared, but in the end he kept it without saying anything. silence.

If it was as he suspected, perhaps not knowing Shirou Emiya's purpose would be a good thing.

——Romani, you are really a despicable guy. Nothing has changed since before.

The orange-haired doctor belittled himself in this way without any intention of repenting.

As for Fujimaru Ritsuka, after she expressed her confusion, although she didn't get any solution for a while, she felt relaxed and had more energy to think about her original purpose of coming here.

As soon as the idea came to her mind, she suddenly remembered her previous communication with the red ghost in her dream.

——Go and learn more about that heroic spirit called the Lion King. If it’s you, just doing this is enough.

Although most of Fujimaru Ritsuka's conversation with the red ghost has become a bit blurry except for combat skills, this sentence seems to be deeply imprinted in the girl's mind like some kind of magic.

--Why is this?

Fujimaru Ritsuka vaguely felt that this little thing might be very important to her, but the current situation made her give priority to believing this sentence and told it to the Lion King frankly.

"Want to know more about me?"

At this moment, the Lion King has dismounted. Her tall figure can be said to stand out among the women present, but she is actually a little restrained in her heart.

The fact that the newly created Lily vest fell off within a day was completely out of experience for her, who was usually aloof, so much so that she still felt a little embarrassed when facing Fujimaru Ritsuka.

However, looking at the sincere eyes of the orange-haired girl, the Lion King's restless heart calmed down, and he reached out and took off his helmet, revealing his beautiful face.

"Since the Master trusts me so much and can tell me everything about himself without reservation, then as a knight, I will naturally trust you with sincerity and trust. And..."

——I would like to be your helper.

It is not to repay the other party's kindness in correcting him in the past, but to be attracted by Fujimaru Ritsuka's personality charm while getting along with him, and he wants to become a knight who protects him.

The Lion King felt the inexplicable emotions in his heart, and his moist sandalwood mouth slowly opened.

In another distant parallel world, the adventure of the orange-haired girl who did not become a Kamen Rider in the Camelot Singularity was narrated from the mouth of this person who experienced it.

The Lion King, who was born from a possibility that should not exist, and the orange-haired girl who now became a Kamen Rider, had a true heart-to-heart relationship for the first time. 】

640: The Eve of the War (6k)

[The world of communication passes quickly.

The usually taciturn Lion King is not very good at telling stories, and from her perspective as an enemy in other parallel worlds, there is a big gap in her understanding of the whole thing, but this is not Fujimaru Ritsuka and others are very interested in this story with themselves as the protagonists, and they still listen to it with relish.

In the words of The Lion King, Fujimaru Ritsuka who lives in that world is a more ordinary girl than herself as a ghost now. She can't even transform and has no magic talent.

Fujimaru Ritsuka believes that the only constant is that the reason why Fujimaru Ritsuka sets out to save the world is because she is involuntarily trapped in a situation that only she can do. .

But it just so happens that such an ordinary person has completed more strategies for singular points than Fujimaru Ritsuka who is here. With his own courage and consciousness, he persuaded the extremely powerful Lion King in front of him, thus creating Now the Lion King is willing to help his karma. 】

Chaos Evil Guy: Camelot, the Sixth Singularity, and the attitude of admonishing the Lion King and Ramses II, aren't these things in the real world? Could it be that this Lion King drifted from our world to a world with Kamen Riders?

Almighty Man: Not necessarily. Since the Enchanting Forum has confirmed the existence of parallel worlds, it is not impossible if there is a world with exactly the same trajectory as ours. It is not certain that the world mentioned by the Lion King is the real world.

Emergency food: It feels so complicated, parallel world or something.

Pure Love God of War: I am very curious. It would be great if there were more samples, or if I could see the so-called parallel world with my own eyes. It should be different from the concept of world bubble.

Mr. Pan: But Ms. Fujimaru Ritsuka is really admirable. Regardless of whether she has the power of Kamen Rider or not, she can unswervingly walk on the road of saving the world.

White Rabbit Swiftfoot: Ah, so awesome, just like the heroes in the Hero's Tale!

EMT: You are so awesome, Ms. Fujimaru Ritsuka!

Chaos Evil Gudazi: Ahaha, actually it’s because I’m the only one left who can stand up and do these things.

Chaos Evil Gudazi: If there were other Masters alive, I might be shivering in Chaldea, unwilling to go to the singularity.

ZIO II: Whether you can do it and whether you want to do it are two different things. Even if you are someone who can make the impossible possible, if you don’t do it, it will just be empty talk. I think you can be more confident.

Team A Captain: Hahaha, although the statement above made me a little hurt, it is correct. I think Ms. Fujimaru Ritsuka is already a very good Chaldean Master.

[The story told by the Lion King made Fujimaru Ritsuka unconsciously feel a little yearning, and she felt from the bottom of her heart that she was very powerful in the parallel world.

Romani was also a little emotional about this, and his eyes towards Fujimaru Ritsuka became more trusting.

——Sure enough, miracles are not necessarily only the privilege of the strong.

