"Eh? Sophia?"

"There is no need to go on patrol. I have worked hard for everyone during my absence. I will open the barrier immediately."

The white-haired Sanwu woman walked into the room with a slight smile on her face. 】

White Tyrant: Great, Miss Sophia has returned to the team. Miss Origami must have rescued her!

Pink round face: Next, we only need to convince Miss Origami and Miss Yakiya to join the team, and everyone will be together again.

Super high school-level literary girl: Is it really that simple? The remaining two people don't seem to be cooperating.

Leader of the Hope Cult: It’s okay. The hero will eventually overcome despair and bring everyone together. Ah~ it makes people excited just thinking about it.

["Okay, let's exchange information, Tohka, what exactly happened at your southern base?"

Tohka nodded and slowly told her own experience, including that the real enemy of the organization was actually the Holy Lord of Truth, and that Alan and Kuangzo were actually following his orders, etc.

"This is really a bad situation. Doesn't this mean that we are making an enemy of the entire organization?"

Qi Zui rubbed her head with some trouble. Her little mind couldn't think of a solution at all. She turned her attention to the returning leader of the North District. Sophia nodded to her and began to assign tasks.

"Ziguang, could you please heal the Holy Blade and Blade as soon as possible?"

"Oh, no problem, leave it to me who is the best!"

Mana gave a thumbs up, indicating that everyone should be more bearish on me (bushi).

"Da Jian, can you please look for Jian Zhan again? The child's family's education method is very special. If no one guides him correctly for too long, he will easily go astray, and now he also needs combat power. when."


Seven Sins nodded.

"Sword Flash, please join me in reinforcing the barrier in a moment. The power of the Holy Lord of Truth is extraordinary. If he is determined to attack here, the original barrier may not be able to stop him for too long."

"no problem."

After saying that, Sofia left with Miku, leaving Yoshino alone who was looking forward to her own mission.

"what about me?"

Although he was a little unhappy that he had been forgotten again, looking at everyone who was busy, the good boy Yoshinohara still did not cause trouble, but began to think about doing something within his power.

"That's right! Let me prepare some small gifts for everyone!"

She did what she thought of, and Yoshino left the North District base in a hurry under Mana's strange gaze. 】

Ms. Kusana: Ms. Yoshino has such a good attitude. If I was ignored, I would be angry.

Very edible: Ah! Xiaocao is really scary when he is angry.

Soul of the Knights of the West Wind: Miss Sophia is really amazing. She can calm everyone's emotions and arrange tasks in an orderly manner as soon as she comes back.

Grandpa Lu: Humph, he is indeed an excellent leader compared to some useless senior leaders.

[Within the Megiddo stronghold.

The white-haired woman walked in with an unhappy look on her face and threw several alternative driving books in her hand on the table. Behind her was a cute little black-haired girl, holding a mountain of books in her arms. He looked like he might fall down at any moment.


With a cute tone of voice, Charybdis in human form carefully placed the book on the table, and then followed Stellius's instructions and carefully placed the books on the bookshelf one by one.

However, most of her attention was still focused on Bister, who was on the mission with her this time.

"Lord Bister, did you do a bad job there? Why do you look unhappy this time when we obviously got a lot of books?"

Charybdis tilted his little head and wondered.

"No, you little guy is doing a great job. You are both obedient and capable. To be honest, I am quite relaxed."

"Then why are you unhappy?"

"Well, it's because the Water Swordsman didn't show up to stop me this time."

Bister rubbed her temples. Ever since Woodman died, her head had started to hurt from time to time. There were always some strange memories flashing through her mind, but she couldn't catch them when she wanted to recall them carefully. I can only vaguely remember that it seems to be related to the Water Swordsman.

"Isn't it a good thing that no one is here to stop us?"

Charybdis became even more confused. Just when Bister was about to answer, a gentle male voice intervened in the topic. It turned out that Stellius also returned here with a book.

"My guess is that Bister wants to decide the outcome with the Water Swordsman. After all, the two of them have fought several times before, but they haven't really decided the outcome."

"That's it, and welcome back, Lord Stellius!"

"Well, I'm back."

Stellius smiled and said hello to the other party, and Bist suddenly realized the former's guess.

"That's right! I want to compete with the Water Swordsman!"

She stood up and shook her fist in the air, but then sat back down as if she had thought of something.

"No, that guy hasn't come out recently. I can't find her at all."

"Then give her a reason to come out."

Stellius waved his right hand, and the figure of Yoshino, who was tinkering with something in the fantasy bookstore Five Rivers, appeared in the picture frame on the wall.

"I recently discovered that this child seems to be connected to the fantasy world. Isn't this a good bait?"

"Oh! I understand what you mean!"

Bister showed a ferocious smile and took out another blank alternative book from the void.

"If it is this woman, she can indeed lure the Water Swordsman out! After all, she is the second friend the Water Swordsman has made in the outside world!"

Thinking of this, Bister could no longer sit still and rushed out of Megiddo's stronghold. With her speed, she should be able to turn Yoshino into a new Megiddo soon.

Stellius looked at the closed door and muttered to himself.

"A second friend? It seems that Bister's memory is gradually beginning to recover. I must hurry up, Charybdis."

"Yes, Lord Stellius."

Putting down the last book in his hand, Charybdis jumped to his creation.

"Did you follow my instructions and secretly put the magic that enhances Bist's power into her body?"

"Yes! When we were working together, I put it in while Lord Bister was not paying attention. But I don't understand. Why should I hide it from Lord Bister?"

