He took out an eye soul, opened it, and summoned a beholder wearing a top hat, covering his face with a red mask, and holding two scimitars. After being summoned, the sword-eyed demon immediately respectfully bowed to Matou. Shinji bowed and behaved like a gentleman.

Coupled with his two huge, scary-looking knives, it gives people an indescribable sense of weirdness.

"Dear Master, what are your orders? Do you want me to assist Miss Tohsaka?"

"That's not necessary."

The corners of Matou Shinji's mouth rose. This time, he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

"Since someone is rushing to waste time, let her go. Recently, Qin Shihuang has been paying close attention to me. This trip is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to avoid his eyes."

He held the round instrument in front of him and rotated it, the smile on his face getting weirder.

"It's time for our experiment to enter the second phase while that Sakura guy makes a big fuss."

Little did they know that within an hour of arriving at this singularity, they were already being targeted by another wave of enemies.

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others were just walking through the woods on a rugged road led by the flamboyantly dressed girl.

Looking at the "unconventional" girl and the tall samurai following her, Fujimaru Ritsuka still expressed his doubts.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Me? Yes, speaking of it, I did not introduce myself."

The girl tapped her chin with her index finger, her mood suddenly became high as if a switch had been turned on.

"Hey~hey~~! Caster, Izumo Aguo, is also one of the 15 Cavalry Heroic Spirits selected by Your Excellency Chen Oath. You are here to visit us!"

Moving lightly, the girl performed a short impromptu dance in front of the three people. After the sword dance, she put the drawn sword on her shoulder. The tall warrior also turned around and stood in cooperation. He used his own body to act as a backdrop for the girl who called herself Izumo Akun.

"This is Ms. Ayun's companion Zanzaburo! Hey! Please give me more advice in the future!"


"Izumo Aguo!"

After hearing this, Mashu's eyes lit up, and he immediately retrieved the relevant memories from his mind, and introduced them to Fujimaru Ritsuka and the other two.

"Miss Izumo is an artist from the Azuchi Momoyama period. It is said that she is the ancestor of kabuki dance. Almost all kabuki today originated from her."

Saying that, Mashu looked at Zanzaburo behind Ayun.

"Zanzaburo next to Aun...could this be Ms. Izumo's husband, Nagoya Sansaburo?"

"Nagoya Yamazaburo?"

Putting away his posture, Izumo Aguo waved his hands cheerfully, but his cheeks couldn't help but blush.

"Haha, it seems that there is a slight deviation in the spread of Miss Aguo's legend. Although Zanzaburo is indeed a handsome spearman, it is actually Miss Aguo's magic costume."

As she spoke, she tried to tap Zanzaburo's breastplate, using her dull voice to increase the persuasiveness of her words.

"It's a robot again."

After realizing Zanzaburo's true identity, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Emiya Shirou, two people who participated in the battle, both showed expressions of lingering fear.


Zansaburo, who barely managed to compete with Kuaiji Zero Style, also had his eyes light up slightly, and he let out a cry of approval.

"It's really that strong."

It was clear that there was only a brief cry, but Degoku Ayun nodded as if he could understand Zansaburo's meaning.

"Excellent! It seems that I came to the right place this time. To deal with that kind of unreasonable existence, with our current combat power, only Zanzaburo has the ability to fight against him and seize the opportunity to bring you back. You are truly a miko. Ancestor Himihu, has this been foreseen through prophecy?

It seems that Miss Aguo still has a lot to learn! "

"The ancestor of witches?"

"Yes, the reason why I came to rescue you this time and was able to escape successfully is all because of Himihu's existence. Let her communicate with you personally on the specific matters."

As she spoke, she looked straight ahead, and everyone followed her gaze.

Not far ahead, I saw a dignified beauty wearing a golden crown and red and white clothes, quietly watching the people here.

There was a smile on her face, her pupils were as bright as the sun, and the sacred red lines imprinted on her fair skin made Fujimaru Ritsuka feel as if she had seen a goddess descending to earth.

