"Uncle, mother, father."

Gu Tian murmured to himself. For some reason, his heart, which had always been as cold as stone, suddenly felt a touch of warmth of family affection at this moment.

This was the first time in his two lives that he had felt this way.

In his last life, he had no father or mother, so he had to rely on himself to work hard and build a world.

At this moment, he could no longer resist, completely integrated with the memory of the original owner, and accepted everything about him.

"Now that I am reborn, I will never allow those tragedies to happen again."

Gu Tian's eyes were cold, he glanced at the arena, and put away the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Ring at his feet.

In the ring, the Sky Frost Goddess sighed quietly. The scene she least expected to see finally appeared.

In the ring, Ye Fan's figure had quietly disappeared and appeared at the back of the crowd, looking at Gu Tianjiang with resentful eyes as he put away the Sky-Swallowing Magic Ring.

Ye Fan's heart was bleeding.

This time, his loss was too huge.

Lin Qingxue and Chu Manxi were his huge support in the imperial capital, but they all fell into Gu Tian's clutches, and their life or death was unpredictable.

In particular, the Sky-Swallowing Magic Ring and the Sky Frost Goddess were the great support for his rise, but they were deceived by Gu Tian through his machinations.

"Gu Tian, ​​we are irreconcilable, I will cut you into pieces." Ye Fan's eyes were filled with hatred, and his gums drew blood from his bite, but he hurriedly left the scene for fear of being reminded of Gu Tian again.

Fortunately, he was just a nobody and Gu Tian didn't pay much attention to him, allowing him to take advantage of the chaos and leave.

"Sister Shuang, Qingxue, Teacher Chu, wait for me, I will rescue you soon."

But Ye Fan didn't know that every move he made fell into a cold pupil.

From the beginning to the end, he was the person Gu Tian paid most attention to, and there were strong men from the Gu family secretly monitoring his movements at all times.

"Congratulations to the host, you have plundered the important opportunity of the son of destiny and will be rewarded with 50,000 destiny points."

"Congratulations to the host. Ye Fan's luck has been severely damaged and his destiny has undergone tremendous changes. He will be rewarded with 30,000 destiny points."

"Congratulations to the host..."

The system's beeps kept ringing in Gu Tian's ears.

After a trip to Imperial College, I plundered more destiny points from Ye Fan than Lin Qingxue and Chen Mengran combined.

"This is just the beginning. You are my best tool for cultivating destiny points." Gu Tian's eyes were cold, he turned to look at Lin Qingxue, and suddenly smiled, making Lin Qingxue tremble all over, feeling the strong emotion in Gu Tian's eyes. A sense of violence.

The warm feeling just now seemed to be just an illusion.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered that the task Gu Tian had given her was to personally cut off Mark's head and hand it to him.

At this time, Lin Qingxue suddenly realized that she no longer seemed to be so resistant to cutting off Ye Fan's head with her own hands.

"Ye Fan, it was you who apologized to me first. For the sake of my father, sister and the Lin family, don't blame me."

Lin Qingxue gritted her teeth and suddenly said to Gu Tian: "Don't hurt the Lin family. I will take care of the things you told me now."

After saying that, Lin Qingxue planned to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, Lin Xiaoxue suddenly stopped Lin Qingxue and said softly: "Sister, let's meet at the same place tomorrow. I have something important to tell you."

Lin Qingxue was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Lin Xiaoxue would call her sister again. Has her sister forgive her? Everything seemed to be back to how it was before, and I was very moved. I nodded immediately, and then quickly followed Ye Fan's departure.

Sister, don’t worry, sister will never let you down.

Lin Qingxue became even more determined.

Ye Fan, you are unkind, don’t blame me for being unjust.

But she didn't notice the terrifying murderous intention deep in Lin Xiaoxue's beautiful eyes.

She didn't care if Lin Qingxue could take down Mark's head.

The moment Lin Qingxue assassinated Gu Tian, ​​it was destined that she and Gu Tian would never be able to go back to their past.