"Well, this friend of mine is too strong. If I gave her power directly, I would definitely refuse it on the grounds that she doesn't need any external objects. But after Woodman's death, Bister is one of the few people I have. My friend, the battle with the swordsman is extremely dangerous, I must find a way to help her."

"Wow! I'm so touched. Lord Stellius is really a man of love and justice!"

After being casually fooled by Stellius, Charybdis, who looked like a young black-haired girl, was moved to tears. She hugged Stellius' thigh and lamented that her creator was such a good Megiddo. He sensed something inappropriate in Stellius’s words.

Stellius just smiled and touched the other person's little head, but the smile was completely gone from his eyes.

"Don't worry, my friend Bister, your ending will definitely be beautiful and solemn."

The man's voice was so small that even Charybdis, who was Megiddo, couldn't hear it clearly. 】

Paramecium: Wow! This Stellius is so evil that he actually plans to backstab a teammate again!

Super high school level player: It’s so bad, prepare to stare at it with your eyes!

I have very few friends: Wait, do any of you remember that Tohka told someone that Yoshino was her second outside friend?

Cancer of the Earth: Huh? When you say this, it seems that Tohka has never said this to anyone else. She seems to have only said that Shiori was her first friend.

Dr. Jiwotou: Very similar appearance, sword skills of the same school, knowing memories that should not be known, no way, if my guess is correct, then Bister will be sad...

Pink dumpling: Did the boss understand again?

156: Rabbit Megiddo

[The next day, Shizhi woke up from the sofa after regaining consciousness. She tried to touch the wound on her back. She could no longer feel any pain on her back, which was as white as a newborn baby.

"Thank you, Mana-chan."

He found Mana reading comics nearby, and Shiori, who wanted to understand the situation, immediately thanked him.

"I wish I could help you, sister. Since you have woken up, I will go out."

"Going out?"

Looking at Mana putting down the comic, Shiori was a little confused. After all, the person in front of her was actually a super otaku. Give her enough comic books and she could sit there all day. She must have been in Avalon for a long time. Developed habits.

"Well, do you remember what I said before that my brother went to find the Holy Lord of Truth? Now that I know that the Lord of Truth is my enemy, I am a little worried about my brother's situation and want to check it out."

"Uncle Liusu, um, please be safe."

Thinking of the blue-haired uncle in flashy clothes, the kind-hearted Shiori also became a little worried. Mana nodded and turned into the lightsaber Saiko and flew away.

"Shizhi! You're awake!"

Not long after Mana left, Tohka walked in with a basin of hot water. She saw Shiori getting up and immediately stepped forward to check the situation.

"How's it going? Do you feel any pain anywhere in your body?"

"No, I'm much better now thanks to Mana."

"That's right, that's great."

Tohka breathed a sigh of relief, then took a few steps back and bowed deeply to Shiori.

"I'm very sorry! It's all because I didn't choose to trust everyone that I caused so many things. Although it's very shameless now, please allow me to fight side by side with you!"


Shizhi looked at the humble Tohka blankly and sighed helplessly.

"Lift your head, Tohka-chan, this is not your fault. The Sword of Truth is like home to you. It is normal for you to not believe what we say for a while."

"That's right."

At this time, Sophia and Miku, who had returned from reinforcing the barrier, also echoed.

"Blade Edge, you have done a great job. During my absence, you not only carried out your own will, but also brought us important information that the real enemy is the Holy Lord of Truth. You have no clue Doubt is an excellent swordsman."

"What are you still talking about now? You are such a clumsy junior."

Handing out the well-maintained water force sword Ryushui, Miku patted Tohka on the shoulder.

"You have been our companion for a long time, both in the past and now."


Tohka stood there and looked at everyone who was smiling at her. Warmth surged in her heart and tears began to well up in her eyes.

And just when the atmosphere was just right, Sophia suddenly seemed to feel something and cast her gaze on the crystal ball in the center of the room. Reflected on it was a rabbit-like Megiddo that was all white and decorated with green stripes. .

She was making a fuss in a densely populated area at the moment. She clearly had the appearance of a rabbit, but her big mouth full of fangs was split to the base of her ears, and she put on a terrifying smile. Her bright red eyes flickered as she fled in all directions. prey.

"Megiddo has appeared! Leave her to me!"

Infected by the friendliness of the swordsmen, Tohka was eager to make amends and rushed out without much thought, followed closely by Shiori. 】

"This Megiddo..."

Seeing the rabbit Megiddo wreaking havoc in the video, all the elves in the world turned their attention to Yoshino.

To be more precise, he turned his attention to Yoshino in Yoshino's hands.

There is no other reason. Although the appearance has changed from an animal form to a human-like form, the appearance of this rabbit Megiddo is too similar to Yoshino's angel "Ice Puppet", and this angel's body is Yoshina.

"Well, I didn't expect that I would appear as a villain, and Megiddo will replace the existence of the host, which means I will hurt Yoshino."

Rabbit's hand puppet lowered its hands as if it was hurt, and Yoshino, as a friend, immediately spoke out to comfort him.

"It's okay! Yoshina is different from the one in the video. She will always be my good friend!"

"That's right, don't take it to heart, I'm considered a villain in the video."

Kotori also agreed, and she was quite resentful about this.

"But Yoshino, doesn't it matter? Bister is obviously well prepared this time, and it might be dangerous."

"It doesn't matter."

Yoshino glanced at his friends.

"I believe that Miss Shiori and Miss Toka will definitely save me."

[Tohka, who felt the scene, immediately discovered the rabbit Megiddo who was wreaking havoc. She was spewing cold current from her mouth, covering everything she passed by with frost.

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