"This is what you said..."

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked curiously at Izumo Aguo beside him, but in the next second, he saw emotions called surprise and shock on Izumo Aguo's face.

--This is?

Doubts appeared in his mind. Before Fujimaru Ritsuka could ask the question, Izumo Aguo pointed at the dignified beauty standing opposite and stroking her chest and asked.

"You, you, you! Who are you? Where did you hide that careless and idle Mr. Himihu?"

At that moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka subconsciously noticed the subtle twitching of the corners of the mouth of that dignified and beautiful woman. 】

676: Prophecy (4k)


Even though his heart was filled with a desire to kill someone at this moment, Himihu in business mode still endured it and turned to salute everyone from Chaldea, hoping to express his friendliness and save his life. The first impression that he almost collapsed under Izumo Aguo's trouble.

Since this place was not yet considered safe, Himihu decided to take a few people to the place where these heroic spirits would stay.

As she walked, she introduced herself in front of her.

"I haven't seen you here for a long time, sons of people from the future. I am Himiko, the queen of Yamatai Kingdom. I am the mediator of the eternal world and the witch of light. I hope my oracle can open your path..."

However, some people are not aware of the fact that they are wandering in front of the gate of hell. After looking up and down at the friends he met at this singularity, Izumo Aguo only felt that it was novel and incomparable for a while, and couldn't help but start to comment on Himiko's behavior. stand up.

"Wow, it feels so serious. This is the so-called business model in modern times. As expected of Lord Himihu, he is so well hidden..."



A dull sound like knocking a wooden fish sounded around everyone without warning at a certain moment. The two Kamen Riders, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Emiya Shirou, felt as if a ray of light flashed across their eyes, and they had no time to react.

When he came back to his senses, he found that nothing was left in his field of vision. Only Izumo Aguo, who was holding his head and crying, seemed to prove that what had just happened had indeed happened.

However, when Fujimaru Ritsuka was about to ask a question, Himiko, who gently lowered her hands, interrupted her actions with a smile.

"Haha~ I'm really confused. I told you, Aguo, to be more careful when moving in the forest. Now I hit a branch~"

"Oh, branches?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka subconsciously glanced at the situation nearby. Among the surrounding trees, there was indeed a tree whose branches were relatively close to where Izumo Akun was standing before, but Fujimaru Ritsuka always felt that something was not right.

"Did you really hit a branch?"

"That's right~"


——How can a mere tree branch break through the defense of a heroic spirit?

"It's true, I swear in the name of the Priestess of Light~"

Himiko's smile was bright, but Fujimaru Ritsuka felt as if she was being targeted by a ferocious beast. The instinctive warning of danger made her swallow the second half of the sentence in her heart and nodded calmly. 】

Barus: Wow, this guy, she must have punched Izumo Aguo just now, right? Absolutely!

God's Righteous Eye: I saw it. It was a beautiful punch, no less powerful than any professional boxer's full blow.

Chess expert: A good shot, even I can feel my heart racing.

Glasses frame: No, what people in this world focus on is contrast? People in ancient times were all about technological advancement; but the witch can throw a jab that is no less than a professional player!

Sir Apple: Heroic Spirit, it’s amazing.

Magical Mellie: After comparing this, I suddenly feel that we in Britain are a little too conventional. It turns out that I am really just playing the medieval fantasy style, why can't I even open a Gundam?

Little Eggplant: Why was driving Gundam a compulsory subject for ancient people?

Magical Merry: Because it’s a fact. According to my observation, there are actually Gundams in China, Neon, Greece, Maya and other places.

Yang Wuxi: Is it so cool?

UMR: How strange. Although I have complained about it many times, the history of your world is also too strange!

[Emiya Shirou, who also felt a sense of crisis, chose to skip this topic and instead talked about another thing that concerned him a little.

"Speaking of which, you seemed to have said we haven't seen each other for a long time, right? Have we met before?"

"I've seen it before."

Himihu smiled slightly and stretched out his hands to make a "15" gesture.