For the survival of the Lin family, Lin Qingxue must die.

"What will be the result if the daughter of destiny assassinates the son of destiny?" Gu Tian curled his lips slightly, looking forward to how many destiny points he would get by then.

As for whether Lin Qingxue could successfully assassinate Ye Fan, it was not within his scope of consideration.

In his eyes, these two people were nothing more than tools to increase their luck points. They were just the difference between dying early and dying late.

At this time, a white-haired old man with extraordinary temperament appeared on the ring. He looked at the bloody ring and sighed slightly.

If I had known this, why bother?

But at this time, Chu Manxi, who looked desperate, became excited and said: "Dean, Gu Tian is rebellious, hurting the instructor, and deposing Vice President Gu Ling, we must not let him go. "

When the dean comes, she will be saved.

After all, she was a member of the Imperial College, and the dean would never see her being taken away by Gu Tian.

"Student Gu Tian, ​​can you let her go for the sake of the relationship between Imperial College and the Gu family?" The white-haired old man looked at Gu Tian and asked.

Gu Tian's eyes were cold, and he looked at the old man. A cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and information about the white-haired old man immediately appeared in his mind.

The dean of Imperial College, Duan Mulei, was from the Duanmu family, one of the five founding families of the Federation.

In the original work, although this old man never dealt with the Gu family head-on and maintained a neutral attitude, he always cared for Ye Fan very much. The reason why Ye Fan was able to flourish as the protagonist and run rampant all the way was inseparable from him.

Even when Gu Ling later used the power of Imperial College to deal with the Gu family, leading to the tragic deaths of Gu Wudao and Chen Mengyun, he turned a blind eye.

Although he did not directly intervene, his contribution to the destruction of the Gu family was not small.

"Duanmu family, what role are you playing?" Gu Tian's eyes were cold. He knew many plots about the protagonist, but this world was too big and too complicated.

At least he couldn't see through the Duanmu family, one of the five founding families, for the time being.

Chen Mengyun and Chen Feng were members of the Duanmu family. The entire imperial family recognized this, and the Duanmu family themselves did not object to this.

But when Chen Mengyun was killed and the Gu family was destroyed, the Duanmu family did not react at all, and they did not have much interaction with Ye Fan, making them appear extremely mysterious.

But Gu Tian can at least be certain for the time being that the Duanmu family, even if they are not serious enemies, is definitely not friendly to the Gu family, or to his mother.

Even her attitude towards him was definitely unfriendly.

As the heir to the Gu family, after he came to the academy, he faced various provocations. Even people like Chu Manxi and Gu Ling stood up, but there was no reaction from the Imperial Academy.

This in itself is a very strange situation.

The Imperial College headed by Dean Duan Mulei seemed to be happy to see him suppressed, humiliated, or even die directly in the Imperial College.

"I want to see what kind of medicine is sold in your Duanmu family's gourd." Gu Tian's eyes were cold.


Gu Tian looked at Duan Mulei with cold eyes, and suddenly said in a cold voice: "I don't think there is any connection between the Gu family and Imperial College, but there is a lot of hatred."

"As the heir to the Gu family, I have been suppressed one after another after I came to Imperial College. Dean Duanmulei, have you figured out how to deal with my Gu family?"


Many students took a breath of air.

As the saying goes, you can't reach out to hit someone with a smiling face, but this Gu Tian didn't even give him the respect of the dean.

You must know that Duan Mulei has been the dean of the Imperial College for two hundred years, and has trained countless super powerful human beings and high-level federal officials.

Even Gu Wudao and Chen Mengyun came from Imperial College. According to their seniority, they also have a teacher-student relationship with Duan Mulei.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Duanmulei as having peaches and plums all over the sky.

Even the super wealthy clan who are not on good terms with the Duanmu family will choose to give Duanmulei some face. It can be imagined that Duanmulei has great face and has a high status in the human race.

The words "young and frivolous" don't seem to be enough to describe Gu Tian's behavior.

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