Rong Liyuan smiled and said nothing, obviously he didn't take the girl's words to heart.

He carried her into the car, then bent down and carefully fastened her seat belt.

Mu Changying muttered with pink lips, "A Yuan, didn't you say rest? Where are you going?"

Seeing this, the corner of the man's mouth slightly raised a slight arc.

Holding the steering wheel, he reversed the car and left the manor, "Hey, let's go back to the mansion."

This is her first visit to the manor, and she may feel uncomfortable if she stays there.

His girl is very delicate, what should I do if I can't sleep in bed?

Besides...he has to deal with some things in the manor later, if she hears it, it will frighten her.


The car drove into the majestic Rong mansion.

Mu Changying unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door and was about to get out of the car when his body suddenly rose into the air.

Rong Liyuan hugged her into his arms, and walked towards the house briskly.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw a familiar figure.

After staying in MG for a while, Rong Shichu immediately went to the hospital to treat his wound.

Fortunately, the injury was not serious, so I prescribed some abrasion medicine and went home.

After the housekeeper told him that the second master and his wife would not be coming back tonight, he felt extremely relieved.

The feeling of being suppressed by that little slut Mu Changying before was really bad, and my heart was in a panic.

When Rong Shichu heard the movement, he quickly stood up from the sofa, "Dad...Mom...why are you back?"

The girl snuggled into the man's broad arms, raised her eyes and glanced lightly at the boy opposite.

Seeing the wound he had treated, there was a slight sneer in his eyes.

"Son, if I remember correctly, this is also my home. Why do I and your dad need to report to you when we get home?"

Faced with these unkind words, Rong Shichu's body stiffened slightly, and the fear of being dominated by her surfaced in his heart.

"As a son, remember to abide by your duty."

Rong Liyuan didn't even look at this son who was inherited from a side branch, and walked upstairs with Mu Changying in his arms.

The IQ of this cheap son is getting lower and lower. It seems that he needs to find some training teachers to teach him.

Rong Shichu's throat was sore, "Yes, my son remembered."

For this father, he envied him with shameless jealousy at the same time.

Rong Liyuan was too good, completely covering his light.

When outsiders talk about him, the first thing that comes to mind is that he is the crown prince of the Rong family.


Mu Changying frowned slightly, stretched out her small hands and pinched her delicate cheeks, "Ah Yuan, it seems that our son is not very good~"

Although Rong Shichu is an offshoot of the Rong family, it has been too many generations, and he has not inherited the super high IQ gene of the Rong family at all.

Rong Liyuan's eyes were calm, "If you don't like it, I will drive him out to live in."

The man's voice was hoarse, low and careless, as if he was talking about a very minor matter.

"Is this the legendary saying that if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather?"

"Yingbao, you are wrong. I am not his real father, and you are not his stepmother."

This is the only true love in his life, how can he casually call him "stepmother"?

Besides, he was only twenty-six, but he couldn't give birth to an eighteen-year-old son.

"You are his justifiable mother. If he can't tolerate you, why should I tolerate him?"

His girl deserves to enjoy the best in this world, and no one can slander her, including him!

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