——If it’s this child, maybe it can be done...

Romani's thoughts were a little wandering, but in the end he shook his head imperceptibly and forcibly suppressed the sudden thought.

Today, he has no confidence in gambling. Faced with the crisis of losing his humanity, he has no chance to start over.

He still needs some time to observe Fujimaru Ritsuka and to examine himself.

However, when he was concentrating his thoughts, he suddenly noticed that Mathu next to him had a strange expression on his face.

The girl wearing glasses was initially dazzled by the adventure that took place at the sixth singular point in the parallel world. The novel story obviously attracted the interest of this less experienced girl.

But after the Lion King talked for a while, the pressure around this child who was not very good at hiding his thoughts suddenly dropped, as if he had just thought of something sad.

But when he noticed that Romani and even little Leonardo da Vinci were looking at him, Matthew quickly forced out a smile and pretended to listen carefully to the Lion King's story, which made the two "parents" momentarily There was nothing to ask.

You can only continue to listen with Matthew until the story ends.

"I see, so Lion King, you were helped by me in another world before, so after you drifted to this singularity by chance, did you try so hard to help me?"

It was only at this moment that Fujimaru Ritsuka truly understood where the word "Master" in the Lion King's mouth came from. She had indeed heard Romani and others explain the meaning of this word before, but she had never understood it. I understand why the Lion King calls himself Master.

Because the spirit knight's fighting style is different from the traditional relationship between a heroic spirit and its master, Musashi, Newton and others have never called her their master.

Faced with Fujimaru Ritsuka's conclusion, the Lion King nodded and then immediately shook his head.

"I did have similar thoughts at the beginning. I am very grateful to the Chaldean Master in the previous world for helping me find my lost original intention. If there is a chance, I will not mind letting the gun in my hand Be her support.

But after spending some time with you in front of me, my thoughts changed. "

As mentioned before, although the core of the Lion King has been irreversibly changed by the shining spear of the end, compared to the clean and upright Knight King in the past, her current personality is more inclined to the king and divinity. that side.

But some congratulations, no matter what changes have occurred, there will still be something close to the origin. After experiencing the battle with Fujimaru Ritsuka, the part belonging to the King of Knights is once again like it was at the end of the Sixth Singularity. I was attracted again.

As a knight, her heart made her want to be the strength of the person in front of her, not to repay her kindness, but to wield the gun in her hand for justice and justice for the first time in a long time.

The Lion King stood in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka, knelt down on one knee like a knight in the story, and put his hand on his chest.

Everyone, including Fujimaru Ritsuka, was shocked by the other party's too low-profile attitude, but the Lion King just showed a beautiful smile that was familiar yet unfamiliar.

Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly realized that the other person and the lively and vigorous trainee knight were really the same person.

"You are not a substitute for someone, Master. As a knight, I want to fight for you. This high feeling in my heart makes me want to respond to your efforts and become your strength with this terminal spear."

When the Lion King said these words, her beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes combined with her serious yet gentle temperament made Ritsuka Fujimaru couldn't help but feel her cheeks get hot.

She touched her chest, where her heartbeat was racing, and suddenly she felt like there was some weak connection with the other person.

"Well, I will work hard. Please help me in the next battle, Miss Lion King."

"It's natural."

The two of them held each other's hands together. Just as they looked at each other and smiled, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who seemed to notice that the atmosphere was a bit strange, couldn't help but change the topic and asked the other party something that he had always cared about. The problem is.

"Speaking of which! Why on earth did Miss Lion King pretend to be Lily and approach me?"


The Lion King's originally serious and reliable face suddenly stiffened, and he became hesitant for a moment.

If you want to talk about why you should disguise yourself as Lily, the answer to this question is actually very simple.

The main reason is that the Lion King wants to take a closer look at the character of Fujimaru Ritsuka in this world, so as to judge whether his repayment is really worth it.

But on the one hand, the Lion King is worried that if he approaches Fujimaru Ritsuka with his own identity, he may not see the other person's true side; on the other hand, he feels that his current taciturn and dignified appearance will make Fujimaru Ritsuka nervous.

So her smart head whirled, and she immediately thought of a perfect solution - wouldn't it be good to do some manipulation with her spiritual power and approach the other party as Arturia looked when she was young?

This way he can hide the identity of the Lion King and appear approachable.

It's not that the Lion King is boasting. According to Artoria's memory in his mind, before she set foot on the royal road and when she was a village girl just after she set foot on the royal road, she was a quite innocent and good child, and she could often get along well with the people around her.

I am sure that I can build a good relationship with the Master and explore the other person's depth.

——Hmph, what a genius idea, as expected of me! Yo! Goddess Lungominiad!

The Lion King still clearly remembered that he was very happy when he came up with this method, but he never expected that the hateful Ramses II came over and took off his leather sheath, and he almost didn't put it on. She kicked the thread open.

Thinking that after obeying his orders, Agguiwen still wears the famous "Lily Lancer" vest among the solemn knights, even a person as emotionally indifferent as the Lion King can't help but feel ashamed.

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