"Although you may not have been able to recognize me at the time, I was indeed in the 15-eyed soul of Mirai-chan who made a wish at that time. It's just that something happened suddenly and I had to go before I could say hello to you. This is unique.”

"Miss A Guo was also present at that time!"

Rubbing his still somewhat red forehead, Izumo Aguo sniffed and said confidently.

"In other words, Miss Himihu, you are also the heroic eye soul left behind by Mr. Chen Shi! That's great!"

Hearing this, Ma Xiu couldn't help showing a happy expression.

If Himiko's words are true, coupled with Izumo Aguo, 11 eyes and souls have been gathered here again.

In this case, there might be a chance to gather 15 souls again at this singularity to make a wish to resurrect Fujimaru Ritsuka.

And as if he had read through Mashu's thoughts, Himihu also smiled and nodded.

"In the future I see, 15 souls have indeed gathered together again in this singularity. If everything goes well, there is a possibility of performing the ritual again."


However, Himihu had to pour cold water on everyone who was happy.

"It's just that, at present, it seems that the possibility of doing this is not high, no, it would be better to say it is almost zero."


Everyone was shocked, even Romani and others who were far away at Sky Temple were surprised by Himihu's sudden change of attitude.

Seeing the nervous people, Himihu didn't show off.

"The Great Qin Singularity is different from the previous Egyptian Singularity. The birth of the last Singularity was just an accident. Except for Anthony and Leif, the source of the rampage, there is actually no existence that really wants to maintain that Singularity.

But it’s different here. The master of this singularity has chosen and contributed to the current situation from the bottom of his heart, and regards the history of pan-humanity that we represent as the enemy.

In fact, before we came to this singularity, His Majesty the First Emperor had already completed the annihilation of all the ownerless heroic spirits in this singularity, and promulgated the first order for the people under his rule to encounter foreigners in strange clothes. Time to report the imperial edict to the imperial court. "

Having said this, Himihu couldn't help but sigh.

"In my opinion, it is a good thing that you were intercepted by the Kuaiji Zero before you entered the gathering place. After all, it is easy to hide from open guns and hard to defend against hidden arrows. The people in this singularity are all us now. of enemies.

It is impossible to get help from local forces like the last singularity. "

"Are they all enemies..."

Listening to Himiko's explanation of the current situation at the singularity, Fujimaru Ritsuka and others also showed solemn expressions on their faces.

In wordless silence, several people arrived at the current destination of Himihu and Izumo Aguo.

It was a cave located by the river. The surrounding woods and complex terrain provided them with a natural hiding place. Moreover, after little Leonardo da Vinci's exploration, there was a small cave hidden underneath. It can be said that the temporary base that best suits Chaldea's expectations is tailor-made for their current situation.

In response to the admiration of little Leonardo da Vinci, Ritsuka Fujimaru noticed that Himiko beside him puffed up his huge chest proudly. It was obvious that the person who found this place was this miko of light.

At the entrance of the cave, a big man dressed as a monk also noticed the arrival of several people.

He warily cast a scrutinizing gaze over here, and relaxed after seeing the faces of Himiko and Fujimaru Ritsuka. He put down the sword in his hand and made a Buddhist salute to several people.

"Namu, Musashibo Benkei appears as a spearman. Please take care of me."


Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes lit up, and she felt a little excited because it was rare to see a historical celebrity she knew.

Musashibo Benkei, this well-known warrior monk in Neon, can be said to be one of the traditional representatives of Bushido spirit. He saved money and followed Minamoto Yoshitsune to fight everywhere. After his death, he left behind the legacy of Hunting Thousand Swords and Nio Rise. Wait for the classic legend.

Now that he saw him in person, Fujimaru Ritsuka looked up and down at this big man who was nearly two meters tall, and then remembered what Himiko said before.

"Speaking of which, Himiko, you said before that all the ownerless heroic spirits with this singularity have been wiped out. In other words, is Mr. Benkei also a heroic spirit?"

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