Halfway through, Zidu paused for a moment, then suddenly remembered something that Matou Shinji said casually before.

Although they don't know what the "singularity" mentioned by several people is, they all know that in the world today, there is only one person who can be called the "Emperor".

"No, you can't go back!"

A trace of determination flashed in the young man's eyes, and he quickly ran to the center of the previous battlefield, where he found the Cobra mobile phone that Shirou Emiya had deliberately left behind on the ground.

This was something Emiya Shirou had made an appointment with Zidu during the day. If something happened to the former, the latter must hand it over to other companions who would come to meet here the next day.

"Is it called Chaldea?"

The young man murmured to himself, and now all his hopes seemed to fall on this organization from a distant place.

However, even Zidu, the mantis hunting cicadas, did not expect that there was a yellow bird following behind him.

On a slope hundreds of kilometers away from the village, the tall man with white hair and brown skin slowly put down the long bow that was already fully drawn in his hand, giving up the idea of ​​solving the small problem left by his current employer here. Tail's plan.

"So what happened to you?"

Beside him, the blond woman with a suspicious face looked at this colleague who suddenly stood up to draw the bow strangely, but she couldn't help but look down at the rabbit meat roasting in the fire from time to time, and made a swallowing sound.

Angelica found this hateful man simply baffling.

While waiting for Sakura Tohsaka to return, he suddenly ran to hunt a hare and said he wanted to beat it for himself as a tooth festival. But after it was baked, he exclaimed: "Sorry, I forgot you can't eat it now!", and then Just like this, she ate half of it with gusto in front of her, not forgetting to comment on it in real time while eating. This made the greedy Angelica so angry that her teeth itched.

Now Angelica suddenly did something like this, and the bow was fully drawn but did not shoot, which completely confused Angelica.

Red A sat down again disapprovingly, picked up the other half of the rabbit, and said something that made Angelica's eyes darken.

"It's nothing. I originally saw a wild boar and wanted to catch it and roast it for you to eat, but then I remembered that you can't eat. It's a pity. The roasted pork chops I made taste great."


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